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NGINX Instance Manager - Docker image

This repository is archived. NGINX Instance Manager 1.x is outdated by 2.x releases, please use instead


This repo creates a docker image for NGINX Instance Manager 1.x (NIM, so that it can be run on Kubernetes/Openshift. The image can optionally be built with F5 Telemetry Tracker support (see

How to build

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Download NIM 1.x .deb installation file (ie. nginx-manager_1.0.4-415830014_amd64.deb) and copy it into nim-files/
  3. Get a valid NIM license (nginx-manager.lic) and copy it into nim-files/
  4. Edit the provided sample configuration file nim-files/nginx-manager.conf if needed
  5. Build NIM Docker image using:
./scripts/ [NIM_DEBFILE] [target Docker image name] [F5 Telemetry Tracker enabled (true|false)]

for instance:

./scripts/ ./nim-files/nginx-manager_1.0.4-415830014_amd64.deb your.registry.tld/nginx-nim:tag true

this builds the image and pushes it to a private registry. The last parameter (to be set to either "true" or "false") specifies if F5 Telemetry Tracker ( shall be included in the image being built

  1. Edit manifests/0.nginx-nim.yaml and specify the correct image by modifying the "image" line. Additionally modify the "env:" section if you need F5 Telemetry Tracker to push instances data to a remote collector
image: your.registry.tld/nginx-nim:tag
          ### F5 Telemetry Tracker Push mode
          - name: STATS_PUSH_ENABLE
            #value: "true"
            value: "false"
          - name: STATS_PUSH_MODE
            value: CUSTOM
            #value: PUSHGATEWAY
          - name: STATS_PUSH_URL
            value: ""
            #value: "http://pushgateway.nginx.ff.lan"
          ### Push interval in seconds
          - name: STATS_PUSH_INTERVAL
            value: "10"
  1. Start and stop using
./scripts/ start
./scripts/ stop
  1. After starting NIM, it will be accessible at:
NIM GUI: http://nginx-nim.nginx.ff.lan
NIM gRPC port: nginx-nim.nginx.ff.lan:31100
F5 Telemetry Tracker REST API (if enabled at build time - see the documentation at
- http://nginx-nim.nginx.ff.lan/f5tt/instances
- http://nginx-nim.nginx.ff.lan/f5tt/metrics
- Push mode (configured through env variables in manifests/0.nginx-nim.yaml)

NGINX Instances can push their analytics/data to the containerized NIM instance by changing in /etc/nginx-agent/nginx-agent.conf the line:

server: nginx-nim.nginx.ff.lan:31100

Tested NIM releases

This repo has been tested with NIM 1.0.3 and 1.0.4.

Data persistence

If data persistence is needed across restarts, a persistentVolume for the /data directory can be used.


Docker image build

$ ./scripts/ ./nim-files/nginx-manager_1.0.4-415830014_amd64.deb registry.ff.lan:31005/nginx-nim:1.0 true
==> Building NIM docker image
Sending build context to Docker daemon  34.29MB
Step 1/10 : FROM ubuntu:latest
Successfully built 4d67793c117e
Successfully tagged registry.ff.lan:31005/nginx-nim:1.0
The push refers to repository [registry.ff.lan:31005/nginx-nim]
1.0: digest: sha256:3dbc6b1af0175149189009f812f134e63f1dafe569f16622c82f9b9eda541c38 size: 1999

Starting NIM

$ ./scripts/ start
==> Creating ConfigMaps
namespace/nginx-nim created
configmap/nim-config created
configmap/nim-license created
deployment.apps/nginx-nim created
service/nginx-nim created
service/nginx-nim-grpc created created
$ kubectl get pods -n nginx-nim -o wide
NAME                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE   IP            NODE       NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
nginx-nim-78df44bdb-8vdr7   1/1     Running   0          20s   f5-node1   <none>           <none>

NIM GUI is now reachable at:

Stopping NIM

$ ./scripts/ stop
namespace "nginx-nim" deleted