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File metadata and controls

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HOW TO RUN THE PROGRAMME: The programme can be run in two ways;

  1. With arguments inputted by the user
  2. Using pre set scenarios

To run the programme using your own arguemtns type ./MAIN -h which will output the following:

  • --size N Use a N x N simulation grid
  • --cities N Create N cities
  • --duration T Simulate for T days
  • --distancing P Proportion of empty grid squares
  • --recovery P Probability of recovery (per day)
  • --infection P Probability of infecting a neighbour (per day)
  • --reinfection P Probability of losing immunity (per day)
  • --death P Probability of dying when infected (per day)
  • --cases N Number of initial infections
  • --vaccinate P Probability of vaccination (per day)
  • --quarantine P Probability of quarantine when infected (per day)
  • --travel P Probability of travelling while infected (per day)
  • --plot Generate plots instead of an animation
  • --file N Filename to save to instead of showing on screen
  • --sim N Run predetermined simulation

These are all the different arguments, when entering a probability ensure the value is between 0 and 1. If the user chooses not to use thier own argument for some of the arguments a default value will be used. e.g. if the user didn't choose a death probability then the default value 0.002087 will be used. The default values chosen from real world data (see report for referencing) are as follows.

  • size = 50 x 50
  • cities = 2
  • duration = 100 days
  • distancing = 0.05
  • recovery = 0.1
  • infection = 0.3
  • reinfection = 0.005
  • death = 0.002087
  • cases = 5
  • vaccinate = 0.0001
  • quarentine = 0.15
  • travel = 0.1

For example, if you wanted to run a simulation with 5 cities, 100x100 grid, 60% chance of infection and a 5% death rate. You would write:

$ ./ --cities=5 --size=100 --infection=0.5 --death=0.05

HOW TO RUN PREDETERMINED SIMULATIONS: There are 12 predetermined simulations that can be run by typing:

$ ./ --sim=N # Where N is listed beside each scenario below

The 11 Scenarios are as follows (if an argument is not specified it has taken its default value):

  1. Multiple different sized cities
  • 6 cities with pTravel = 0.01 and pRandomInfection = 0.002
  1. Multiple cities with Large amounts of travel
  • Same 6 cities as previous however pTravel = 0.3
  1. Effect of Social Distancing
  • 5 50x50 cities with the following distancing 0.15, 0.3, 0.45, 0.6, 0.75 with pTravel = 0.01
  1. High Quarentine vs Low Quarentine Rates
  • City 1 pQuarentine = 1 and pEndQuaretine = 0 i.e. immediately entering quarentine when infected and not leaving till uninfected
  • City 2 pQuarentine = 0.4 and pEndQuarentine 0.05
  • City 3 pQuarentine = 0
  • All have no infected travel
  1. High Vaccine rate vs Low Vaccine rate (75x75 cities)
  • City 1 pVaccine = 0.1
  • City 2 pVaccine = 0.033
  • City 3 pVaccine = 0
  1. 3 Cities with different control measures (75x75 cities))
  • City 1 pVaccine = 0.033, pQuarantine = 0.95, pTravel = 0, pDistancing = 0.3, pRecovery = 0.2 i.e. some vaccinations, almost everyone infected goes into quaretnine, no travelling and large amount of distancing
  • City 2 pVaccination = 0.01, pQuarentine = 0.3, pTravel = 0.1, pRecovery = 0.1, pDistancing = 0.1 i.e. less vaccines, less distancing and less quarentining and a longer recovery time with more travel
  • City 3 pVaccination = 0, pQuarantine = 0, pDistancing = 0, pTravel = 0.3, pRecovery = 0.075 i.e. no Measures in place, longer recovery time and more travelling
  1. Effect of Different Death Rates
  • 3 cities with no travel 75x75
  • pDeath = 0.002, 0.1, 0.9
  1. Vaccine against no vaccines
  • Cite 1 pVaccination = 0.1 which is introduced after 8 days
  • City 2 pVaccination = 0 (this leads to multiple waves)
  1. Mild Recovery rate case
  • One city with pRecovery = 0.6 and pReinfection = 0.05 this shows the effect of immunity loss which creates several spikes
  1. Rapid Recovery case
  • One city with pRecovery = 0.99 and pReinfection = 0.05
  1. Oscilating SIR pattern case
  • One city, pRecovery = 0.7, Preinfection = 0.025 and pTravel = 0
  1. Poorer Areas Simulation (simulates a Deadly virus in poorer Areas)
  • One city with pRecovery = 0, pDeath = 0.1 and pTravel = 0
  1. Rapid Spread and Death
  • One city 200x200, pDeath=0.9, pTravel = 0.2 and pInfection = 0.99
  1. Rapid spread and rapid reinfection
  • One city pInfection = 0.99, pRecovery = 0.99, pTravel = 0 and pReinfection = 0.99

So for example if One was to run simulation 106 they would write: $ ./ --sim=106