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Description | 內容

When a client pops an adrenaline (or pills), various actions are perform faster (reload, melee swings, firing rates)

  • Video | 影片展示

  • Image | 圖示

    • Reload faster, increase firing rates (裝彈快、射速快)
    • Melee swings faster (砍速快)
  • Require | 必要安裝

    1. left4dhooks
    2. [INC] Multi Colors
  • ConVar
    • cfg/sourcemod/l4d2_powerups_rush.cfg
      // (L4D2) If 1, set adrenaline effect time same as l4d_powerups_duration (Progress bar faster, such as use kits faster, save teammates faster... etc)
      l4d_powerups_add_adrenaline_effect "1"
      // If 1, players will be given adrenaline when leaving saferoom? (0 = OFF)
      l4d_powerups_adren_give_on "0"
      // (1.0 = Minspeed(Default speed) 2.0 = 2x speed of recovery
      l4d_powerups_animspeed "2.0"
      // How are players notified when connecting to server about the powerups? (0: Disable, 1:In chat, 2: In Hint Box, 3: Chat/Hint Both)
      l4d_powerups_broadcast_type "1"
      // Changes how countdown timer hint display. (0: Disable, 1:In chat, 2: In Hint Box, 3: In center text)
      l4d_powerups_coutdown_type "2"
      // How long should the duration of the boosts last?
      l4d_powerups_duration "20"
      // Changes how activation hint and deactivation hint display. (0: Disable, 1:In chat, 2: In Hint Box, 3: In center text)
      l4d_powerups_notify_type "1"
      // If 1, players will be given pills when leaving saferoom? (0 = OFF)
      l4d_powerups_pills_give_on "0"
      // The luckey change for pills that will grant the boost. (0=Off, 1 = 1/1  2 = 1/2  3 = 1/3  4 = 1/4  etc.)", FCVAR_NOTIFY, true, 0.0)
      l4d_powerups_pills_luck "3"
      // If 1, enable this plugin ? (0 = Disable)
      l4d_powerups_plugin_on "1"
      // If 1, players will be given either adrenaline or pills when leaving saferoom? (0 = OFF)
      l4d_powerups_random_give_on "0"
      // The interval between bullets fired is multiplied by this value. WARNING: a short enough interval will make SMGs' and rifles' firing accuracy distorted (clamped between 0.02 ~ 0.9)
      l4d_powerups_weaponfiring_rate "0.7"
      // The interval for swinging melee weapon (clamped between 0.3 ~ 0.9)
      l4d_powerups_weaponmelee_rate "0.45"
      // The interval incurred by reloading is multiplied by this value (clamped between 0.2 ~ 0.9)
      l4d_powerups_weaponreload_rate "0.5714"
  • Command
    • Adm gives Adrenaline to all Survivors. (Adm Required: ADMFLAG_CHEATS)

    • Adm gives Pills to all Survivors. (Adm Required: ADMFLAG_CHEATS)

    • Adm gives Random item (Adrenaline or Pills) to all Survivors. (Adm Required: ADMFLAG_CHEATS)

  • Apply to | 適用於

  • Translation Support | 支援翻譯
  • Changelog | 版本日誌
    //Dusty1029 @ 2010
    //HarryPotter @ 2021-2023
    • v1.0h (2023-7-5)

      • Add translation
    • v2.2.1

      • AlliedModder Post
      • Remke code
      • Fixed error
      • Fixed Memory leak
      • Powerup returning to normal when player changes team or dies
      • Adrenaline makes you react faster to knockdowns and staggers (Combine with [L4D2]Adrenaline_Recovery by Lux)
      • Message display type (chat or hint box or center text)
      • (L4D2) Set adrenaline effect time longer then default 15s
    • v2.0.1



  • 原理

    • 使用腎上腺素之後
      • 裝彈速度變快
      • 開槍速度變快
      • 近戰揮砍速度變快
      • 被震暈和起身的回復速度快
  • 指令中文介紹(點我展開)
    • cfg/sourcemod/l4d2_powerups_rush.cfg
      // 為1時, 開啟這個插件 (0 = 關閉插件)
      l4d_powerups_plugin_on "1"
      // (只限二代) 為1時, 腎上腺素的效果時間與官方指令l4d_powerups_duration設置的值相等 (譬如拯救隊友變快、治療變快、罐汽油變快... 等等)
      l4d_powerups_add_adrenaline_effect "1"
      // 為1時, 當玩家離開安全室時給予腎上腺素
      l4d_powerups_adren_give_on "0"
      // 為1時, 當玩家離開安全室時給予止痛藥
      l4d_powerups_pills_give_on "0"
      // 為1時, 當玩家離開安全室時給予止痛藥或腎上腺素(隨機二選一) (0 = OFF)
      l4d_powerups_random_give_on "0"
      // 被震暈以及起身回復的速度 (1.0 = 預設 2.0 = 兩倍快 )
      l4d_powerups_animspeed "2.0"
      // 如何提示給玩家知道藥效的功能? (0: 關閉提示, 1:聊天框, 2: 螢幕下方黑底白字框, 3: 螢幕正中間)
      l4d_powerups_broadcast_type "1"
      // 如何顯示藥效的剩餘時間 (0: 關閉提示, 1:聊天框, 2: 螢幕下方黑底白字框, 3: 螢幕正中間)
      l4d_powerups_coutdown_type "2"
      // 如何顯示服用生效與失效的提示 (0: 關閉提示, 1:聊天框, 2: 螢幕下方黑底白字框, 3: 螢幕正中間)
      l4d_powerups_notify_type "1"
      // 止痛藥丸也會獲得跟腎上腺素一樣的效果,機率為 (0=沒效果, 1 = 1/1  2 = 1/2  3 = 1/3  4 = 1/4 等等)
      l4d_powerups_pills_luck "3"
      // 腎上腺素的效時間多長?
      l4d_powerups_duration "20"
      // 設置開槍射速 (介於 0.02 ~ 0.9)
      l4d_powerups_weaponfiring_rate "0.7"
      // 設置近戰砍速 (介於 0.3 ~ 0.9)
      l4d_powerups_weaponmelee_rate "0.45"
      // 設置裝彈速度 (介於 0.2 ~ 0.9)
      l4d_powerups_weaponreload_rate "0.5714"
  • 命令中文介紹(點我展開)
    • 管理員給予所有倖存者腎上腺素 (權限: ADMFLAG_CHEATS)

    • 管理員給予所有倖存者藥丸 (權限: ADMFLAG_CHEATS)

    • 管理員給予所有倖存者藥丸或腎上腺素 (隨機二選一). (權限: ADMFLAG_CHEATS)
