Releases: fiiiiilth/BeakedTheCultist-StS
Fixes and stuff
- Fixed crash with Mimic Machine.
- Fixed BleedPower not working.
- Added attack effect for Taskmaster's Torture.
- Sentries Pulse no longer removes UnawakenedPower (as removing it does nothing).
Week 46 and more!
Updated to week 46.
New card(s) and accompanying powers/actions:
Know Thy Foe:
- Book's Flurry
- Head's Impatience
- Lagavulin's Ferocity
- Leader's Execution
- Nemesis' Slickness
- Nob's Rage
- Sentries Pulse
- Taskmaster's Torture
- Walker's Fury
New potion: Ritual Potion
- Huntress/Machine/Warrior Spirit now interact with Awakened Form properly (IE gives negative Strength if the card's cost is negative).
- Added a bit of extra delay to Crazy Rituals to hopefully make it easier to follow.
- Easter egg no longer uses TalkAction/SFXAction and shouldn't slow down card use anymore.
Awakened Form please
- Playing X-cost or Unplayable cards no longer gives you free energy.
- Card previews like in the Warrior mod no longer crash the game.
Crazy Rituals & Awakened Form bugfixes
Card Changes:
- Brace now triggers from any type of card, instead of just Skills.
- Resilience now gives 2 Artifact instead of 1.
- Struggle changed; now deals 4(5) damage per other card in hand, and ends your turn.
- Crazy Rituals plays one card at a time now, with less delay.
- Cheeky Tricks renamed to Deep Focus.
- Crazy Rituals reworded to clarify that you are playing a card.
- Awakened Form power now shows purple energy orb.
- Tucking Feathers now affected by Block modifiers.
- Awakened Form no longer applies twice.
- Crazy Rituals no longer shuts down when a card it generates can't be played.
- Crazy Rituals cards no longer target dead enemies.
- Infinite Spire's black cards should be playable from Crazy Rituals now.
Week 45 Fixes
This update is mostly just fixes for Weekly Patch 45, which broke all the things, as well as some ReverseWither fixes. More fixes and content soon.
- Reverse Withering campfire option can now be canceled.
- Fixed "shadow" card caused by Reverse Withering.
- Grammatical error fixed.
Quality of Life Update
- Added ability to disable Giant Parasite boss in Config menu.
Card Changes:
- Stunning Blow now has Wither 3(2).
- Sacrifice now grants +3 Max HP on kill, instead of Strength.
- Struggle now requires all other cards in hand to be Unplayable.
- Awakened Form now properly discounts cards when Confused.
- Crazy Rituals can no longer summon Hubris' Curse cards.
- Crazy Rituals will not crash when using the Servant mod.
- Player no longer starts next run underground after dying while in flight.
- Desperate Swing and Overpower reworded, now show exact damage.
- Full House now pluralizes correctly.
- Negation power now flashes when you use a Wither card.
- Super Parasite renamed to Giant Parasite.
- Wild Instinct labeled as Unplayable.
- Added keyword tips for Regret and Entangled.
- Crazy Rituals now displays more cards onscreen, and waits for less time, when you have many stacks of it.
- Credits formatting.
- Updated credits. If you contributed and don't see your name there, please let us know!
Nothing new content-wise, but we have to make a new version number so the auto update works.
Updated the credits with the designers and artists from Rhapsody's community. Sincere apologies for not doing this earlier, we definitely want to recognize everyone that made this mod possible!
If you contributed to the mod and would like to be added, please let us know in the Beaked channel on Discord.
Week 43
New Cards:
- Mimic Warrior/Huntress/Machine: Add a random card from another class to your hand.
- Crazy Rituals: Play ANY random card effect (even from other mods!) each turn.
- Ritual of Body: One of your Rituals grants Plated Armor each turn instead of Strength.
- New option in the Mods -> Config menu: Replace 2 of your starting Ceremony cards with Crazy Rituals.
- Card values that will Wither are now displayed in light purple.
Bugfixes and minor updates
- "Lose ALL Strength" effects are now blocked by Artifact as intended.
- Sacrifice no longer heals half-dead enemies like Darklings or Awakened One.
- Roost no longer consumes more energy than it says.
- Awakened Form self-cost-reduction now caps at 5 boss kills (endless mode).
- Maddening Murmurs+ gets a unique power icon.
- Replenish card wording: "Withered" -> "Wither"
- Added changelog in the MTS launcher for easy reference.
Update for Week 42
Added ~15 new cards, bringing the total to 75.
You now have the ability to fully replenish a Wither card at campfires.
Cards now have (base-game) art, plus some other small visual updates and bugfixes.
The Beaked now has 75 cards, 4 relics, and a unique campfire option that enables its main mechanic, so we're adding it to the list of known mods as a "complete" character.
There are still 30+ more cards, 10+ more relics, and a bunch of other content in the works, which will be added over the coming weeks. Stay tuned!