Releases: fhoeben/hsac-fitnesse-plugin
New wiki symbols:
random email address (random (but at most 100) length) : !randomEmail
random email address (maximal length) : !randomEmail (40)
random email address (maximal length, choice of domain): !randomEmail (40) (
random Iban (random based on available countries): !randomIban
random Iban (country code) : !randomIban (NL)
random Iban (country code, bank code): !randomIban (NL) (ABNA)
RandomString now also supports a random length string to be generated using an upper and lower bound. So
- random string (random (but at most 100) length):
- random string (fixed length):
!randomString (20)
- random string (in a length range):
!randomString (10,20)
- random string (fixed length, choice of characters):
!randomString (10) (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz -)
- random string (ranged, choice of characters, fixed prefix):
!randomString (5,10) (xyz) (aap)
This release is recompiled to work with FitNesse 20160618, and restructures the files created by storyboard
Storyboard now creates a directory per test page (previously it used a timestamp), and names the files so their alphabetic ordering matches the order in which the screenshots were taken.
Used latest FitNesse release (20151230) and added new tool to analyze scenario usage in a Slim Suite.
The tool to analyze scenario usage is a 'test system' (slimcoverage), usage instructions (also included in the README.txt):
- Change test system used from 'slim' to 'slimCoverage'
- Run suite (the test will not actually call any fixtures)
- An extra result (Scenario Usage Report) is added listing the scenarios which are never used, and some statistics on those that are used.