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Releases: fhoeben/hsac-fitnesse-plugin


28 Oct 19:05
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  • Limit French IBANs generated to the ones that are 'Sepa reachable'
  • Allow list of French bank codes to be overridden by placing a file on classpath (will be used instead of list in jar)


23 Oct 17:10
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  • Fixes #26
  • Requires Java 8.


22 Oct 19:26
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Improved generation of random French IBAN bank account numbers (#23). 'Code guichet' of the generated numbers is no longer random, but fixed at '00001', the bank code is chosen from a longer list of banks all of which have a '00001' code guichet.


16 May 19:10
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New wiki symbols:

random email address (random (but at most 100) length) : !randomEmail
random email address (maximal length) : !randomEmail (40)
random email address (maximal length, choice of domain): !randomEmail (40) (

random Iban (random based on available countries): !randomIban
random Iban (country code) : !randomIban (NL)
random Iban (country code, bank code): !randomIban (NL) (ABNA)


31 Mar 13:30
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RandomString now also supports a random length string to be generated using an upper and lower bound. So

  • random string (random (but at most 100) length): !randomString
  • random string (fixed length): !randomString (20)
  • random string (in a length range): !randomString (10,20)
  • random string (fixed length, choice of characters): !randomString (10) (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz -)
  • random string (ranged, choice of characters, fixed prefix): !randomString (5,10) (xyz) (aap)


11 Mar 21:10
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Release including new Symbols to get dates relative to specific day of the week:

  • !Monday
  • !Tuesday
  • !Wednesday
  • !Thursday
  • !Friday
  • !Saturday
  • !Sunday


13 Nov 11:13
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This release is recompiled to work with FitNesse 20161106, and addresses #7.


14 Sep 14:12
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This release is recompiled to work with FitNesse 20160618, and restructures the files created by storyboard.
Storyboard now creates a directory per test page (previously it used a timestamp), and names the files so their alphabetic ordering matches the order in which the screenshots were taken.


23 Jan 15:46
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This release adds a new wiki symbol: !defineDefault. This works just like !define, only this allows the value to be overridden by a system property. So the value defined in the wiki is only used when no system property with the same name has been defined.


31 Dec 07:52
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Used latest FitNesse release (20151230) and added new tool to analyze scenario usage in a Slim Suite.

The tool to analyze scenario usage is a 'test system' (slimcoverage), usage instructions (also included in the README.txt):

  • Change test system used from 'slim' to 'slimCoverage'
  • Run suite (the test will not actually call any fixtures)
  • An extra result (Scenario Usage Report) is added listing the scenarios which are never used, and some statistics on those that are used.