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Description | 內容

Drop gifts when a special infected or a witch/tank killed by survivor.

  • ConVar | 指令
    • cfg/sourcemod/l4d2_gifts.cfg
       // Enable gifts 0: Disable, 1: Enable
       l4d2_gifts_enabled "1"
       // How long the gift stay on ground (seconds)
       l4d2_gifts_gift_life "30"
       // Chance (%) of infected drop special standard gift.
       l4d2_gifts_chance_standard "50"
       // Chance (%) of tank and witch drop second special gift.
       l4d2_gifts_chance_special "100"
       // Increase Infected health if they pick up gift. (0=Off)
       l4d2_gifts_infected_reward_hp_standard "200"
       // Increase Infected health if they pick up special gift. (0=Off)
       l4d2_gifts_infected_reward_hp_special "400"
       // Notify Server who pickes up gift, and what the gift reward is. (0: Disable, 1:In chat, 2: In Hint Box, 3: In center text)
       l4d2_gifts_announce_type "3"
       // If 1, prevent survivors from switching into new weapons and items when they open gifts
       l4d2_gifts_block_switch "0"
       // Standard gift - pick up sound file (relative to to sound/, empty=disable)
       l4d2_gifts_soundfile_standard "level/loud/climber.wav"
       // Special gift - pick up sound file (relative to to sound/, empty=disable)
       l4d2_gifts_soundfile_special "level/gnomeftw.wav"
  • Command | 命令
    • Spawn a gift in your position (Adm required: ADMFLAG_CHEATS)

       sm_gifts <standard>
       sm_gifts <special>
    • Reload the config file of gifts (data/l4d2_gifts.cfg)

  • Data Config
    • data\l4d2_gifts.cfg

       "models" // modify the gift Model
       		"model"		"models/items/l4d_gift.mdl"  //model of gift: a small model such as animals, boxes, etc. is preferable.
       		"type"		"physics" 					// type of model: physics or static (Not all models can be physical)
       		"gift"		"special" 					// type of gift: standard or special
       		"scale"		"1.0"	  					// scale of model (default 1.0) [optional] (Not all models accept scale)
       		"entity_enable"		"1"					// Enable Gift Color [0: Disable Color]		
       		"entity_color"		"-1 -1 -1"			// Set Gift Color [-1 -1 -1: Random]
       		"glow_enable"		"1"					// Enable Glow [0: Disable Glow]
       		"glow_color"		"-1 -1 -1"			// Set Glow Color [-1 -1 -1: Random]
       		"glow_range"		"600"				// Set Glow Range [0: No distance]
       	// There are 65 random items drop from standard gifts
       	"num"   "65"
       		"name" "defibrillator"
       		// spawn random melee weapon from the melee string table (support custom melee )
       		"name"  "weapon_melee"
       		// add player health +100hp
       		"name"  "hp"
       		"hp"	"100"
       		// player lose health -1hp
       		"name"  "hp"
       		"hp"	"-1"
       		// empty gift, survivor get nothing (Have a good day :D)
       		"name" "empty"
       	// There are 13 random items drop from special gifts
       	"num"   "13"
       		"name" "first_aid_kit"
       // resupply player with how much ammo when player picks up "ammo" from gifts
       	"weapon_smg"				"400"
    • Available gift name

       "grenade_launcher" => Grenade Launcher
       "rifle_m60" => M60 Machine Gun
       "defibrillator" => Defibrillator
       "first_aid_kit" => First Aid Kit
       "pain_pills" => Pain Pill
       "adrenaline" => Adrenaline
       "weapon_upgradepack_incendiary" => Incendiary Pack
       "weapon_upgradepack_explosive" => Explosive Pack
       "molotov" => Molotov
       "pipe_bomb" => Pipe Bomb
       "vomitjar" => Vomitjar
       "gascan" => Gascan
       "propanetank" => Propane Tank
       "oxygentank" => Oxygen Tank
       "fireworkcrate" => Firework Crate
       "pistol" => Pistol
       "pistol_magnum" => Magnum
       "pumpshotgun" => Pumpshotgun
       "shotgun_chrome" => Chrome Shotgun
       "smg" => Smg
       "smg_silenced" => Silenced Smg
       "smg_mp5" => MP5
       "rifle" => Rifle
       "rifle_sg552" => SG552
       "rifle_ak47" => AK47
       "rifle_desert" => Desert Rifle
       "shotgun_spas" => Spas Shotgun
       "autoshotgun" => Autoshotgun
       "hunting_rifle" => Hunting Rifle
       "sniper_military" => Military Sniper
       "sniper_scout" => SCOUT
       "sniper_awp" => AWP
       "chainsaw" => Chainsaw
       "weapon_melee" => random melee weapons (support custom melee)
       "gnome" => Gnome
       "cola_bottles" => Cola Bottles
       "laser_sight" => Laser Sight
       "incendiary_ammo" => Incendiary Ammo
       "explosive_ammo" => Explosive Ammo
       "ammo" => Ammo
       "hp" => Health
       "empty" => Empty
  • Apply to | 適用於

  • Translation Support | 支援翻譯
  • Changelog | 版本日誌
    • v3.5 (2024-5-5)

      • Now survivors can press E to open gifts
    • v3.4 (2024-2-20)

      • Use data file to modify the gift items
      • Update Cvars
      • Update Translation
    • v3.3 (2023-12-11)

      • Remove collect limit
      • Remove some cvars
      • Update translation and data file
    • v3.2 (2023-6-9)

      • Add a convar, prevent survivors from switching into new weapons and items when they open gifts
      • Create Fake weapon_drop event
    • v3.0 (2022-12-26)

      • Add health gift, survivor could increase or lose health
    • v2.9 (2022-12-2)

      • Add cvars to control glow color and range
      • Translation Support
    • v2.8

      • Remake Code
      • Remove rotation, and some static models
      • Add L4D2 "The Last Stand" two melee: pitchfork、shovel
      • Add All weapons、melee、items
      • Add laser、firework crate、ammo、incendiary ammo、explosive_ammo
      • Use left4dhooks instead
      • Remove points
      • Add glow flashing
    • v1.3.6.1



  • 原理

    • 殺死特感掉落"普通禮盒"
    • 殺死Tank或Witch掉落"特殊禮盒"
    • 如何打開禮物盒
      • 人類碰觸到盒
      • 按E
    • 禮物盒會有各式各樣的武器與物品,也有可能為空或失去血量,驚喜一瞬間
    • 特感也能碰禮盒,會自動增加血量
  • 指令中文介紹 (點我展開)
    • cfg/sourcemod/l4d2_gifts.cfg
       // 0=關閉插件, 1=啟動插件
       l4d2_gifts_enabled "1"
       // 禮盒的存活時間,如果沒有人撿起會自動消失 (單位: 秒數)
       l4d2_gifts_gift_life "30"
       // 特感掉落普通禮盒的機率
       l4d2_gifts_chance_standard "50"
       // Tank/Witch掉落特殊禮盒的機率
       l4d2_gifts_chance_special "100"
       // 特感撿到普通禮盒所增加的血量. (0=關閉這項功能)
       l4d2_gifts_infected_reward_hp_standard "200"
       // 特感撿到特殊禮盒所增加的血量. (0=關閉這項功能)
       l4d2_gifts_infected_reward_hp_special "400"
       // 獲得禮物盒的提示該如何顯示. (0: 不提示, 1: 聊天框, 2: 黑底白字框, 3: 螢幕正中間)
       l4d2_gifts_announce_type "3"
       // 1=人類撿起禮盒時,物資直接掉在地上
       // 0=人類撿起禮盒時,物資直接拿在手上
       l4d2_gifts_block_switch "0"
       // 撿起普通禮盒的音效檔案,路徑相對於sound資料夾 (留白=無音效)
       l4d2_gifts_soundfile_standard "level/loud/climber.wav"
       // 撿起特殊禮盒的音效檔案,路徑相對於sound資料夾 (留白=無音效)
       l4d2_gifts_soundfile_special "level/gnomeftw.wav"
  • 命令中文介紹 (點我展開)
    • 在準心指向的地方生成禮盒 (權限: ADMFLAG_CHEATS)

       sm_gifts <standard> //生成普通禮盒
       sm_gifts <special> //生成特殊禮盒
    • 重載禮盒的模組設定文件 (data/l4d2_gifts.cfg)

  • 文件設定範例
    • data\l4d2_gifts.cfg

       "models" // 修改禮物盒模型
       		"model"		"models/items/l4d_gift.mdl" // 禮盒模型
       		"type"		"physics" 					// 禮盒的物理效果: physics[能移動] 或是 static[固態] (非所有模組能接受physics)
       		"gift"		"special" 					// 禮盒種類: standard[普通禮盒] or special[特殊禮盒]
       		"scale"		"1.0"	  					// 禮盒模型尺寸 (預設是 1.0,非所有模組能改變尺寸)
       		"entity_enable"		"1"					// 1=設置禮盒顏色, 0=不設置禮盒顏色
       		"entity_color"		"-1 -1 -1"			// 設置禮盒顏色,填入RGB三色 (三個數值介於0~255,需要空格) [-1 -1 -1: 隨機顏色]
       		"glow_enable"		"1"					// 1=開啟禮盒光圈, 0=關閉禮盒光圈
       		"glow_color"		"-1 -1 -1"			// 禮盒的光圈顏色,填入RGB三色 (三個數值介於0~255,需要空格) [-1 -1 -1: 隨機顏色]
       		"glow_range"		"600"				// 禮盒的顏色發光範圍
       	// 有65種物資隨機從普通禮盒掉落
       	"num"   "65"
       		"name" "defibrillator"
       		// 隨機生成可用的近戰武器 (支援三方圖近戰,自動識別)
       		"name"  "weapon_melee"
       		// 增加血量+100hp
       		"name"  "hp"
       		"hp"	"100"
       		// 失去血量-1hp
       		"name"  "hp"
       		"hp"	"-1"
       		// empty = 倖存者得不到任何東西 (謝謝惠顧!)
       		"name" "empty"
       	// 有13種物資隨機從特殊禮盒掉落
       	"num"   "13"
       		"name" "first_aid_kit"
       // 玩家撿到"ammo"時,補給的子彈數量,不准寫負數
       	"weapon_smg"				"400"
    • 可以寫的禮物

       "grenade_launcher" => 榴彈發射器
       "rifle_m60" => M60 機關槍
       "defibrillator" => 電擊器
       "first_aid_kit" => 治療包
       "pain_pills" => 藥丸
       "adrenaline" => 腎上腺素
       "weapon_upgradepack_incendiary" => 火焰彈藥包
       "weapon_upgradepack_explosive" => 高爆彈藥包
       "molotov" => 火瓶
       "pipe_bomb" => 土製炸彈
       "vomitjar" => 膽汁瓶
       "gascan" => 汽油桶
       "propanetank" => 瓦斯桶
       "oxygentank" => 氧氣灌
       "fireworkcrate" => 煙火盒
       "pistol" => Pistol
       "pistol_magnum" => Magnum
       "pumpshotgun" => Pumpshotgun
       "shotgun_chrome" => Chrome Shotgun
       "smg" => Smg
       "smg_silenced" => Silenced Smg
       "smg_mp5" => MP5
       "rifle" => Rifle
       "rifle_sg552" => SG552
       "rifle_ak47" => AK47
       "rifle_desert" => Desert Rifle
       "shotgun_spas" => Spas Shotgun
       "autoshotgun" => Autoshotgun
       "hunting_rifle" => Hunting Rifle
       "sniper_military" => Military Sniper
       "sniper_scout" => SCOUT
       "sniper_awp" => AWP
       "chainsaw" => 電鋸
       "weapon_melee" => 隨機近戰武器 (支援三方圖近戰)
       "gnome" => 精靈小矮人
       "cola_bottles" => 可樂瓶
       "laser_sight" => 雷射激光
       "incendiary_ammo" => 升級火焰子彈
       "explosive_ammo" => 升級高爆子彈
       "ammo" => 補給子彈
       "hp" => 血量增減
       "empty" => 空