There is three sort of commands :
- On the terminal shell: command line arguments,
- During the program terminal instance :
- Default mode,
- Command mode.
To start SiiS bot, you must from the command line interpreter (bash, sh, command.exe...), type the command line.
python <identity> [--help, --options...]
- python is the interpreter that will execute the program
- is the main program entry point
- <identity> must be replaced by the name of a configured identity
- Some options must be defined depending on your goal
Those options are explained into the general
Once started you could exit the bot using the command :quit followed by the ENTER key.
There is a default mode, with some keys that are bound to some functions like changing the view, table ordering or grouping, formatting and navigation :
- Upper case letters (capitals) are used to change the active view
- A for account detail view (total asset value, margin, margin level...)
- B for active alerts view
- C to clear the content of the debug or console views
- D for debug log view
- F for actives and pending trades view
- I for console log view
- M for market details view
- N for signal view
- O for order view
- P for performance view
- Q for asset details view (free, locked, total quantity, average entry price...)
- R for actives regions view
- S for history trades view
- T for market ticker view (bid, ask, mid, spread), 24h volume, last traded price...)
- W for triggered alerts view
- X for actives positions view
- Z for strategy-traders stats per market view
- Navigation keys (h,j,k,l), arrows, page-up, page-down, home, end, plus(+), minus(-)
- Formatting keys (comma(,), semicolon(;), ! and %)
- Alias keys : F1 to F12
- Desktop notifier shortcut (a,n)
- colon(:) key to activate the command mode
- ENTER key to validate a typed command
- ESCape key to cancel a currently typed command
The command mode begin when you tip a colon ":" character. Press ESCape key to cancel.
In default mode, global functions are accessible through direct keys :
- Changing the active view
- Clearing the console or signal or debug view content
- Toggle on the desktop notifier (popup and audio alerts)
- Formatting options
- Navigation trough tables and markets
- Global state
More specifics functions are obtained using the command mode :
- Create, modify, close or cancel trades
- Getting information, modify some parameters
- Create, modify, remove some alerts
- Create, modify, remove some trading region
- Charting (deprecated)
- Setting, unsetting command aliases
- ...
There are different views, accessible using actions keys. On a view you can use the page-up and page-down keys to scroll per page, or using a Shift+(Arrow-key) (left and right scroll by 1 column, up and down by 1 row).
The Shift+Page-Up and Shift+Page-Down allow to change the displayed strategy appliance.
The h,j,k and l key in default modes acts like the Shift+(Arrow-key). Some SSH client does not correctly map Shit+(Arrow-key), then it is a useful alternative.
There are multiples regions :
The 4 rows area at the bottom of the screen, upside of the notifier and the command line, defined the content message view.
All important message goes here, like a disconnection, or a major error.
Unused, but reserved for later usage, like to display the order book. It is disabled for now.
This is the initially displayed view, accessible through the Shift+I shortcut. All logged message goes to this view, you can scroll using shift+arrow and page-up/down keys.
By default, it always auto-scroll to the last message.
Errors, warning, message, results of an interactive command goes here.
You can clear its content using Shift+C shortcut.
This is where the developer debug message goes, accessible through the Shift+D shortcut. All logged message goes to this view, you can scroll using shift+arrow and page-up/down keys.
By default, it always auto-scroll to the last message.
This is a special view, normally only using on development stage of a strategy.
You can clear its content using Shift+C shortcut.
This is where the generated strategies/appliances signals goes, accessible through the Shift+N shortcut.
- Generated signal or trade are caught by this view, the last 200 only are visible.
- Each signal has a hash color
- The order is from oldest to the most recent
- The comma key ',' allow grouping signal entry and exit
This display the status and details of the markets, accessible through the Shift+M shortcut.
This display tickers of the markets, accessible through the Shift+T shortcut.
This display accounts details like balance, margins, unrealized P/L are visibles, accessible through the Shift+A shortcut.
This display assets balances, free, locked, total, unrealized P/L are visibles, accessible through the Shift+Q shortcut.
This display current active, valid or pending trades for the current strategy, accessible through the Shift+F shortcut.
The current displayed strategy/appliance can be switched using the Shift+Page-Up/Page-Down shortcuts.
This display history of realized trades for the current strategy, accessible through the Shift+S shortcut.
The current displayed strategy/appliance can be switched using the Shift+Page-Up/Page-Down shortcuts.
This display sums of the different trades per market and the total for the current strategy, accessible through the Shift+P shortcut.
The current displayed strategy/appliance can be switched using the Shift+Page-Up/Page-Down shortcuts.
Order book goes to the right pane.
To toggle the display of the order book use the Shift+B shortcut.
The current displayed strategy/appliance can be switched using the Shift+Page-Up/Page-Down shortcuts. The current displayed market can be switched using the +/- shortcuts.
Each strategy-trader have some states, the ideas is to allow any strategy to display some living data, helping the creation of a strategy, or helping to understand the state of some signals and indicators.
The current displayed strategy-trader can be switched using the Shift+Page-Up/Page-Down shortcuts. The current displayed market can be switched using the +/- shortcuts.