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Feast Online Store Format v0.10


This document describes the data format used by Feast for storing feature data for online serving.

This format is considered part of Feast public API contract; that allows other community developed software or "addons" to Feast to integrate with it. That way this software can directly and efficiently read and write data from Feast-compatible online stores, without having to go through Feast HTTP or gRPC API.

The format is not entirely technology or cloud agnostic. Since users may opt to use different key-value stores as an underlying engine to store feature data, and we don't want to aim for the lowest common denominator across them, we have to provide different "flavors" of this data format, specialized for every supported store.

This version of the Online Store Format supports Redis and DynamoDB as storage engine. We envision adding more storage engines to this document in the future.


For definitions of the terms used here, please refer to Feast glossary.

Fundamentally, an Online Store is used to store a snapshot of feature data, that is a set of entity rows indexed by entity key. There is only one entity row per entity key and feature table.

We use feast.types.Value protobuf as the main tagged union data type used to serialize arbitrary typed values in Feast. See Appendix A below for exact definition.

Redis Online Store Format


When feature data is stored in Redis, we use it as a two-level map, by utilizing Redis Hashes.

The first level of the map contains the Feast project name and entity key. The entity key is composed of entity names and values. The second level key (in Redis terminology, this is the "field" in a Redis Hash) contains the feature table name and the feature name, and the Redis Hash value contains the feature value.

Therefore, the high level hierarchy is:

Redis High Level Online Structure


To compute Redis key, we convert entity values and names to a protobuf message of the following format:

message RedisKeyV2 {
  string project = 1;
  // alphabetical order (using `String::compareTo`).
  repeated string entity_names = 2;
  // same length as entity_names
  repeated feast.types.Value entity_values = 3;

This message is then serialized to a byte array and used as a Redis key.

The value in Redis itself is a key-value map. It is a Redis Hash that stores feature names and corresponding feature values. To compute the Redis Hash field names used to look up feature values in the Hash, all feature references are hashed as Murmur3_32(table_name + ":" + feature_name), using the little-endian byte representation of the hash value. We also store the timestamp for that entity row (a set of features) under a field named "_ts:" + table_name in the same Redis Hash.

The values in the Redis Hash are encoded as serialized feast.types.Value protos for feature values, and serialized google.protobuf.Timestamp protos for the entity row timestamp.

Here's an example of how the entire thing looks like:

Redis Online Store Example

Known Issues

According to the protobuf spec, generally speaking, you can't use serialized representation to compare protos for equality. Therefore, using a proto serialized to a byte array as a Redis key is not guaranteed to work. In practice we haven't yet run into issues, at least as long as entitiy values are relatively simple types.

However, we'll address this issue in future versions of the protocol.

Google Datastore Online Store Format

Datastore data model is a collection of documents called Entities (not to be confused with Feast Entities). Documents can be organized in a hierarchy using Kinds.

We use the following structure to store feature data in Datastore:

  • There is a Datastore Entity for each Feast Project, with Kind Project.
  • Under that Datastore Entity, there is a Datastore Entity for each Feast Feature Table or View, with Kind Table. That contains one additional field, created_ts that contains the timestamp when this Datastore Entity was created.
  • Under that Datastore Entity, there is a Datastore Entity for each Feast Entity Key with Kind Row. That contains the following fields:
    • key contains entity key as serialized feast.types.EntityKey proto
    • values contains feature name to value map, values serialized as feast.types.Value proto
    • event_ts contains event timestamp (in the datastore timestamp format)
    • created_ts contains write timestamp (in the datastore timestamp format).

The id for the Row Datastore Entity is computed by hashing entity key using murmurhash3_128 algorithm as follows:

  1. Hash entity names, sorted in alphanumeric order, by serializing them to bytes using the Value Serialization steps below.
  2. Hash the entity values in the same order as corresponding entity names, by serializing them to bytes using the Value Serialization steps below.

Value Serialization:

  • Store the type of the value (ValueType enum) as little-endian uint32.
  • Store the byte length of the serialized value as little-endian uint32.
  • Store the serialized value as bytes:
    • binary values are serialized as is
    • string values serialized as utf8 string
    • int64 and int32 hashed as little-endian byte representation (8 and 4 bytes respectively)
    • bool hashed as 0 or 1 byte.

Other types of entity keys are not supported in this version of the specification, when using Cloud Firestore.


Datastore Online Example

Google Bigtable Online Store Format

Bigtable storage model consists of massively scalable tables, with each row keyed by a "row key". The rows in a table are stored lexicographically sorted by this row key.

We use the following structure to store feature data in Bigtable:

  • All feature data for an entity or a specific group of entities is stored in the same table. The table name is derived by concatenating the lexicographically sorted names of entities.
  • This implementation only uses one column family per table, named features.
  • Each row key is created by concatenating a hash derived from the specific entity keys and the name of the feature view. Each row only stores feature values for a specific feature view. This arrangement also means that feature values for a given group of entities are colocated.
  • The columns used in each row are named after the features in the feature view. Bigtable is perfectly content being sparsely populated.
  • By default, we store 1 historical value of each feature value. This can be configured using the max_versions setting in BigtableOnlineStoreConfig. This implementation of the online store does not have the ability to revert any given value to its old self. To use the historical version, you'll have to use custom code.

Cassandra/Astra DB Online Store Format


Apache Cassandra™ is a table-oriented NoSQL distributed database. Astra DB is a managed database-as-a-service built on Cassandra, and will be assimilated to the former in what follows.

In Cassandra, tables are grouped in keyspaces (groups of related tables). Each table is comprised of rows, each containing data for a given set of columns. Moreover, rows are grouped in partitions according to a partition key (a portion of the uniqueness-defining primary key set of columns), so that all rows with the same values for the partition key are guaranteed to be stored on the same Cassandra nodes, next to each other, which guarantees fast retrieval times.

This architecture makes Cassandra a good fit for an online feature store in Feast.

Cassandra Online Store Format

Each project (denoted by its name, called "feature store name" elsewhere) may contain an arbitrary number of FeatureViews: these correspond each to a specific table, and all tables for a project are to be contained in a single keyspace. The keyspace should have been created by the Feast user preliminarly and is to be specified in the feature store configuration yaml.

The table for a project project and feature view FeatureView will have name project_FeatureView (e.g. feature_repo_driver_hourly_stats).

All tables have the same structure. Cassandra is schemaful and the columns are strongly typed. In the following table schema (which also serves as Chebotko diagram) the Python and Cassandra data types are both specified:

Table: <project>_<FeatureView> (Python type)
entity_key TEXT K str
feature_name TEXT C↑ str
value BLOB bytes
event_ts TIMESTAMP datetime.datetime
created_ts TIMESTAMP datetime.datetime

Each row in the table represents a single value for a feature in a feature view, thus associated to a specific entity. The choice of partitioning ensures that, within a given feature view (i.e. a single table), for a given entity any number of features can be retrieved with a single, best-practice-respecting query (which is what happens in the online_read method implementation).

The entity_key column is computed as serialize_entity_key(entityKey).hex(), where entityKey is of type feast.protos.feast.types.EntityKey_pb2.EntityKey.

The value of feature_name is the plain-text name of the feature as defined in the corresponding FeatureView.

For value, the bytes from [protoValue].SerializeToString() are used, where protoValue is of type feast.protos.feast.types.Value_pb2.Value.

Column event_ts stores the timestamp the feature value refers to, as passed to the store method. Conversely, column created_ts, meant to store the write time for the entry, is now being deprecated and will be never written by this online-store implementation. Thanks to the internal storage mechanism of Cassandra, this does not incur a noticeable performance penalty (hence, for the time being, the column can be maintained in the schema).

Example entry

For a project feature_repo and feature view named driver_hourly_stats, a typical row in table feature_repo_driver_hourly_stats might look like:

Column content notes
entity_key 020000006472697665725f69640400000004000000ea030000 from "driver_id = 1002"
feature_name conv_rate
value 0x35f5696d3f from float_val: 0.9273980259895325, i.e. (b'5\xf5im?').hex()
event_ts 2022-07-07 09:00:00.000000+0000 from datetime.datetime(2022, 7, 7, 9, 0)
created_ts null not explicitly written to avoid unnecessary tombstones

Known Issues

If a FeatureView ever gets re-defined in a schema-breaking way, the implementation is not able to rearrange the schema of the underlying table accordingly (neither dropping all data nor, even less so, keeping it somehow). This should never occur, lest one encounters all sorts of data-retrieval issues anywhere in Feast usage.


Appendix A. Value proto format.
message ValueType {
  enum Enum {
    INVALID = 0;
    BYTES = 1;
    STRING = 2;
    INT32 = 3;
    INT64 = 4;
    DOUBLE = 5;
    FLOAT = 6;
    BOOL = 7;
    BYTES_LIST = 11;
    STRING_LIST = 12;
    INT32_LIST = 13;
    INT64_LIST = 14;
    DOUBLE_LIST = 15;
    FLOAT_LIST = 16;
    BOOL_LIST = 17;

message Value {
  // ValueType is referenced by the metadata types, FeatureInfo and EntityInfo.
  // The enum values do not have to match the oneof val field ids, but they should.
  oneof val {
    bytes bytes_val = 1;
    string string_val = 2;
    int32 int32_val = 3;
    int64 int64_val = 4;
    double double_val = 5;
    float float_val = 6;
    bool bool_val = 7;
    int64 unix_timestamp_val = 8;
    BytesList bytes_list_val = 11;
    StringList string_list_val = 12;
    Int32List int32_list_val = 13;
    Int64List int64_list_val = 14;
    DoubleList double_list_val = 15;
    FloatList float_list_val = 16;
    BoolList bool_list_val = 17;
    Int64List unix_timestamp_list_val = 18;

message BytesList {
  repeated bytes val = 1;

message StringList {
  repeated string val = 1;

message Int32List {
  repeated int32 val = 1;

message Int64List {
  repeated int64 val = 1;

message DoubleList {
  repeated double val = 1;

message FloatList {
  repeated float val = 1;

message BoolList {
  repeated bool val = 1;