Small service that scrapes User and Repository data from GitHub and stores the data in a database. This service expose a query API that accepts parameters relevant to the data and returns a well-formed API object.
This steps are necessary to get the application up and running.
It requires Ruby 2.6.3 and Mongo 4.0 previous installed to run. Check this gist to have the pre requisites installed on MacOSX.
$ cd github_api
$ bundle install
$ rake db:setup
$ rake db:create_indexes
$ rails s
The followings steps are necessary to connect to GitHub’s API to scrape and store Repository and User data.
$ cd github_api
$ rake "github:fetch_me" GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN=your_top_secret_access_token
$ cd github_api
$ rake "github:fetch[felipetio,fabiofleitas]" GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN=your_top_secret_access_token
To schedule cronjobs to scrape more data you can add a .env
file with your token to protected it.
Now you can add the following comand in you corntab:
cd path/to/github_api && bundle exec rake github:fetch_me
The query format is designed to be simple and readable in the URL, it follows these rules:
- All query parameters are encapsulate in a dict, keys are assumed to be field names
- Special query parameters sort, limit and offset are treated specially, any other query parameter is ignored.
In the most simplistic form, eq[<field>]=<value>
in the query translates to an equals filter, for example name=foo
translates to a {name: 'foo'}
query filter specification.
In the previous example the eq
operator was used. To use other operators change it to supported operators: gt, gte, lt, lte
Values are auto-detected and converted to an data-type, but would be important to have a way explicitly specified in the field spec.
If multiple values are given for the same field, the value is considered an array, regardless of the operator type.
Specifies the offset into the documents list.
Specifies the number of documents to limit the result.
Field to sort the result on. By default, the sort is in an ascending order.
- Ruby repositories: http://localhost:3000/api/v1/repositories?eq[language]=Ruby
- Repositories inside a project: http://localhost:3000/api/v1/repositories?eq[has_projects]=true
- With one or more forks: http://localhost:3000/api/v1/repositories?gte[forks]=1
- With less than 10 watchers http://localhost:3000/api/v1/repositories?lt[watchers]=10
- Ascending sort: http://localhost:3000/api/v1/repositories?sort=size
- Descending sort: http://localhost:3000/api/v1/repositories?sort=-size (TODO)
- First page: http://localhost:3000/api/v1/repositories?limit=10
- Second page: http://localhost:3000/api/v1/repositories?offset=10&limit=10
This steps are necessary to execute the test suite:
$ cd github_api
$ rspec