This package is part of ROS/IOP Bridge.
Request map from CostMap2D and publish the occupancy grid with tf to ROS.
tf_frame_odom (str, Default: "odom")
Defines the odometry frame id.
tf_frame_costmap (str, Default: "costmap")
Defines the map frame id.
hz (int Default: 1.0)
Sets how often the reports are requested. If use_queries is
hz must be greather then 0. In this case each time aQuery
message is sent to get a report. Ifuse_queries
an event is created to get Reports. In this case 0 disables the rate and an event of typeon_change
will be created.
costmap (nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid)
Map reported from CostMap2D service.
tf_frame_odom -> tf_frame_costmap