This is the main program of the bot which is intended to run on a Raspberry Pi. But it can also run on every other computer with a linux operating system. The communication with the user is via Telegram and it can talk to different users with different access permissions. The main features are:
- Scraps the clever-tanken website for my current location which I can send to it via Telegram and draws graphs for the fuel prices in my hometown (folder: fuelprice).
- Scraps the power data from the Tesla Powerwall and saves them in csv files (folder: powerwall).
- Controls the IOT devices (currently only one microcontroller to control the window shades). The control requests can either come via Telegram or via gRPC from the Android app (folder: iot).
- Checks if my desktop computer is running with the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) and starts it with wake-on-lan (folder: wol).
- python3
- apt packages:
sudo apt install libatlas-base-dev python3-scipy
- pip packages:
pip3 install telepot wakeonlan matplotlib pandas protobuf configparser
Create the following files in the root directory of the project:
- Create a text file with the name
which only holds ONE line with the access token for the bot. - Create a
file which looks like the bot.conf.example file.
For easy setup, you can just pull the Docker image with the following command:
docker pull fabianhk/homebot
You have to mount a data folder and the configuration file with these options:
-v "$PWD/data:/mnt/data"
-v "$PWD/bot.conf:/workdir/bot/bot.conf"
Complete Docker run command:
docker run -p 80:80 \
-v "$PWD/data:/mnt/data" \
-v "$PWD/bot.conf:/workdir/bot/bot.conf" \
-v "/etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro" \
-v "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro" \