The goal of the project was to create a user defined interactive shell program that could create and manage new processes. The shell is able to create a process out of a system program like emacs, vi or any user-defined executable.
- The shell supports semi-colon separated list of commands. Commands can be executed with or without arguments.
- The shell supports the '&' operator which lets a program run in background after printing the process id of the newly created process.
- On execution of the shell, a prompt of the form "<username@system_name:curr_dir>" is displayed.
- The shell supports input/output redirection and piping.
- The shell also supports the following manually defined commands - a.) jobs - prints a list of all currently running background process along with their pids in order of their creation b.) kjob - takes the job id of a running job and sends mentioned signal value to that job c.) fg - brings the background job with the given job number to foreground d.) killallbg - kills all background processes e.) quit or CTRL + D - exits the shell f.) CTRL + Z - changes the status of currently running foreground processes to stop, pushes it to background and resumes its execution g.) CTRL + C - kills all running processes