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Eugen Kiss edited this page Jun 12, 2013 · 35 revisions

This page should provide enough information to get you quickly started with developing for ConExp-NG.

The following Maven commands are available:

  • mvn exec:exec: run the project
  • mvn package: create an executable jar in target
  • mvn javadoc:javadoc: create JavaDocs in target/site/apidocs

Setting up Eclipse

You need to install m2eclipse and import the project as an "Existing Maven Project". Create the following run configuration in order to make it easy to run the project from within eclipse:

If you encounter the following annoying error "Failed to load class org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder" then take a look at this Stackoverflow suggestion (be sure to read's comments). In general, you should not use m2eclipse's embedded maven. Instead, you should use your normal Maven installation.

You can also use IntelliJ IDEA as an alternative which has built-in Maven support.

High-level Code Structure

  • The provisional JavaDocs can currently be found at The JavaDocs must manually be created and then committed to and pushed from the gh-pages branch in order for them to be accessible from this url. When the project goes public the url will probably change to the new repository owner rjoberon.


File Format



TODO: tut on how to build website, e.g. cloning gh-pages and putting javadocs into /javadocs etc.



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