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An updater used to automatically handle installing and updating the various FAES-based tools.


Directly using the FAES-Updater executable is not needed, or recommended.

The tool will be downloaded, executed and deleted automatically by the FAES-based tools to ensure they are automatically updated.

FAES-Updater can be used by advanced users manually to download FAES tools automatically or to force update tools. This requires use of the various launch arguments available in FAES-Updater.

Launch Arguments

  • --branch <stable/beta/dev>: Sets the release branch used when downloading the FAES tool(s) (Defaults to 'stable')
  • --tool <faes/faes_gui/faes_cli/faes_legacy>: Sets which tool should be installed (Defaults to 'faes_gui')
  • --version <version>: Sets the version of the FAES tool(s) to be installed (Defaults to 'latest')
  • --silent: Toggles whether the installation should be perfored silently (Hide console window)
  • --run: Toggles whether the FAES tool will be automatically executed after install
  • --delay <time(MS)>: Sets installation delay to give time for the host application to be exited
  • --preserveself: Disables self-deletion of FAES-Updater.exe after the installation process is completed
  • --dir <path>: Sets the install path for the FAES tool(s)
  • --fastmode: Uses multithreading where possible (currently only used installing the suite)
  • --suite: Installs all the latest FAES-powered tools (FileAES, FileAES-Legacy and FileAES-CLI) for the requested branch
  • --fullinstall: Toggles whether the FAES tool(s) are going to be installed in 'full-install' mode (currently not supported)
  • --portable: Toggles whether the FAES tool(s) are going to be installed in 'portable' mode (Used by default)
  • --verbose: Enables verbose logging. This verbosely shows what the updater is doing.
  • --faeslib <both/netf/netc>: Sets whether the NET4.5 version, NETCore2.1 version or both versions of FAES should be installed
  • --netcore: Sets that the NetCore2.1 version of FAES should be installed
  • --netframework: Sets that the NET4.5 version of FAES should be installed
  • --pure: Disables the writing of extra files during installation

Single-Tool Install Example:

FAES-Updater.exe --tool faes_legacy --branch beta --version latest --dir "InstallPath"
Will install the latest build of FileAES-Legacy in either the stable or beta branch (depending on which is newer) to the '/InstallPath' directory.

Suite Install Example:

FAES-Updater.exe --suite --branch dev --version latest --dir "InstallPath"
Will install the latest build of FileAES, FileAES-Legacy and FileAES-CLI in either the stable, beta or dev branch (depending on which is newer) to the '/InstallPath' directory.