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File metadata and controls

739 lines (559 loc) · 29.9 KB

kentor.AuthServices Configuration

To use Kentor.AuthServices in an application and configure it in web.config (which is the default for the httpmodule and mvc libraries) it must be enabled in the application's web.config. The sample applications contains complete working web.config examples. For ASP.NET MVC applications see this working web.config example. Applications using the owin library usually make their configuration in code and in that case no web.config changes are needed. If an owin library is set up to use web.config (by passing true to the KentorAuthServicesAuthenticationOptions constructor) the information here applies.

##Config Sections Three new config sections are required. Add these under configuration/configSections:

  <!-- Add these sections below any existing. -->
  <section name="system.identityModel" type="System.IdentityModel.Configuration.SystemIdentityModelSection, System.IdentityModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B77A5C561934E089" />
  <section name="" type="System.IdentityModel.Services.Configuration.SystemIdentityModelServicesSection, System.IdentityModel.Services, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B77A5C561934E089" />   
  <section name="kentor.authServices" type="Kentor.AuthServices.Configuration.KentorAuthServicesSection, Kentor.AuthServices"/>

##Loading modules When using the http module and the MVC controller, the SessionAuthenticationModule needs to be loaded and if using the http module that needs to be loaded as well. The owin package does not need any http modules, please see the separate info on the Owin middleware.

	<!-- Add these modules below any existing. -->
    <add name="SessionAuthenticationModule" type="System.IdentityModel.Services.SessionAuthenticationModule, System.IdentityModel.Services, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"/>
    <!-- Only add the Saml2AuthenticationModule if you're using the Kentor.AuthServices.HttpModule
		library. If you are using Kentor.AuthServices.Mvc you SHOULD NOT load this module.-->
	<add name="Saml2AuthenticationModule" type="Kentor.AuthServices.HttpModule.Saml2AuthenticationModule, Kentor.AuthServices.HttpModule"/>

##kentor.authServices Section The saml2AuthenticationModule section contains the configuration of the Kentor.AuthServices library. It is required for the http module and the mvc controller. Thw Owin middleware Can read web.config, but can also be configured from code.

<kentor.authServices entityId="http://localhost:17009"
  <nameIdPolicy allowCreate="true" format="Persistent"/>
  <metadata cacheDuration="0:0:42" validDuration="7.12:00:00" wantAssertionsSigned="true">
    <organization name="Kentor IT AB" displayName="Kentor" url="" language="sv" />
    <contactPerson type="Other" email="" />
      <add friendlyName ="Some Name" name="urn:someName" nameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri" isRequired="true" />
      <add name="Minimal" />
    <add entityId="" 
      <signingCertificate storeName="AddressBook" storeLocation="CurrentUser" 
                          findValue="Kentor.AuthServices.StubIdp" x509FindType="FindBySubjectName" />
    <add entityId="example-idp"
         loadMetadata = "true" />
    <add metadataLocation="" allowUnsolicitedAuthnResponse = "false" />

###<kentor.authServices> Element Child element of <configuration> element.

Root element of the config section.



####entityId Attribute Attribute of the <kentor.authServices> element.

The name that this service provider will use for itself when sending messages. The name will end up in the Issuer field in outcoing authnRequests.

The SAML standard requires the entityId to be an absolut URI. Typically it should be the URL where the metadata is presented. E.g.

####returnUrl Attribute Attribute of the <kentor.authServices> element.

The Url that you want users to be redirected to once the authentication is complete. This is typically the start page of the application, or a special signed in start page.

####discoveryServiceUrl Attribute Optional Attribute of the <kentor.authServices> element.

Optional attribute that specifies an idp discovery service to use if no idp is specified when calling sign in. Without this attribute, the first idp known will be used if none is specified.

####modulePath Attribute Optional Attribute of the <kentor.authServices> element.

Optional attribute that indicates the base path of the AuthServices endpoints. Defaults to /AuthServices if not specified. This can usually be left as the default, but if several instances of AuthServices are loaded into the same process they must each get a separate base path.

####authenticateRequestSigningBehavior Attribute Optional Attribute of the <kentor.AuthServices> element.

Optional attribute that sets the signing behavior for generated AuthnRequests. Two values are supported:

  • Never (default if the attribute is missing): AuthServices will never sign any created AuthnRequests.
  • Always: AuthServices will always sign all AuthnRequests.
  • IfIdpWantAuthnRequestsSigned: AuthServices will sign AuthnRequests if the idp is configured for it (through config or listed in idp metadta).

####validateCertificates Attribute Optional Attribute of the <kentor.authServices> element.

Normally certificates for the IDPs signing use is communicated through metadata and in case of a breach, the metadata is updated with new data. If you want extra security, you can enable certificate validation. Please note that the SAML metadata specification explicitly places no requirements on certificate validation, so don't be surprised if an Idp certificate doesn't pass validation.

####publicOrigin Attribute Optional Attribute of the <kentor.authServices> element.

Optional attribute that indicates the base url of the AuthServices endpoints. It should be the root path of the application. E.g. The SignIn url is built up as PublicOrigin + / + modulePath + /SignIn.

Defaults to Url of the current http request if not specified. This can usually be left as the default, but if your internal address of the application is different than the external address the generated URLs (such as AssertionConsumerServiceURL in the saml2p:AuthnRequest) will be incorrect. The use case for this is typically with load balancers or reverse proxies. It can also be used if the application can be accessed by several external URLs to make sure that the registered in metadata is used in communication with the Idp.

###<nameIdPolicy> Element Optional child element of the <kentor.authServices> element.

Controls the generation of NameIDPolicy element in AuthnRequests. The element Is only created if either allowCreate nor format are set to a non-default value.


####allowCreate Attribute Optional attribute of the nameIdPolicy element.

Default value is empty, which means that the attribute is not included in generated AuthnRequests.

Supported values are true or false.

####format Attribute Optional attribute of the nameIdPolicy element.

Sets the requested format of NameIDPolicy for generated authnRequests.

Supported values (see section 8.3 in the SAML2 Core specification for explanations of the values).

  • Unspecified
  • EmailAddress
  • X509SubjectName
  • WindowsDomainQualifiedName
  • KerberosPrincipalName
  • EntityIdentifier
  • Persistent
  • Transient

If no value is specified, no format is specified in the generated AuthnRequests.

If Transient is specified, it is not permitted to specify allowCreate (see in the SAML2 Core spec).

###<requestedAuthnContext> element Optional child element of the <kentor.authServices> element.


####classRef attribute Optional attribute of the requestedAuthnContext element.

Class reference for authentication context. Either specify a full URI to identify an authentication context class, or a single word if using one of the predefined classes in the SAML2 Authentication context specification:

  • InternetProtocol
  • InternetProtocolPassword
  • Kerberos
  • MobileOneFactorUnregistered
  • MobileTwoFactorUnregistered
  • MobileOneFactorContract
  • MobileTwoFactorContract
  • Password
  • PasswordProtectedTransport
  • PreviousSession
  • X509
  • PGP
  • SPKI
  • XMLDSig
  • Smartcard
  • SmartcardPKI
  • SoftwarePKI
  • Telephony
  • NomadTelephony
  • PersonalTelephony
  • AuthenticatedTelephony
  • SecureRemotePassword
  • TLSClient
  • TimeSyncToken
  • unspecified

####comparison Attribute Optional attribute of the requestedAuthnContext element.

Comparison method for authentication context as signalled in AuthnRequests.

Valid values are:

  • Exact (default)
  • Minimum
  • Maximum
  • Better

Minimum is an inclusive comparison, meaning the specified classRef or anything better is accepted. Better is exclusive, meaning that the specified classRef is not accepted.

###<metadata> Element Optional child element of the <kentor.authServices> element.

The metadata part of the configuration can be used to tweak the generated metadata. These configuration options only affects how the metadata is generated, no other behavior of the code is changed.



####cacheDuration Attribute Optional attribute of the <metadata> element.

Optional attribute that describes for how long in anyone should cache the metadata presented by the service provider before trying to fetch a new copy. Defaults to one hour. Examples of valid format strings:

  • 1 day, 2 hours: 1.2:00:00.
  • 42 seconds: 0:00:42.

####validDuration Attribute Optional attribute of the <metadata> element.

Optional attribute that sets the maximum time that anyone may cache the generated metadata. if cacheDuration is specified, the remote party should try to reload metadata after that time. If that refresh fails, validDuration determines for how long the old metadata may be used before it must be discarded.

In the metadata, the time is exposed as an absolute validUntil date and time. That absolute time is calculated on metadata generation by adding the configured validDuration to the current time. Examples of valid format strings:

  • 1 day, 2 hours: 1.2:00:00.
  • 42 seconds: 0:00:42.

####wantAssertionsSigned Attribute Optional attribute of the <metadata> element.

Optional attribute to signal to IDPs that we want the Assertions themselves signed and not only the SAML response. AuthServices supports both, so for normal usage this shouldn't matter. If set to false the entire wantAssertionsSigned attribute is dropped from the metadata as the default values is false.

###<organization> Element Optional child element of the <metadata> element.

Provides information about the organization supplying the SAML2 entity (in plain English that means the organization that supplies the application that AuthServices is used in).


####name Attribute (organization) Attribute of the <organization> element.

The name of the organization.

####displayName Attribute Attribute of the <organization> element.

The display name of the organization.

####url Attribute Attribute of the <organization> element.

Url to the organization's web site.

####language Attribute Optional Attribute of the <organization> element.

In the generated metadata, the name, displayName and url attributes have a language specification. If none is specified, the xml:lang attribute will be generated with an empty value.

###<contactPerson> Element Optional child element of the <metadata> element. Can be repeated multiple times.


####type Attribute Attribute of the <contactPerson> element.

The type attribute indicates the type of the contact and is picked from the ContactType enum. Valid values are:

  • Administrative
  • Billing
  • Other
  • Support
  • Technical

####company Attribute Optional attribute of the <contactPerson> element.

Name of the person's company.

####givenName Attribute Optional attribute of the <contactPerson> element.

Given name of the person.

####surname Attribute Optional attribute of the <contactPerson> element.

Surname of the person.

####phoneNumber Attribute Optional attribute of the <contactPerson> element.

Phone number of the person. The SAML standard allows multiple phone number to be specified. AuthServices supports that, but not through the configuration file.

####email Attribute Optional attribute of the <contactPerson> element.

Email address of the person. The SAML standard allows multiple email addresses to be specified. AuthServices supports that, but not through the configuration file.

###<requestedAttributes> Element Optional child element of the <metadata> element.

List of attributes that the SP requests to be included in the assertions generated by an identity provider.

Each attribute is added to the list with an <add> element.

####Attributes of the <add> element for <requestedAttributes>

####name Attribute (RequestedAttribute) Attribute of <add> for []<requestedAttributes>](requestedattributes-element)

The name of the attribute. This is usually in the form of an urn/oid, e.g. urn:oid:1.2.3. The format of hte name should be specified in the nameFormat attribute.

####friendlyName Attribute Optional Attribute of <add> for []<requestedAttributes>](requestedattributes-element)

An optional friendly (i.e. human readable) friendly name of the attribute that will be included in the metadata. Please note that the SAML2 standard specifically forbids the friendlyName to be used for anything else an information to a human. All matching of attributes must use the name.

####nameFormat Attribute Optional Attribute of <add> for []<requestedAttributes>](requestedattributes-element)

Format of the name attribute. Valid values are:

  • urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri
  • urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:unspecified
  • urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic

####isRequired Attribute Optional Attribute of <add> for []<requestedAttributes>](requestedattributes-element)

Is this attribute required by the service provider or is it just a request that it would be nice if the Idp includes it?

###<identityProviders> Element Optional child element of the <kentor.authServices> element.

A list of identity providers known to the service provider.


###<add> IdentityProvider Element Child element of the <identityProviders element.



####entityId Attribute (identityProvider) Attribute of the <add> element

The issuer name that the idp will be using when sending responses. When <loadMetadata> is enabled, the entityId is treated as a URL to for downloading the metadata.

####signOnUrl Attribute Optional attribute of the <add> element

The url where the identity provider listens for incoming sign on requests. The url has to be written in a way that the client understands, since it is the client web browser that will be redirected to the url. Specifically this means that using a host name only url or a host name that only resolves on the network of the server won't work.

####logoutUrl Attribute Optional attribute of the <add> element

The url where the identity provider listens for incoming logout requests and responses. To enable single logout behaviour there must also be a service certificate configured in AuthServices as all logout messages must be signed.

####allowUnsolicitedAuthnResponse Attribute Attribute of the <add> element

Allow unsolicited responses. That is InResponseTo is missing in the AuthnRequest.
If true InResponseTo is not required. The IDP can initiate the authentication process.
If false InResponseTo is required. The authentication process must be initiated by an AuthnRequest from this SP.
Even though allowUnsolicitedAuthnResponse is true the InResponseTo must be valid if existing.

####binding Attribute Optional attribute of the <add> element

The binding that the services provider should use when sending requests to the identity provider. One of the supported values of the Saml2BindingType enum.

Currently supported values:

  • HttpRedirect
  • HttpPost

####wantAuthnRequestsSigned attribute Optional attribute of the <add> element

Specifies whether the Identity provider wants the AuthnRequests signed. Defaults to false.

####loadMetadata Attribute Optional attribute of the <add> element

Load metadata from the idp and use that information instead of the configuration. It is possible to use a specific certificate even though the metadata is loaded, in that case the configured certificate will take precedence over any contents in the metadata.

####metadataLocation Attribute (Idp) Optional attribute of the add element

The SAML2 metadata standard strongly suggests that the Entity Id of a SAML2 entity is a URL where the metadata of the entity can be found. When loading metadata for an idp, AuthServices normally interprets the EntityId as a url to the metadata. If the metadata is located somewhere else it can be specified with this configuration parameter. The location can be a URL, an absolute path to a local file or an app relative path (e.g. ~/App_Data/IdpMetadata.xml)

###<signingCertificate> Element Optional child element of the <identityProvider> element

The certificate that the identity provider uses to sign its messages. The certificate can either be loaded from file if the fileName attribute is specified or from a certificate store if the other attributes are specified. If a fileName is specified that will take precedence and the other attributes will be ignored.


####fileName Attribute Attribute of the <signingCertificate> element

A file name to load the certificate from. The path is relative to the execution path of the application.

File based certificates are only recommended for testing and during development. In production environments it is better to use the certificate storage.

####storeName Attribute Attribute of the <signingCertificate> element

Name of the certificate store to search for the certificate. It is recommended to keep the certificate of the identity provider in the "Other People" store which is specified by the AddressBook enum value.

Valid values are those from the System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreName enumeration.

####storeLocation Attribute Attribute of the <signingCertificate> element

The location of the store to search for the certificate. On production services it is recommended to use the LocalMachine value, while it makes more sense to use CurrentUser in development setups.

Valid values are those from the System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreLocation enumeration.

####findValue Attribute Attribute of the <signingCertificate> element

A search term to use to find the certificate. The value will be searched for in the field specified by the x509FindType attribute.

####x509FindType Attribute Attribute of the <signingCertificate> element

The field that will be seach for a match to the value in findValue. For security, it is recommended to use FindBySerialNumber.

Note: There is a nasty bug when copying a serial number from the certificate info displayed by certificate manager and the browser. There is a hidden character before the first hex digit that will mess upp the matching. Once pasted into the config, use the arrow keys to make sure that there is not an additional invisible character at the start of the serial number string.

Valid values are those from the System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509FindType enumeration.

###<federations> Element Optional child element of the <kentor.authServices>(#kentor-authservices-section) element.

Contains a list of federations that the service provider knows and trusts.


###<add> Federation Element

  • Child element of the <federations>(#federations-element) element.*

Adds a known federation.


####metadataLocation Attribute (Federation) Attribute of <add>

URL to the full metadata of the federation. AuthServices will download the metadata and add all identity providers found to the list of known and trusted identity providers. The location can be a URL, an absolute path to a local file or an app relative path (e.g. ~/App_Data/IdpMetadata.xml)

####allowUnsolicitedAuthnResponse Attribute (Federation) Attribute of <add>

Decided whether unsolicited authn responses should be allowed from the identity providers in the federation.

###<serviceCertificates> Element Optional child element of the <kentor.authServices> element.

Specifies the certificate(s) that the service provider uses for encrypted assertions (and for signed requests, once that feature is added).

If neither of those features are used, this element can be ommitted.

The public key(s) will be exposed in the metadata and the private key(s) will be used during decryption/signing.


Add a service certificate

###<add> ServiceCertificate Element

Uses same options/attributes as <signingCertificate> for locating the certificate. But also has the below options for configuring how the certificate will be used.


####use Attribute (ServiceCertificate)

How should this certificate be used? Options are:

  • Signing
  • Encryption
  • Both (Default)

####status Attribute (ServiceCertificate)

Is this certificate for current or future use (i.e. key rollover scenario)? Options are:

  • Current (Default)
  • Future

####metadataPublishOverride Attribute (ServiceCertificate)

Should we override how this certificate is published in the metadata? Options are:

  • None (Default) - published according to the rules in the table below.
  • PublishUnspecified
  • PublishEncryption
  • PublishSigning
  • DoNotPublish

Use | Status | Published in Metatadata | Used by AuthServices ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- Both | Current | Unspecified unless Future key exists, then Signing | Yes Both | Future | Unspecified | For decryption only Signing | Current | Signing | Yes Signing | Future | Signing | No Encryption | Current | Encryption unless Future key exists then not published | Yes Encryption | Future | Encryption | Yes

##<system.identityModel> Section Child element of <configuration> element.

There must be a <system.identityModel> section in the config file or there will be a runtime error. The section can be empty (use <system.identityModel />).

    <claimsAuthenticationManager type="Kentor.AuthServices.Tests.ClaimsAuthenticationManagerStub, Kentor.AuthServices.Tests"/>

###<claimsAuthenticationManager> Element Child element of the <identityConfiguration> element.

Specifies the type of a custom ClaimsAuthenticationManager for the application. The default implementation just passes through the identity.

###<system.IdentityModelServices> Section Child element of <configuration> element.

The <> element configures the built in servies. For testing on non ssl sites, the requirement for ssl for the session authentication cookie must be disabled.

Note: It is a severe security risk to leave the requireSsl setting as false in a production environment.

    <cookieHandler requireSsl ="false"/>