28-March-2017 : A newer, better GateSentry's here. This version will soon be Deprecated, in favor of this one.
GateSentry is a complete Web Filtering suite for the Raspberry Pi that supports both HTTP and HTTPS filtering. It can be downloaded and used as simply as a SD-CARD image .
- SSL Filtering
- File Download restriction based upon MIME types
- Phrase based content restriction
- Individual Site blocking
- Ad Blocking
- Switch Internet access on or off.
- Updated Squid
- Support for all Raspberry Pi boards upto Raspberry Pi 3
- Built in Wifi Access point for the Pi3
- Sets up proxy automatically on clients using WPAD, works out of the Box on the Pi3 and Pi2 (if * your Wifi Device is supported)
- Support for OTA updates
- Its Free!
1 - Main Screen 2 - Change built-in Wifi name and password 3 - Disable Internet access for Wifi Clients 4 - Edit Filters
Even though GateSentry comes with its own certificate, for security purposes you're encouraged to generate your own. Here's how:
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days XXX
GateSentry is powered by:
- Squid3 compiled with sslbump
- Dansguardian for http filtering
- GateSentry's ICAP server for https filtering
- PHP5 and Sqlite powered by Laravel (for the Administration panel)
####ICAP Server GateSentry's source uses the Python 2.7 interpreter.
To Run:
python icap_server.py [path of .cfg file here]
python icap_server.py icap_server.cfg
The admin panel is powered by Laravel, so you'll need a webserver to run it. On the Raspberry Pi GateSentry uses Lighttpd to serve the administration panel.
Just provide the following path as your document Root to Lighttpd:
GateSentry uses Squid3 with -sslbump enabled. GateSentry's Squid3 config file can be found in the Squid3 labelled folder of this repo.
Config file available in the repo.
###Running GateSentry
Once everything is in place (Squid3, Dansguardian, GateSentry's ICAP server and the Lighttpd). Start services in the following order :
- Lighttpd
- Squid3
- Dansguardian
- GateSentry