Releases: fgl82/simplemenu
Releases · fgl82/simplemenu
Les yeux sans visage
What's new
- Added visual indicator when marking a favorite (only present in default theme, a new image needs to be added to other themes in the "general" section)
- Better detection of default launcher. Now instead of deleting the current frontend_start, it will back it up and replace it, restoring it when the default option is switched to "NO".
- Adding a favorite now produces a heartbeat like rumble effect
- Removing a favorite produces a different effect
- Rom names in sections that use an alias file can now be untidy
- Settings accessible from any screen
- Based on user feedback, L1 and R1 can now be used to switch section groups (up and down still work)
- Fixed a graphic glitch that happened when you switched sections just as the logo was being hidden
- As usual, fixed some unseen bugs
- First version for RFW 2.X, only tested on the RG300, needs more testing but appears to work
- Additional themes:
- gbz35-remix:, based on
- Megapixels:
- Copy the OPK to /media/data/apps or /home/retrofw/apps if using a RFW device.
- If on RFW 2.X, you need to install an additional ipk: Give PyMenu a try while you are at it :)
- After the .simplemenu folder is created, modify manually the section group files under /home/.simplemenu/section_groups
Every day, it's a-getting closer
What's new
- Fixed another scaling bug
- Fixed a bug that crashed the app when switching layouts while in favorites
- Restored the blinding menu layout, now named drunken monkey layout, as a 3rd option
- Additional themes:
- Copy the OPK to /media/data/apps
- After the .simplemenu folder is created, modify manually the section group files under /home/.simplemenu/section_groups
What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.
What's new
- Fixed a scaling bug in the traditional layout
- Reduced system pictures to 120x90 in the default theme, so they look MUCH smoother
- Additional themes:
- Copy the OPK to /media/data/apps
- After the .simplemenu folder is created, modify manually the section group files under /home/.simplemenu/section_groups
Hindsight is 20/20
What's new
- Redesigned the new layout
- Fixed bugs
- Additional themes:
- Copy the OPK to /media/data/apps
- After the .simplemenu folder is created, modify manually the section group files under /home/.simplemenu/section_groups
You'll go blind!
What's new
- New layout available in settings, (systems taken from the lazarus theme).
- Fixed a theming bug
- Extra themes not bundled, get them from:
- Be sure to get the updated default theme from (available below), since it has additional assets for the new optional layout
- You can add the themes manually by downloading them from the provided links
- Copy the OPK to /media/data/apps
- After the .simplemenu folder is created, modify manually the section files under /home/.simplemenu/section_groups
What's new
- Added a settings screen, accessible by pressing Start
- Setting the launcher as default is now a setting
- Switching the theme on the fly is also a setting
- Changed behavior of shoulder buttons to normalize what they do both in menu mode and in fullscreen mode
- Pressing A + a direction now quick switches sections in menu mode, without displaying their logo
- Bundling 2 extra themes:
- gbz35-remix:, based on
- lazarus, provided by "RP"
- Copy the OPK to /media/data/apps
- After the .simplemenu folder is created, modify manually the section files under /home/.simplemenu/section_groups
- If you already have an existing installation, you can add the themes manually by downloading
I don't want to set the world on fire
What's new
- Sections can now be grouped. It's now possible to have different groups for consoles, home computers, arcade emulators, etc., avoiding long lists of consoles which can be cumbersome to travel through.
- Pressing and releasing "B" will bring up the section groups screen.
- Added "Section group backgrounds", all of them created by RxBrad for
- This time, you are better off deleting your .simplemenu folder and letting the application create it again. Be sure to backup sections.ini and favorites.sav, before deleting .simplemenu
- Note that there's a new "section_groups" folder.
Whatever ini files for sections are put inside this folder, will be read as a sections group by SimpleMenu, and their names will be used as as group titles. If only one file exists inside that folder, the launcher will behave exactly like the last version, having one single list of consoles
- Put the OPK in the /media/data/apps folder and run it from gmenu.
- After the first execution, the /home/.simplemenu folder will be created with the proper configuration files in it
- If you have a backup of favorites.sav or sections.ini
- replace favorites.sav with your own file and
- put your sections.ini file inside the "section_groups" folder
- If you would like to have only one long list of consoles, feel free to delete the other ini files inside this folder, as well as the associated pngs (you will miss everything that makes this version special, though).
- If you don''t have a previous install, you will see that sections.ini doesn't exist anymore. Instead, you can edit the different ini files inside the "section_groups" folder, which have the exact same format as the old sections.ini. As already mentioned, you can also leave just one long sections file, like the one used until the last version.
- Make sure to check config.ini as well, to see which options you can change. Ignore the CPU section. The shutdown behavior is disabled by default so, if you want simplemenu to shut down your console, you need to set this value to "1" in this file
Potential issues
If after restoring your sections.ini file you get a black screen when starting the menu
- delete laststate.sav
- launch the application again
- it will say there's no laststate file and quit
- Let it exit and launch it again.
Getting Friendlier
What's new
- Themes now go in their own folder in ~/.simplemenu/themes. For instance /home/.simplemenu/themes/default. The theme folder will have the theme.ini file inside it.
- You can now create your own themes and put them in folders inside ~/.simplemenu/themes
- In config.ini, a new configuration parameter indicates the theme we are using. For instance, "default".
- If a section defined in sections.ini doesn't have an associated color scheme in theme.ini, it will use the default color scheme defined in theme.ini and the program will start anyway.
- Added an error prompt when the executable file for a section is not found.
- Added a lot of sections to the default sections.ini that gets created if you never ran the menu.
- To omit sections, just remove them from the section list at the top of sections.ini. You can leave the section definition below, no need to delete that.
- Added some logos. As usual, some of them created by RxBrad for (A lot of the previous ones were created by RxBrad as well)
- if you are not installing for the first time, be sure to grab the and config.ini files attached below. You should put both the themes folder that's inside the zip file and config.ini inside your /home/.simplemenu folder.
- Put the OPK in the /media/data/apps folder and run it from gmenu.
- After the first execution, the /home/.simplemenu folder will be created with the proper configuration files in it
- If you have a previous version installed, look carefully at the release notes above
- If you don''t have a previous installation, just edit /home/.simplemenu/sections.ini with a good text editor, like notepad++ (so you get syntax highlighting), to set your emulators and rom folders for each section.
- Make sure to check config.ini as well, to see which options you can change. Ignore the CPU section. The shutdown behavior is disabled by default so, if you want simplemenu to shut down your console, you need to set this value to "1" in this file
The clean one
What's new
- Bittboy and Original Pocket go are back in the game :)
- Section colors are now separated in the new theme.ini, so themes can be created more easily
- sections.ini has become MUCH simpler and easier to configure.
- Several section configuration parameters are now optional (like category or aliasFile) to make sections.ini cleaner
- The execDirs configuration is not necessary anymore
- The execs configuration now needs the full path along the executable name (see new sections.ini)
- Hopefully for the last time, you will need to delete your /home/.simplemenu folder, let the application create the default configuration files and rebuild your (much, much more simpler!!) sections.ini. Future releases will adhere to this same file scheme.
- If you add sections that are not listed in the default sections.ini (like Daphne or PICO8) you NEED to also add their colors to theme.ini
- For RG-350 or NPG, put the OPK in the /media/data/apps folder and run it once from gmenu. For Bittboy just decompress the zip file to apps/simplemenu.
- After the first execution, the /home/.simplemenu folder will be created with the proper configuration files in it
- If you had a previous installation, you can use it to rebuild the contents of sections.ini and favorites.sav
- If you didn't have a previous installation, just edit /home/.simplemenu/sections.ini with a good text editor, like notepad++ (so you get syntax highlighting), to set your emulators and rom folders for each section.
- Make sure to check config.ini as well, it has more options than before and allows for more customization. It also has the shutdown behavior disabled by default for RG-350 and NPG, so if you want simplemenu to shut down your console, you need to set this value to "1" in this file
The Covid-19 edition
What's new
- Better speed when switching sections
- Empty sections now possible, displaying the text "No Games"
- Fullscreen background incorporated, can be replaced
- Fixed bug when reordering section names
- config.cfg is now a proper ini file and was thus renamed to config.ini
- sections.cfg is now sections.ini
- last_state.cfg is now last_state.sav
- Font, logo background and fullscreen background are now configurable in config.ini
- The media folder is configurable in config.ini, so the usual .previews folder can be used, if desired
- Added support for the png extension, for pico8 games
- I had to fix the new pocket go OPK. If using the New Pocket Go version, which is slightly newer, add this at the end of config.ini:
headerBackground = 1B1F22
headerFont = E76D3E
bodyBackground = 313A42
bodyFont = 989D98
selectedItemBackground = F85529
selectedItemFont = 1B212A
logo = resources/favorites/logo.png
- Scaling images (especially big ones) takes more processing power than using images that fit the screen resolution (320x240), so navigation may be slower if doing this,
- I don't have my Bittboy with me at the moment, so I'm not making a release for it at this time.
- If you have a previous installation, backup your sections.cfg and favorites.sav, delete your old /home/.simplemenu directory
- Put the OPK in the /media/data/apps folder and run it once from gmenunx
- After the first execution, the /home/.simplemenu folder will be created with the proper configuration files in it
- If you had a previous installation, you can replace the contents of config.ini and favorites.sav with the contents of your backed up config.cfg and favorites.sav files, respectively.
- If you didn't have a previous installation, just edit /home/.simplemenu/sections.ini with a good text editor, like notepad++ (so you get syntax highlighting), to set your emulators and rom folders for each section.
- Feel free to edit config.ini as well, it has more options than before and allows for more customization