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Artificial-Intelligence build

Table of Contents

  1. Implement a simple Tic Tac Toe game with a 3*3 grid. Indicate if the game is a lose, win, or draw.

  2. Given a separate maze file in text format. In this maze, you can go up, down, left, or right. The maze is 81*81 binary matrix where each line in the file represents a row and its values are separated with a space. 1 indicates a block that you cannot pass. 0 indicates a clear space that you can pass from.     Implement a program that reads this maze and takes any two points (start and end indices) as inputs and tells whether there is a path in this maze between such points.  

Project2 - Generalized Tic-Tac-Toe (Minimax & Alpha-Beta Pruning)

A generalized Tic Tac Toe is an n*n board game where each player chooses one of the parts X or O, and then plays in an alternate order to place his choice on the board. A player wins when he places m parts of his choice in a consecutive order. The game may end in a draw when no one wins. Given m and n, the agent can play against another agent in an n*n board and tries to place m parts in a row to win.  


Minimax with Alpha-Beta Pruning

Evaluation function

We define an evaluation function based on the idea of counting winning windows, which definition can be found in this article. I made further improvements that only update the winning windows and board scores containing the current move.

Solves N-Queen in n*n grid. Start with a random board, with one queen in each column.

Heuristic function

min-conflicts heuristic


Iterative Search Algorithm


while not solved,

  • Variable selection: randomly select any conflicted queen variable
  • Operators: move queen in column
  • Value selection: min-conflicts heuristic
  • Choose a row value that conflicts the fewest queens
  • Goal test: no attacks
  • Evaluation: c(n) = number of attacks

Project4(a): Grid World - Markov Decision Processes(MDP)

Grid World:

A maze-like problem

  • The agent lives in a grid
  • Walls block the agent’s path

Noisy movement: actions do not always go as planned

  • 80% of the time, the action North takes the agent North (if there is no wall there)
  • 10% of the time, North takes the agent West; 10% East
  • If there is a wall in the direction the agent would have been taken, the agent stays put

The agent receives rewards each time step

  • Small “living” reward each step (can be negative)
  • Big rewards come at the end (good or bad)

Goal: maximize sum of rewards

Implement a stochastic grid world problem given in gridA.1.csv or gridA.2.csv using MDP with the below information. Indicate v* for all cells in the grid.

Discount factor = 0.9 and Living reward = -0.01.

In the given file: final states -> 1000 or -800 ; “0” -> empty cells ; “-“ -> walls

Noise Direction
60% N
15% E
10% W
15% S

Result after 100 iterations:

Project4(b) - Hidden Markov Models(HMM)

Consider a casino game, where the dealer is a three-sided die with labels 1, 2, and 3. The dealer has three loaded dice D1 D2 D3 . For each die Di, the probability of rolling the number i is 0.6, and the probability of each of the other two outcomes is 0.2. At each turn, the dealer must decide whether to: (1) keep the same die; (2) switch to a different die randomly; (3) end the game. He chooses (1) with probability ½ and each of the others with probability ¼. At the beginning the dealer chooses one of the three dice with equal probability.

  1. Give an HMM for this situation. Specify the alphabet, the states, the transition probabilities and the emission probabilities.
  2. Suppose that you observe the following sequence of die rolls: x. (x is given to you in the input file.)
  3. Find a sequence of states which best explains the sequence of rolls. What is the probability of this sequence?