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Mac Robeson edited this page Jul 5, 2022 · 8 revisions

FitNesse / HSAC installation guide

This is a step by step guide to get a test project based on HSAC's FitNesse baseline up and running on your machine. This guide is using Windows 10 as an OS, the steps will be similar in another environment. This guide uses IntelliJ as an Integrated Development Environment as it will allow you to get most out of FitNesse and to manage the running and updating of FitNesse as well as version control on the test files you are creating.

Supporting tools setup

We need to install these tools:

  • Git for version control
  • Java JDK so we can build the FitNesse framework from code
  • Intellij (including the FitNesse Plugin) to edit the test files

Go to, download and install Git using the default settings.

Java JDK

On select the correct JDK for windows, do not forget to click Accept Licence first. After download, install this one as well.


Download IntelliJ from, specifically choose the Community Edition. After download, install this as well using the default options.


While it can be assumed most people have this already, just to make sure you do too. Find chrome at

FitNesse project setup

With the above tooling in place, create a folder on a local drive where the FitNesse project will be placed. I would suggest C:\Git\FitNesse and avoid moving it into your Documents and Settings (since directories with spaces sometimes give problems).

Now after it's installation, open IntelliJ and click Next a lot for a window should appear that will look something like this:

Welcome Screen

Select Check out from Version Control and choose Git, a window will be shown that will look a bit like this:

Clone Repository

Fill the fields using:

Now press Clone and your project will be grabbed from the internet and set up in IntelliJ. A window will pop up about a pom.xml file, just click OK here. There might be some firewall complaints, click Allow if they come up.

Now there will be some time for the application to download and set up your project, this is normal and after all is done, it should look something like this: Bare Screen

After setting up the project, we need to install the FitNesse plugin. Go to File, Settings and open Plugins. In this window, click Browse Repositories and search for fitnesse, choose the most recent option and click Install. IntelliJ will need to reboot after installation.

We only need to set up the JDK in this project and for that go to the File menu, choose Project Structure and you will get a screen saying there is no SDK available so we will add it. For that, click New, choose JDK and browse to the JDK folder you installed earlier in this setup tutorial. If you installed using the defaults it can be found at C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8_131 (although the version might differ a bit). Just select the folder and click OK, the JDK should be now selected in the Project Structure, so you can click OK.

Build and Run FitNesse

Build FitNesse

Now we will build and start up FitNesse, this is the final step before we can start writing tests. For this we need to add a Run Configuration, use the button in the screenshot below and click Edit Configurations.


Press the + button to add a configuration and select Maven.


In the window that comes up, fill in the fields like this:

  • Name: FitNesse
  • Working Directory: fill in your project folder here and this is essential to get right
  • Command line: clean compile dependency:copy-dependencies exec:exec

FitNesse Configuration

Now press OK.

Run FitNesse

To run FitNesse, simply click the little green triangle next to the Run Configuration button:

FitNesse Run Button

In the bottom of the IntelliJ window, a console should come up and start doing things, Windows could throw a firewall warning, just accept this as some things need to be pulled from internet repositories. When it done, it should look somewhat like this:

FitNesse Running

Now use your preferred browser to navigate to http://localhost:9090/ where your FitNesse installation is now up and running. Instructions on how to write tests can be found from the frontpage.