You have two options to configure the jinja-tree
- the first one is to provide configuration options with CLI options
- the second one is to provide a configuration file
CLI options have higher priority than configuration file.
But there are only CLI options for "general" configuration (not for "plugin specific" configuration). So you have more options in the configuration file
CLI options reference of the `jinja-tree` CLI
Usage: jinja-tree [OPTIONS] ROOT_DIR
Process a directory tree with the Jinja / Jinja2 templating system.
ROOT_DIR root directory [required]
--config-file TEXT config file path (default: first '.jinja-
tree.toml' file found up from current
working dir), can also be see with
JINJA_TREE_CONFIG_FILE env var [env var:
--log-level TEXT log level (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING or ERROR)
[default: INFO]
--verbose / --no-verbose increase verbosity of the DEBUG log level
(note: this forces log-level = DEBUG)
[default: no-verbose]
--extra-search-path PATH Search path to jinja (can be used multiple
--add-cwd-to-search-path / --no-add-cwd-to-search-path
add current working directory (CWD) to jinja
search path
--add-root-dir-to-search-path / --no-add-root-dir-to-search-path
add root directory to jinja search path
--jinja-extension TEXT jinja extension to load
--context-plugin TEXT context plugins (full python class path, can
be used multiple times)
--action-plugin TEXT action plugin (full python class path, can
be used multiple times)
--strict-undefined / --no-strict-undefined
if set, raise an error if a variable does
not exist in context
--blank-run / --no-blank-run if set, execute a blank run (without
modifying or deleting anything) [default:
--disable-embedded-jinja-extensions / --no-disable-embedded-jinja-extensions
disable embedded jinja extensions
--help Show this message and exit.
CLI options reference of the `jinja-stdin` bonus CLI
Usage: jinja-stdin [OPTIONS]
Process the standard input with Jinja templating system and return the
result on the standard output.
--config-file TEXT config file path (default: first '.jinja-
tree.toml' file found up from current
working dir), can also be see with
JINJA_TREE_CONFIG_FILE env var [env var:
--log-level TEXT log level (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING or ERROR)
[default: INFO]
--verbose / --no-verbose increase verbosity of the DEBUG log level
(note: this forces log-level = DEBUG)
[default: no-verbose]
--extra-search-path PATH Search path to jinja (can be used multiple
--add-cwd-to-search-path / --no-add-cwd-to-search-path
add current working directory (CWD) to jinja
search path
--jinja-extension TEXT jinja extension to load
--context-plugin TEXT context plugins (full python class path, can
be used multiple times)
--strict-undefined / --no-strict-undefined
if set, raise an error if a variable does
not exist in context
--disable-embedded-jinja-extensions / --no-disable-embedded-jinja-extensions
disable embedded jinja extensions
--help Show this message and exit.
- if you set the
CLI option, the configuration file is the one you set - if the environment variable
is set, the configuration file is the one set in this environment variable value - otherwise, the configuration file is the first
file found up from current working directory (we recursively search up from current working directory)
The most common way to use the configuration file is to put it in the root directory of your project/repository. Its name must be .jinja-tree.toml
Configuration file reference
### General configuration ###
# (Note: all values here are the default values)
# Search paths to jinja"
extra_search_paths = []
# Add root dir to search path (if true)
add_root_dir_to_search_path = true
# Add current working dir (CWD at script start) to search path (if true)
add_cwd_to_search_path = true
# Add processed file dir to search path (if true)
add_processed_file_dir_to_search_path = false
# Change working directory when tree walking (if true)
change_cwd = true
# Crash when templates use undefined variables (if true)
strict_undefined = true
# Disable embedded jinja extensions (if true)
# List of embedded jinja extensions (for information only):
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -
disable_embedded_jinja_extensions = false
# Jinja extensions to add (full paths)
# Notes:
# - jinja-tree provides embedded extensions which will be added automatically to this list
# - you can disable embedded extensions with 'disable_embedded_jinja_extensions = true'
jinja_extensions = []
# Context plugin full classpaths
context_plugins = ["jinja_tree.infra.adapters.context.ConfigurationContextAdapter", "jinja_tree.infra.adapters.context.EnvContextAdapter", "jinja_tree.infra.adapters.context.DotEnvContextAdapter"]
# Generated comment template: line1 for context
# Available placeholders: {{utcnow}}, {{absolute_path}}, {{dirname}}, {{basename}}, {{relative_filepath}}
context_generated_comment_line1 = "*** GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT ***"
# Generated comment template: line2 for context
# Available placeholders: {{utcnow}}, {{absolute_path}}, {{dirname}}, {{basename}}, {{relative_filepath}}
context_generated_comment_line2 = "This file was generated by jinja-tree ( from the template file: {{relative_filepath}}"
# Action plugin full classpaths
action_plugins = ["jinja_tree.infra.adapters.action.ExtensionsActionAdapter"]
### Context plugins configurations ###
# Fnmatch patterns (for environment variable names) to ignore
# Example: ["FOO*", "*BAR"] for ignoring all env var starting with FOO or ending with BAR
ignores = []
# dotenv file path (absolute or relative), if set to an empty string (""), dotenv support is disabled
path = ".env"
# Fnmatch patterns (for dotenv variable names) to ignore
# Example: ["FOO*", "*BAR"] for ignoring all dotenv var starting with FOO or ending with BAR
ignores = []
# With the ConfigurationContextAdapter plugin, you can add key/values below, they will be available in Jinja2 context
# [...]
### File-action plugins configurations ###
# File extensions to process
# Example: [".j2", ".jinja2", ".template"] for processing all files ending with .j2, .jinja2 or .template
extensions = [".template"]
# Filename patterns to ignore (fnmatch patterns to match against basename only)
filename_ignores = [ ".*" ]
# Dirname patterns to ignore recursively (fnmatch patterns to match against dirname only)
dirname_ignores = [ "venv", "site-packages", "__pypackages__", "node_modules", "__pycache__", ".*" ]
# Replace target files if they already exist (if true)
replace = true
# Delete original (template) file after processing (if true)
delete_original = false
Go back to main README file.