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69 lines (57 loc) · 4.49 KB

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Burgers E-COMERce

npm start or yarn start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.

npm test or yarn test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
And show coverage report

npm coverage or yarn coverage

Send coverage report to Coveralls plataform. You need to run tests before send.

Project Structure

├── .coveralls.yml # Configuration Tests Coverage
├── .travis.yml # Configuration Automated Tests for CI
├── package.json # npm package manager file. It's unlikely that you'll need to modify this.
├── - This file.
├── server.js # initial file, load all contents and start server
├── api # Route layer
│   ├── v1.0     # '/v1.0' route
│   │   ├── burgers.js     # GET/POST/PUT/DELETE of burgers menu + image upload
│   │   ├── calculate.js   # POST/ - Given a burger, calculate and return its burger
│   │   ├── index.js       # append all contents in this folder to the '/v1.0' route
│   │   └── ingredients.js # GET/POST/PUT/DELETE of ingredients list
│   └── index.js # consist the root "/" of application. Here are imported children routes as '/v1.0'
├── controllers # Logic layer
│   └── v1.0 # Logic related to v1.0 APIs
│       ├── burgers_controller.js     # Error Handling + basic CRUD checking ingredients dependence
│       ├── calculate_controller.js   # Error Handling + original price and promotional price calculation
│       ├── ingredients_controller.js # Error Handling + basic CRUD for ingredients
│       └── upload_controller.js      # Upload images to "public/images"
├── data # Model layer
│   └── preData.js # Basic information, contains all ingredients, promotions and burgers
├── helpers
│   ├── validation_methods.js # shortcut methods for API test
│   └── welcome_api.js # Public Welcome page, routed in "/"
├── public
│   └── images # Uploaded images will be saved here
│       ├── x-bacon.png
│       ├── x-burger.png
│       ├── x-egg-bacon.png
│       └── x-egg.png
├── server # server layer
│   ├── config.js # configuration to start server
│   └── secured.js # API authorization config
└── tests
    ├── api_burgers.js # tests for API v1.0 burgers
    ├── api_calculate.js # tests for API v1.0 calculate
    ├── api_ingredients.js # tests for API v1.0 ingredients
    └── authorization.js # tests for API authorization "public/private"