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306 lines (306 loc) · 3.69 KB

('cout:', 1) ('step:', 0) 9.20918 0.0 ('step:', 1) 9.20882 0.0 ('step:', 2) 9.20868 0.0 2017-08-22 15:53:50.809668: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/] PoolAllocator: After 2694 get requests, put_count=2361 evicted_count=1000 eviction_rate=0.423549 and unsatisfied allocation rate=0.531923 2017-08-22 15:53:50.809694: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/] Raising pool_size_limit_ from 100 to 110 ('step:', 3) 9.20831 0.0308594 ('step:', 4) 9.208 0.416016 ('step:', 5) 9.20809 0.4 ('step:', 6) 9.20729 0.459766 ('step:', 7) 9.20725 0.405078 ('step:', 8) 9.20708 0.419531 ('step:', 9) 9.20704 0.391016 ('step:', 10) 9.20672 0.378125 ('step:', 11) 9.2061 0.41875 ('step:', 12) 9.20608 0.400391 ('step:', 13) 9.20564 0.426562 ('step:', 14) 9.20511 0.426172 ('step:', 15) 9.20459 0.465234 ('step:', 16) 9.20359 0.475 ('step:', 17) 9.20307 0.512109 ('step:', 18) 9.20283 0.484766 ('step:', 19) 9.20262 0.478906 ('step:', 20) 9.20282 0.448438 ('step:', 21) 9.20184 0.470703 ('step:', 22) 9.20175 0.447656 ('step:', 23) 9.20125 0.452734 ('step:', 24) 9.20104 0.437891 ('step:', 25) 9.20048 0.454297 ('step:', 26) 9.20002 0.445703 ('step:', 27) 9.19882 0.485547 ('step:', 28) 9.19839 0.490625 2017-08-22 15:53:54.644458: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/] PoolAllocator: After 3592 get requests, put_count=3388 evicted_count=1000 eviction_rate=0.295159 and unsatisfied allocation rate=0.341592 2017-08-22 15:53:54.644480: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/] Raising pool_size_limit_ from 256 to 281 ('step:', 29) 9.19862 0.462109 ('step:', 30) 9.19591 0.539062 ('step:', 31) 9.19812 0.435156 ('step:', 32) 9.197 0.459375 ('step:', 33) 9.19628 0.455859 ('step:', 34) 9.1968 0.441797 ('step:', 35) 9.19469 0.498438 ('step:', 36) 9.19506 0.455469 ('step:', 37) 9.19429 0.474219 ('step:', 38) 9.19472 0.451953 ('step:', 39) 9.19261 0.496484 ('step:', 40) 9.19306 0.458984 ('step:', 41) 9.19124 0.502344 ('step:', 42) 9.19125 0.482812 ('step:', 43) 9.1917 0.461719 ('step:', 44) 9.18846 0.522656 ('step:', 45) 9.19096 0.439063 ('step:', 46) 9.18867 0.488281 ('step:', 47) 9.19014 0.439063 ('step:', 48) 9.1888 0.463672 ('step:', 49) 9.1886 0.453906 ('step:', 50) 9.18843 0.442578 ('step:', 51) 9.18679 0.472656 ('step:', 52) 9.18662 0.461719 ('step:', 53) 9.18531 0.477734 ('step:', 54) 9.18577 0.454688 ('step:', 55) 9.18344 0.491016 ('step:', 56) 9.18236 0.500781 ('step:', 57) 9.18308 0.473047 ('step:', 58) 9.18314 0.457813 ('step:', 59) 9.1818 0.467188 ('step:', 60) 9.1812 0.464844 ('step:', 61) 9.17716 0.524219 ('step:', 62) 9.17945 0.475 ('step:', 63) 9.17637 0.5125 ('step:', 64) 9.1781 0.468359 ('step:', 65) 9.17868 0.451562 ('step:', 66) 9.17587 0.476172 ('step:', 67) 9.17517 0.484766 ('step:', 68) 9.174 0.483984 ('step:', 69) 9.17378 0.475391 ('step:', 70) 9.17202 0.484375 ('step:', 71) 9.1693 0.508594 ('step:', 72) 9.17048 0.469141 ('step:', 73) 9.16682 0.511328 ('step:', 74) 9.16443 0.522266 ('step:', 75) 9.16647 0.48125 ('step:', 76) 9.16065 0.534766 ('step:', 77) 9.16231 0.500391 ('step:', 78) 9.16338 0.470703 ('step:', 79) 9.16037 0.482031 ('step:', 80) 9.16127 0.460156 ('step:', 81) 9.15943 0.463672 ('step:', 82) 9.16257 0.41875 ('step:', 83) 9.15803 0.441016 ('step:', 84) 9.1524 0.480078 ('step:', 85) 9.15297 0.455859 ('step:', 86) 9.14651 0.493359 ('step:', 87) 9.14508 0.484375 ('step:', 88) 9.14129 0.494141 ('step:', 89) 9.14595 0.432422 ('step:', 90) 9.13454 0.496484 ('step:', 91) 9.13954 0.440625 ('step:', 92) 9.13511 0.460547 ('step:', 93) 9.13114 0.460938 ('step:', 94) 9.12416 0.480859 ('step:', 95) 9.12124 0.483203 ('step:', 96) 9.11405 0.496875 ('step:', 97) 9.11224 0.476562 ('step:', 98) 9.11011 0.467578 ('step:', 99) 9.10565 0.46875 ('step:', 100)