- What is Forth?
- Highly factored code
- Definitions
- Stacks (required to support definitions)
- What is a definition?
- : SOME .... ;
- an abbreviation
- should never have more than 1-2 arguments
- stack should never be more than 3-4 deep
- Current incarnation of a definition is to make it red
- SOME ....
- MORE .... ;
- Colors
- black means execute
- red means define
- green means compile
- Words to manipulate stack
- People who draw stack diagrams are doing something wrong
- Conditionals
- IF ELSE THEN (classic forth)
- Else isn't worth the complexity
- IF ... ; THEN
- Loops
- DO .. LOOP ( 2 parameters and just too complicated )
- FOR .. NEXT ( 1 parameter, good for hardware implementation )
- BEGIN .. UNTIL ( variable num params )
- WORD: ... IF ... WORD ; THEN ... ; ( seems to be adequate )
- Needs recursive definitions, no smudge
- Tail recursion
- Block
- Used to access a region of disk
- Now accesses a region of memory
- BLOCK 1024 * ;
- More than the formalism
- Every application out there has ten times as much code as necessary
- How large should the TCP/IP stack be?
- How to make programs small
- No hooks
- Don't complexify
- 10x code = 10x cost = 10x bugs = 10x maintenance
- 1x - factor factor factor
- Find the hundred words that can solve the problem
- Write a one line solution
- E.g. Files
- Open
- Close
- Read
- Write
- Don't need the complexity
- General solution isn't required
- Lose patience with small characters
- Only put so much on each slide
- 20x14 that's enough
- Formatted end up with a wall of red on the left
- Machine Forth
- IF ( leaves argument on the stack, avoid ?dup )
- -IF ( tests for the sign bit )
- @+ ( increment fetch )
- ( one's complement )
- DO..LOOP vs @+
- A acts like a local variable
- Don't use local variables
- If you run out of things to do, write a web browser