Provides extensible common utility classes for rapid JSON API development. Offers the following functionality:
- Abstration of middleware specific code for framework agnostic use
- Handling of request/response lifecycle
- Built in CRUD functionality via find, findOne, create, update, delete functions for any resource you create
- Management of event bus (aka Intercom) used for decoupled module communication
See the facet core module for details on creating API resources.
var ApiCore = require('facet-core').ApiCore;
var TodosAPI = function(facet.moduleOptions) {
// define mongoose schema and bind events here
// see other facet modules for examples:
* Todos API inherits from API Core which enables CRUD functionality.
* The definition of new facet classes would be done in a different
* module which depends on facet-core
util.inherits(TodosAPI, ApiCore);
var facet = require('facet-platform')(),
app = require('express')();
// set up facet modules
'todo': require('./path-to-todos')
.setModuleOptions({dbServer: 'mongodb://localhost:27017'})
app.set('port', process.env.PORT || 9393);
// auto route binding for CRUD routes:
// GET /todos
// GET /todos/:id
// POST /todos
// PUT /todos/:id
// DELETE /todos/:id
// Advanced route binding across different domains is
// possible as well. See The facet-commerce for an example.
app.use( '/api/v1', facet.getModule('todo').bindRoutes( express.Router(), {
routeBase: '/todos'
http.createServer(app).listen(8888, function(){
console.log('Express server listening on port 8888');
Also checkout out the sample app.
var facet = require('facet-platform');
// create a todo
var importantTodo = {
author: 'Action Bronson',
task: 'Kick back'
.then(function(data) {
console.log('created task: ', data);
function(err) {
console.log('booo: ', err);
// query.conditions, query.fields, and query.options
// are regular mongoose queries
var findQuery = {
conditions: {task: 'Kick back'},
fields: '',
options: {
lean: true
// TodosAPI.find() is a wrapper for mongoose's find(), same
// with findOne(), create(), remove() and update()
TodosAPI.find(query, successCb, errorCb);
// or via promises
.then(function(data) {
console.log('success! ', data);
function(err) {
console.log('booo: ', err);
- actual documentation and example apps
- multitenancy support w/ multiple apps per tenant
- error handling base class
- logging functionlality