- Steam2
- VK3
- Origin4
- Warface5
- Uplay7
- Social Club9
- Fortnite10
- Instagram11
- Battle.net12
- Epic Games14
- World Of Tanks15
- Supercell16
- World Of Tanks Blitz17
- Genshin Impact18
- Escape From Tarkov19
- VPN20
- TikTok22
- Discord
Firstly we need to make a reference for our API.
Include a namespace for API.
using LolzMarketAPI;
After including you need to set an authorization data in your class initialization.
public Form1()
LolzMarketAPI.setData("your_token", user_id);
This C# API has 4 methods for sending requests.
All of the functions returns an string formatted JSON object.
response = LolzMarketAPI.List(**args);
string category
| Optional
// The category name to view specified items with that category
int pmin
| Optional
// Minimal price of account (Inclusive)
int pmax
| Optional
// Maximum price of account (Inclusive)
string title
| Optional
// The word or words contained in the account title
bool parse_sticky_items
| Optional
// If yes, API will return stickied accounts in results
Dictionary<string, string> optional_args
| Optional
// An optional category parameters: You can find it using "Inspect code element" in your browser
This function displays a list of latest accounts if category is not introduced or displays a list of accounts in a specific category according to your parameters with category introduced.
response = LolzMarketAPI.Items(**args);
int category_id
| Optional
// The category id to view specified items with that category
int pmin
| Optional
// Minimal price of account (Inclusive)
int pmax
| Optional
// Maximum price of account (Inclusive)
string title
| Optional
// The word or words contained in the account title
bool parse_sticky_items
| Optional
// If yes, API will return stickied accounts in results
Dictionary<string, string> optional_args
| Optional
// An optional category parameters: You can find it using "Inspect code element" in your browser
This function displays a list of owned accounts
response = LolzMarketAPI.Orders(**args);
int category_id
| Optional
// The category id to view specified items with that category
int pmin
| Optional
// Minimal price of account (Inclusive)
int pmax
| Optional
// Maximum price of account (Inclusive)
string title
| Optional
// The word or words contained in the account title
bool parse_sticky_items
| Optional
// If yes, API will return stickied accounts in results
Dictionary<string, string> optional_args
| Optional
// An optional category parameters: You can find it using "Inspect code element" in your browser
This function displays a list of purchased accounts
response = LolzMarketAPI.Fave();
This function displays a list of favourites accounts
response = LolzMarketAPI.Viewed();
This function displays a list of viewed accounts
response = LolzMarketAPI.Item(int itemId);
This fucntion displays account information with that itemId
To purchase the account you need make 3 steps Reserve() | Check_Account() | Confirm_Buy()
response = LolzMarketAPI.Reserve(int itemId, int price);
This function reserves account for you. Reserve time - 300 seconds.
response = LolzMarketAPI.Cancel_Reserve(int itemId);
This function cancels account reserve.
response = LolzMarketAPI.Check_Account(int itemId);
Checking account for validity. If the account is invalid, the purchase will be canceled automatically (you don't need to make request Cancel-Reserve)
response = LolzMarketAPI.Confirm_Buy(int itemId);
This function confirms account buy.
response = LolzMarketAPI.Transfer_Money(**args);
int receiverId
| Required
User id of receiver. If user_id specified, username is not required.
string receiverUsername
| Required
Username of receiver. If username specified, user_id is not required.
int amount
| Required
Amount to send in your currency.
string secret_answer
| secret_answer Required
Secret answer of your account
string currency
| Required
Using currency for amount. Allowed values: cny usd rub eur uah kzt byn gbp
string comment
| Optional
Transfer comment. Maximum 255 characters
bool transfer_hold
| Optional
Hold transfer or not.
int hold_length_value
| Optional
Hold length value (number).
string hold_length_option
| Optional
Hold length option (string). Allowed values: hour day week month year
E.g. you want to hold money transfer on 3 days. hold_length_value - will be '3', hold_length_option - will be 'days'.
E.g. you want to hold money transfer on 12 hours. hold_length_value - will be '12', hold_length_option - will be 'hours'
This functions sends money to any user.
response = LolzMarketAPI.Payments(int userId, **args);
int userId
| Your user id to see information
string type
| Optional
: Type of operation. Allowed operation types: income cost refilled_balance withdrawal_balance paid_item sold_item money_transfer receiving_money internal_purchase claim_hold
int pmin
| Optional
: Minimal price of operation (Inclusive)
int pmax
| Optional
: Maximum price of operation (Inclusive)
string receiver
| Optional
: Username of user, which receive money from you
string sender
| Optional
: Username of user, which sent money to you
string startDate
| Optional
: Start date of operation (RFC 3339 date format)
string endDate
| Optional
: End date of operation (RFC 3339 date format)
string wallet
| Optional
: Wallet, which used for money payots
string comment
| Optional
: Comment for money transfers
int is_hold
| Optional
: Display hold operations
This function displays list of your payments
You need to make 2 requests: Add_Item() and Goods_Check() For categories, which required temporary email (Steam, Social Club) you need to make Goods_Add() to get temporary email
response = LolzMarketAPI.Add_Item(**args);
string title
| Required
Russian title of account. If title specified and title_en is empty, title_en will be automatically translated to English language.
int price
| Required
Account price in your currency
int category_id
| Required
Category id
string item_origin
| Required
Item origin
int extended_guarantee
| Required
Guarantee type. Allowed values: -1 = 12 hours, 0 = 24 hours, 1 = 3 days.
string currency
| Required
Using currency. Allowed values: cny usd rub eur uah kzt byn gbp
string title_en
| Optional
English title of account. If title_en specified and title is empty, title will be automatically translated to Russian language.
string description
| Optional
Account public description
string information
| Optional
Account private information (visible for buyer only if purchased)
bool? has_email_login_data
| Optional
/ Required if a category is one of list of Required email login data categories (see below)
string email_login_data
| Optional
/ Required_ if a category is one of list of Required email login data categories (see below) . Email login data (login:pass format)
string email_type
| Optional
Email type. Allowed values: native autoreg
bool? allow_ask_discount
| Optional
Allow users to ask discount for this account
int proxy_id
| Optional
Using proxy id for account checking. See Proxy Settings to get or edit proxy list
This function adds account on the market. After this request an account will have item_state = awaiting (not displayed in search)
Account origin. Where did you get it from.
- Account received using Bruteforcefishing
- Account received from fishing pagestealer
- Account received from stealer logsautoreg
- Account is automatically registered by a toolpersonal
- Account is yours. You created it yourself.resale
- Account received from another sellerretrive
- Account is recovered by email or phone (only for VKontakte category)
Required email login data categories
(id 9)
Epic games
(id 12)
Escape from Tarkov
(id 18)
response = LolzMarketAPI.Goods_Add(int itemId, **args);
int itemId
| Required
Item id to add
int resell_item_id
| Optional
Put item id, if you are trying to resell item. This is useful to pass temporary email from reselling item to new item. You will get same temporary email from reselling account.
This function get info about not published item. For categories, which required temporary email (Steam, Social Club), you will get temporary email in response.
response = LolzMarketAPI.Goods_Check(int itemId, **args);
int itemId
| `Required Item id to add
string login
| Optional
Account login (or email)
string password
| Optional
Account password
string login_password
| Optional
Account login data format login:password
bool? close_item
| Optional
If set, the item will be closed item_state = closed
Dictionary<string, string> extra
| Optional
(Array) Extra params for account checking. E.g. you need to put cookies to extra[cookies] if you want to upload Fortnite/Epic Games account {"title": "value", "title2": "value2"}
int resell_item_id
| Put if you are trying to resell an account.
This function check account on validity. If account is valid, account will be published on the market.
response = LolzMarketAPI.Category(**args);
bool? top_queries
| Optional
(Boolean) Display top queries for per category
This function display category list
response = LolzMarketAPI.Email_Code(string email);
string email
| Required
Account email
This function gets confirmation code or link.
response = LolzMarketAPI.Refuse_Guarantee(int itemId);
int itemId
| Required
itemId for refusing
This function cancel guarantee of account. It can be useful for account reselling.
response = LolzMarketAPI.Change_Password(int itemId, **args);
int itemId
| Required
itemId to change password
bool? _cancel
| Optional
Cancel change password recommendation. It will be helpful, if you don't want to change password and get login data
This function changes password of account.
response = LolzMarketAPI.Edit_Item(int itemId, **args);
int itemId
| Required
itemId to edit
string key
| Optional
Key to edit (key list you can see below). E.g. price.
string value
| Optional
Value to edit
Dictionary<string, string> key_values
| Optional
Key-values to edit (Array). E.g. {"title": "value", "title2": "value2"}
string currency = "rub"
| Required
Currency of account price. Required if you are trying to change price field. Allowed values: cny usd rub eur uah kzt byn gbp | Defaults to "rub"
Russian title of account. Iftitle
specified andtitle_en
is empty,title_en
will be automatically translated to English language.title_en
English title of account. Iftitle_en
specified andtitle
is empty,title
will be automatically translated to Russian language.price
Account price in your currency. Allowed values:cny
Item origindescription
Account public descriptioninformation
Account private information (visible for buyer only if purchased)has_email_login_data
Set boolean, if you have email login dataemail_login_data
Email login data (login:pass format)email_type
Email type. Allowed values:native
Allow users to ask discount for this accountproxy_id
Using proxy id for account checking. See GET /account/market to get or edit proxy list
This function edits any details of account.
response = LolzMarketAPI.Delete_Item(int itemId, string reason);
int itemId
| Required
itemId to delete
string reason
| Required
Delete reason
This function deletes your account from public search. Deletetion type is soft. You can restore account after deletetion if you want.
response = LolzMarketAPI.Add_Tag(int itemId, int tagId);
int itemId
| Required
itemId to add tag
int tagId
| Required
Tag id (Tag list is available via Me())
This function adds tag for the account
response = LolzMarketAPI.Delete_Tag(int itemId, int tagId);
int itemId
| Required
itemId to delete tag
int tagId
| Required
Tag id (Tag list is available via Me())
This function deletes tag for the account
response = LolzMarketAPI.Bump(int itemId);
int itemId
| Required
itemId to bump
This function bumps account in the search
response = LolzMarketAPI.Star(int itemId);
int itemId
| Required
itemId to star product
This function adds account to favourites
response = LolzMarketAPI.Unstar(int itemId);
int itemId
| Required
itemId to unstar product
This function removes account from favourites
response = LolzMarketAPI.Stick(int itemId);
int itemId
| Required
itemId to stick product
This function stick account in the top of search
response = LolzMarketAPI.Unstick(int itemId);
int itemId
| Required
itemId to unstick product
This function unstick account of the top of search
response = LolzMarketAPI.Change_Owner(int itemId, string username, string secret_answer);
This function changes account owner by username
response = LolzMarketAPI.Me();
This function displays info about your profile.
response = LolzMarketAPI.Change_Settings(**args);
bool? disable_steam_guard
| Optional
Disable Steam Guard on account purchase moment
bool? user_allow_ask_discount
| Optional
Allow users ask discount for your accounts
uint? max_discount_percent
| Optional
Maximum discount percents for your accounts
string allow_accept_accounts
| Optional
Usernames who can transfer market accounts to you. Separate values with a comma.
bool? hide_favourites
| Optional
Hide your profile info when you add an account to favorites
This function change settings about your profile on the market
response = LolzMarketAPI.Get_Proxy();
This function gets your proxy list
response = LolzMarketAPI.Add_Proxy(string proxyIp, int proxyPort, **args);
string proxyIp
| Required
Proxy ip or host
int proxyPort
| Required
Proxy port
string proxyUser
| Optional
Proxy username
string proxyPass
| Optional
Proxy password
string proxyRow
| Required
Proxy list in String format ip:port:user:pass. Each proxy must be start with new line (use \r\n separator)
This function add single proxy or proxy list
response = LolzMarketAPI.Delete_Proxy(**args);
int proxy_id
| Optional
Proxy id
bool? delete_all
| Optional
Set boolean if you want to delete all proxy
This function delete single or all proxies