Here are presented the different commands managed by the command mode into the terminal instance, and also available from the monitoring Websocket through a client (Web client...).
Support of monitoring client is not realized at this time.
Each of the available commands are detailed with theirs arguments. Some commands are general, having a global effects, some are more specific, some others are related to a trade, a trade operation or a strategy region.
You should use the TAB key for auto-complete the arguments, it completes most of the arguments.
:help (command)
or :h
This command is only available from the SiiS terminal.
Without extra argument it displays the help instructions and the list of commands.
If an argument is provided it must be one of the listed command. It will display a detailed help for the specific command.
or :u
Display the contextual user help.
:alias F(X) (command)
or :@ F(X) (command)
Allow to create a command alias mapped to one of the F1-F24 keys.
(X) must be replaced by a number from 1 to 24, and (command) by the text that will be copied when pressing the F(X) key.
Example :
:alias F5 close my-strategy-name BTCUSD
Each time you press F5 a new command will be inserted with close my-strategy-name BTCUSD, then you can validate pressing the enter key.
Note that you can create incomplete alias like :
:alias F5 long my-strategy-name
Then you could complete with the name of the pair of others arguments.
:alias F(X)
or :^ F(X)
Delete a previously created alias, see Alias command.
:play (strategy|notifiers) (identifier) (market)
Allow enabling (play) either a strategy or a notifier or a specific strategy market.
The first argument is mandatory and must be apps for strategy/appliance or notifiers for a notifier. If no others arguments are provided then all the strategy/appliance or notifiers will be enabled (if previously disabled).
If a strategy/appliance identifier arguments is defined then it will activate all the markets of it. If a market is specified it will only activate this specific market.
If a notifier identifier argument is defined then only this notifier is activated.
:pause (strategy|notifiers) (identifier) (market)
Allow disabling either a strategy/appliance or a notifier.
The first argument is mandatory and must be apps for strategy/appliance or notifiers for a notifier. If no others arguments are provided then all the strategy/appliance or notifiers will be disbled (if previously enabled).
If a strategy/appliance identifier arguments is defined then it will pause all the markets of it. If a market is specified it will only pause this specific market.
If a notifier identifier argument is defined then only this notifier is paused.
:info (strategy|notifiers) (identifier) (market)
Returns the state either of strategies/appliances or of notifiers.
As with Play and Pause command it take the same arguments.
For notifiers, it displays the activity status. For strategies, it displays the activity per market status, and the default trade amount/quantity/lot-size.
This command refers to a market of a strategy/appliance.
:long (appliance) (market) (L@X) (T@X) (SL@X) (TP@X) (\*quantity-rate%) (\'timeframe) (/entry-timeout) (xleverage)
:L ...
Manually create a new trade in LONG/BUY direction for a specific strategy/appliance and market.
Mandatory parameters are strategy/appliance and market. Others are optional and are :
- L@X means limit at value X (example L@1.14)
- T@X either L@X or T@X, means entry trigger stop in place of a limit order (example T@1.15)
- SL@X means stop-loss taker at value X (example SL@1.12)
- TP@X means take-profit maker at value X (example TP@1.18)
- 'timeframe defined the timeframe of the trade, manually will have no effect, but it could be usefull for you, it must be one of the predefined timeframe values
- /entry-timeout Expiration timeout of the entry if the trade entry is not fully executed after this delay, it must be one of the predefined timeframe values
- *quantity-rate Defined a size/amount factor from the predefined value (example x2.0 will double the default size, x0.5 will reduce by half)
- quantity-rate% Defined a size/amount factor from the predefined value in percent (example 200% will double the default size, 50% will reduce by half)
- x leverage Defined the Leverage of the trade in case of individual position leverage (rare case) (example x5 will define the leverage to 5)
If neither of L@X and T@X are defined then the order is executed on market as taker, according to the order-book. If no timeframe is defined the default is 4h.
If no stop-loss or take-profit are defined there will be none of them, but the strategy/appaliance could auto-compute them for you. Some strategy managed partially or totally the manual user trade, some others will no interfere with user trade.
Example :
:long my-btc-strat BTCUSD L@8600 SL@8000 TP@9400 200% '4h /1d
will create a long order with 200% of the configured quantity, enter at limit price of 8600$, place a stop-loss taker order at 8000$ and a take profit maker order at 9400$. The trade will be auto-canceled if the limit price is not reached after 1 day, and the timeframe of the trade is 4 hour.
This command refers to a market of a strategy/appliance.
:short (appliance) (market) (L@X) (T@X) (SL@X) (TP@X) (\*quantity-rate%) (\'timeframe) (/entry-timeout) (xleverage)
:S ...
Manually create a new trade in SHORT/SELL direction for a specific strategy/appliance and market.
Mandatory parameters are strategy/appliance and market. Others are optionnals and are described into the long command.
If neither of L@X and T@X are defined then the order is executed on market as taker, according to the order-book.
Example :
:short my-forex-strat EURUSD L@1.15 SL@1.16 TP@1.14
will create a short order, enter at limit price of 1.15$, place a stop-loss taker order at 1.16$ and a take profit maker order at 1.14$. The trade will be never auto-canceled, and the timeframe of the trade is default to 4 hour.
This command refers to a market of a strategy/appliance and an existing trade.
:close (appliance) (market) (trade)
or :C (appliance) (market) (trade)
Manually close at market a valid trade for a specific strategy/appliance and market.
Mandatory parameters are strategy/appliance, market and trade identifier.
The identifier of a trade is a number, listed from the trade view.
If the trade is not active (meaning no entered partially or fully) it will cancel the related entering order(s). If the trade is active it sends a close market order to the broker.
This command refers to a market of a strategy/appliance and an existing trade.
:clean (appliance) (market) (trade)
or :CT (appliance) (market) (trade)
Manually force the clean an trade entry for a specific strategy/appliance and market.
Mandatory parameters are strategy/appliance, market and trade identifier.
The identifier of a trade is a number, listed from the trade view.
This command will not close the position, neither sell the previously bought assets quantity. There is two usages of this command :
- Remove a trade because we want the bot let go, and get manual control from the broker tool. Then all related exit order are canceled, and the remaining entering order (if not fully filled) is canceled too.
- Remove a trade that is no longer existing, if there is a synchronization issue, or internal failure management, and then this will force the remove the undesirable trade entry.
In some case the issue could be related to a persistent trade that is reloaded after restarting the bot but the tests let it pass, or if the retrieved asset quantity does not correspond (slightly) to the realized quantity.
This command refers to a market of a strategy/appliance.
:setquantity (appliance) (market) (quantity)
or :SETQTY (appliance) (market) (quantity)
With info command it is possible to look how much amount/quantity/lot-size are ordered at each trade creation. This value is not dynamically modified at this time, and you would increase/decrease it sometimes, depending of the risk you want and of the previous profits.
All arguments are mandatory.
The quantity parameters is either an amount of the asset or a contract size, or a lot size, it depend of the type of the instrument.
This command refers to a market of a strategy/appliance and an existing trade.
:stop-loss (appliance) (market) (trade) (price) (force)
or :SL (appliance) (market) (trade) (price) (force)
Changes or defines a stop-loss target for a specific trade.
All parameters are mandatory excepted (force).
The behavior will depend on the strategy/appliance, but without using the force argument the trigger will be executed locally by SiiS, no reduce-order will be placed/modified, no position will be amended.
Using force argument it will create the stop-market reduce-order for the trade, or modify the stop-loss price if it is a position.
Some strategies could modify dynamically the stop-loss target, locally or on broker side, then some strategies could override used defined value, some others will detect the user intention and will not interfere with user manual changes.
Example :
:SL my-strat BTCUSD 2 86000 force
will modify the stop-loss price of the trade 2 to 8600$ and force to do it on broker side.
This command refers to a market of a strategy/appliance and an existing trade.
:take-profit (appliance) (market) (trade) (price) (force)
or :TP (appliance) (market) (trade) (price) (force)
Changes or defines a take-profit target for a specific trade.
All parameters are mandatory excepted (force).
The behavior will depend on the strategy/appliance, but without using the force argument the trigger will be executed locally by SiiS, no reduce-order will be placed/modified, no position will be amended.
Using force argument it will create the limit-postonly reduce-order for the trade, or modify the take-profit price if it is a position.
Some strategies could modify dynamically the stop-loss target, locally or on broker side, then some strategies could override used defined value, some others will detect the user intention and will not interfere with user manual changes.
Example :
:TP my-strat BTCUSD 2 10000
will modify the take-profit price of the trade 2 to 10000$. The order will be locally manage, it will not modify directly the order on the broker, but depending on the strategy, it could detect the user change and decide to apply it on the broker side, or the strategy could override later this value, or other strategy could then disable its automated management, and no longer modify take-profit and stop-loss targets.
This command refers to a market of a strategy/appliance and an existing quantity/position.
:assign (appliance) (market) (EP@X) (SL@X) (TP@X) (\'timeframe) (quantity) (position)
:AS ...
Imagine you have an existing position or a quantity of an asset, and you want to manage it from SiiS, then with assign command you can refer this position/asset-quantity and create a trade on it, then the strategy/appliance will be able to manage, or you could add some trade operation on it, and visualize the P/L.
Note, for now only asset quantity could be assigned (development need for position assign).
All parameters are mandatory excepted ('timeframe) and depending of the case (quantity) or (position).
Example :
:assign my-btc-strat BTCUSDT EP@8600 SL@8000 TP@9400 0.1 '4h
will assign 0.1 BTC to a trade, assuming the entry-price was 8600$. It will define the stop-loss and take-profits orders too.
You should make attention about exit orders, you could have to delete your previous order before, else it will not able to look for free asset quantity.
This is an advanced feature, you have to know what you do before using it, and knowing how the strategy will integers with the trade.
This command refers to a market of a strategy/appliance and a valid timeframe.
:chart (appliance) (market) (timeframe)
or :V (appliance) (market) (timeframe)
It opens a new window with a matplotlib chart, as dynamic as possible, for the selected timeframe. Note this feature is only for dev/testing only, the charting client is very primitive and could have some bugs. The future monitoring WebClient will offer more user-friendly and powerful charting feature.
or :s
Force saving now all strategies/appliances states and existing trades. This operation is done automatically at program exit.
This command refers to a trading operation of an existing trade.
:step-stop-loss (appliance) (market) (trade) (trigger-price) (stop-price)
or :SSL ...
More information about trade operations.
Add an operation on an existing trade, to modify the stop-loss order/price once it reaches a specified trigger price. In others words, each time the price move and reach a fixed better price it will modify the stop-loss price to a specified value.
Example :
:DSL my-btc-strat BTCUSDT 1 9000 8600
The price of BTCUSDT reach 9000$, then the operation modify the stop-loss price to 8600$. Once executed the operation is deleted.
You can add many step-stop-loss operation, at different level, then you could progressively secure your trade during the pump.
This command refers to a trading operation of an existing trade.
:del (appliance) (market) (trade) (operation)
or :D ...
More information about trade operations.
Delete an existing operation on an existing trade.
Trade and operation arguments are integer values. Once deleted an operation can be recreated.
:trade (appliance) (market) (trade)
or :T (appliance) (market) (trade)
This command refers to a market of a strategy/appliance and an existing trade.
Returns the list of the defined operation on a specific trade. You can remove them using the Remove Operation.
This command refers to a strategy.
More information about strategy/appliance regions.
This command refers to a strategy.
More information about strategy/appliance regions.
This command refers to an existing region of a strategy.
More information about strategy/appliance regions.
@todo alerts, global commands ...