Releases: FixBD/Educare
Educare 1.4.8
Educare 1.4.5
Stable - Security Release
- Enhanced security measures.
- It is crucial to update Educare to version 1.4.5 immediately.
- Please see the changelog v1.4.4 for list of previous updates.
Note: Sometimes users may need to clear browsing data to load the updated script (After update).
Educare 1.4.4
Stable - Security Release
- Update Educare to v1.4.4 (and above): Please make sure to update your Educare plugin to version 1.4.4 or higher as soon as possible.
- Added nonce to improve form security.
- Fixed Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) issues.
- Removed unnecessary code to enhance performance and security.
- Eliminated inline JavaScript to improve security measures.
- Addressed well-known bugs to ensure smoother functionality.
Notes: Update includes security improvements and bug fixes: The latest version of Educare comes with important security enhancements and fixes for any known issues. Please update to this version to ensure a safer and smoother experience with the plugin. Sometimes users may need to clear browsing data to load the updated script correctly.
Educare 1.4.3
- Fixed marks publish issues (publish but not showing on front-end and all resuls list)
- Also, Fixed mark sheed seems it is not working. Moreover, the work independently
- Fixed Changed default field not appearing in Head of table when add marks
- Improve mark sheed save or publishing system
- Improve action link button selecting uses
- fixed well-known bugs
Educare 1.4.2
- We Have Launched Educare Premium Edition
- Fixed the Invalid JSON Error, while you’re working on educare result shortcode in the WordPress Block Editor.
- Corrected misspelling of 'Inter' to 'Enter'.
- Fixed student not found issue while add marks
- Fixed marks publishing issues
- Fixed print issues
- Also fixed well-known bugs and error
Educare 1.4.1
Stable - Security Release
- I am happy to announce that Educare v1.4.1 has been released. This update brings a lot of security and bug fixes to the front-end.
- Update your Educare to v1.4.1 as soon as possible.
- Now It is possible to block Brute Force attacks
- More Improvement to prevent SQL injection
- Fixed all well khown bugs
- Fixed front-end result table text overflow issues
Apart from that we've brought a new features too:
- Added Google Re-Captcha
- By default it is (disabled).
- You can find these options in WP Dashboard > Educare > Settings > Security
- You need to enter/paste your google Recaptcha V2 site or secret key.
Notes: Please update your Educare to v1.4.1 as soon as possible to prevent hacker attacks! And don't forget to enable Google Re-Captcha options from educare settings.
Educare 1.4.0
- Added group system
- Now admin can add group wise subject
- Added students performance and promote system
- Added management option in admin dashboard
- Added auto fill option in add/update results forms
- Everything is Ajax compatibility (Back-End and Front-End)
- Fixed GPS issues in front-end
- Improve students profiles
- Improve add marks system
- Improve import demo
- Performance improved
- Improve UI
Educare 1.3.0
- Back-End
- [Add Results] Fixed showing the nearest value issue in GPA
- [View Results] You can view (15) results on page load
- Increse students/results per page number
Educare 1.2.9
- (Front-End) Results Not Found Issues Fixed
Educare 1.2.8
- Update issues fixed
- Educare database update required message issue has been resolved
- Improved all student menu
- Fixed some bugs
Please note: If you see database update required message, Just click update button. This is an most stable version of Educare. If you face any problem (any bugs issues), please inform us.