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Releases: expressjs/express


06 Mar 13:44
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  • deps: send@0.15.1
    • Fix issue when Date.parse does not return NaN on invalid date
    • Fix strict violation in broken environments
  • deps: serve-static@1.12.1
    • Fix issue when Date.parse does not return NaN on invalid date
    • deps: send@0.15.1


02 Mar 00:11
Choose a tag to compare
5.0.0-alpha.4 Pre-release

This is the fourth Express 5.0 alpha release, based off 4.15.0 and includes
changes from 5.0.0-alpha.3.

  • remove:
    • Remove Express 3.x middleware error stubs
  • deps: router@~1.3.0
    • Add next("router") to exit from router
    • Fix case where router.use skipped requests routes did not
    • Skip routing when req.url is not set
    • Use %o in path debug to tell types apart
    • deps: debug@2.6.1
    • deps: setprototypeof@1.0.3
    • perf: add fast match path for * route


01 Mar 22:22
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  • Add debug message when loading view engine
  • Add next("router") to exit from router
  • Fix case where router.use skipped requests routes did not
  • Remove usage of res._headers private field
    • Improves compatibility with Node.js 8 nightly
  • Skip routing when req.url is not set
  • Use %o in path debug to tell types apart
  • Use Object.create to setup request & response prototypes
  • Use setprototypeof module to replace __proto__ setting
  • Use statuses instead of http module for status messages
  • deps: debug@2.6.1
    • Allow colors in workers
    • Deprecated DEBUG_FD environment variable set to 3 or higher
    • Fix error when running under React Native
    • Use same color for same namespace
    • deps: ms@0.7.2
  • deps: etag@~1.8.0
    • Use SHA1 instead of MD5 for ETag hashing
    • Works with FIPS 140-2 OpenSSL configuration
  • deps: finalhandler@~1.0.0
    • Fix exception when err cannot be converted to a string
    • Fully URL-encode the pathname in the 404
    • Only include the pathname in the 404 message
    • Send complete HTML document
    • Set Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self' header
    • deps: debug@2.6.1
  • deps: fresh@0.5.0
    • Fix false detection of no-cache request directive
    • Fix incorrect result when If-None-Match has both * and ETags
    • Fix weak ETag matching to match spec
    • perf: delay reading header values until needed
    • perf: enable strict mode
    • perf: hoist regular expressions
    • perf: remove duplicate conditional
    • perf: remove unnecessary boolean coercions
    • perf: skip checking modified time if ETag check failed
    • perf: skip parsing If-None-Match when no ETag header
    • perf: use Date.parse instead of new Date
  • deps: qs@6.3.1
    • Fix array parsing from skipping empty values
    • Fix compacting nested arrays
  • deps: send@0.15.0
    • Fix false detection of no-cache request directive
    • Fix incorrect result when If-None-Match has both * and ETags
    • Fix weak ETag matching to match spec
    • Remove usage of res._headers private field
    • Support If-Match and If-Unmodified-Since headers
    • Use res.getHeaderNames() when available
    • Use res.headersSent when available
    • deps: debug@2.6.1
    • deps: etag@~1.8.0
    • deps: fresh@0.5.0
    • deps: http-errors@~1.6.1
  • deps: serve-static@1.12.0
    • Fix false detection of no-cache request directive
    • Fix incorrect result when If-None-Match has both * and ETags
    • Fix weak ETag matching to match spec
    • Remove usage of res._headers private field
    • Send complete HTML document in redirect response
    • Set default CSP header in redirect response
    • Support If-Match and If-Unmodified-Since headers
    • Use res.getHeaderNames() when available
    • Use res.headersSent when available
    • deps: send@0.15.0
  • perf: add fast match path for * route
  • perf: improve req.ips performance


29 Jan 03:51
Choose a tag to compare
5.0.0-alpha.3 Pre-release

This is the third Express 5.0 alpha release, based off 4.14.1 and includes
changes from 5.0.0-alpha.2.

  • remove:
    • res.json(status, obj) signature - use res.status(status).json(obj)
    • res.jsonp(status, obj) signature - use res.status(status).jsonp(obj)
    • res.vary() (no arguments) -- provide a field name as an argument
  • deps: array-flatten@2.1.1
  • deps: path-is-absolute@1.0.1
  • deps: router@~1.1.5
    • deps: array-flatten@2.0.1
    • deps: methods@~1.1.2
    • deps: parseurl@~1.3.1
    • deps: setprototypeof@1.0.2


28 Jan 22:22
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  • deps: content-disposition@0.5.2
  • deps: finalhandler@0.5.1
    • Fix exception when err.headers is not an object
    • deps: statuses@~1.3.1
    • perf: hoist regular expressions
    • perf: remove duplicate validation path
  • deps: proxy-addr@~1.1.3
    • deps: ipaddr.js@1.2.0
  • deps: send@0.14.2
    • deps: http-errors@~1.5.1
    • deps: ms@0.7.2
    • deps: statuses@~1.3.1
  • deps: serve-static@~1.11.2
    • deps: send@0.14.2
  • deps: type-is@~1.6.14
    • deps: mime-types@~2.1.13


16 Jun 16:46
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  • Add acceptRanges option to res.sendFile/res.sendfile
  • Add cacheControl option to res.sendFile/res.sendfile
  • Add options argument to req.range
    • Includes the combine option
  • Encode URL in res.location/res.redirect if not already encoded
  • Fix some redirect handling in res.sendFile/res.sendfile
  • Fix Windows absolute path check using forward slashes
  • Improve error with invalid arguments to req.get()
  • Improve performance for res.json/res.jsonp in most cases
  • Improve Range header handling in res.sendFile/res.sendfile
  • deps: accepts@~1.3.3
    • Fix including type extensions in parameters in Accept parsing
    • Fix parsing Accept parameters with quoted equals
    • Fix parsing Accept parameters with quoted semicolons
    • Many performance improvments
    • deps: mime-types@~2.1.11
    • deps: negotiator@0.6.1
  • deps: content-type@~1.0.2
    • perf: enable strict mode
  • deps: cookie@0.3.1
    • Add sameSite option
    • Fix cookie Max-Age to never be a floating point number
    • Improve error message when encode is not a function
    • Improve error message when expires is not a Date
    • Throw better error for invalid argument to parse
    • Throw on invalid values provided to serialize
    • perf: enable strict mode
    • perf: hoist regular expression
    • perf: use for loop in parse
    • perf: use string concatination for serialization
  • deps: finalhandler@0.5.0
    • Change invalid or non-numeric status code to 500
    • Overwrite status message to match set status code
    • Prefer err.statusCode if err.status is invalid
    • Set response headers from err.headers object
    • Use statuses instead of http module for status messages
  • deps: proxy-addr@~1.1.2
    • Fix accepting various invalid netmasks
    • Fix IPv6-mapped IPv4 validation edge cases
    • IPv4 netmasks must be contingous
    • IPv6 addresses cannot be used as a netmask
    • deps: ipaddr.js@1.1.1
  • deps: qs@6.2.0
    • Add decoder option in parse function
  • deps: range-parser@~1.2.0
    • Add combine option to combine overlapping ranges
    • Fix incorrectly returning -1 when there is at least one valid range
    • perf: remove internal function
  • deps: send@0.14.1
    • Add acceptRanges option
    • Add cacheControl option
    • Attempt to combine multiple ranges into single range
    • Correctly inherit from Stream class
    • Fix Content-Range header in 416 responses when using start/end options
    • Fix Content-Range header missing from default 416 responses
    • Fix redirect error when path contains raw non-URL characters
    • Fix redirect when path starts with multiple forward slashes
    • Ignore non-byte Range headers
    • deps: http-errors@~1.5.0
    • deps: range-parser@~1.2.0
    • deps: statuses@~1.3.0
    • perf: remove argument reassignment
  • deps: serve-static@~1.11.1
    • Add acceptRanges option
    • Add cacheControl option
    • Attempt to combine multiple ranges into single range
    • Fix redirect error when req.url contains raw non-URL characters
    • Ignore non-byte Range headers
    • Use status code 301 for redirects
    • deps: send@0.14.1
  • deps: type-is@~1.6.13
    • Fix type error when given invalid type to match against
    • deps: mime-types@~2.1.11
  • deps: vary@~1.1.0
    • Only accept valid field names in the field argument
  • perf: use strict equality when possible


10 Feb 23:26
Choose a tag to compare
  • deps: content-disposition@0.5.1
    • perf: enable strict mode
  • deps: cookie@0.1.5
    • Throw on invalid values provided to serialize
  • deps: depd@~1.1.0
    • Support web browser loading
    • perf: enable strict mode
  • deps: escape-html@~1.0.3
    • perf: enable strict mode
    • perf: optimize string replacement
    • perf: use faster string coercion
  • deps: finalhandler@0.4.1
    • deps: escape-html@~1.0.3
  • deps: merge-descriptors@1.0.1
    • perf: enable strict mode
  • deps: methods@~1.1.2
    • perf: enable strict mode
  • deps: parseurl@~1.3.1
    • perf: enable strict mode
  • deps: proxy-addr@~1.0.10
    • deps: ipaddr.js@1.0.5
    • perf: enable strict mode
  • deps: range-parser@~1.0.3
    • perf: enable strict mode
  • deps: send@0.13.1
    • deps: depd@~1.1.0
    • deps: destroy@~1.0.4
    • deps: escape-html@~1.0.3
    • deps: range-parser@~1.0.3
  • deps: serve-static@~1.10.2
    • deps: escape-html@~1.0.3
    • deps: parseurl@~1.3.0
    • deps: send@0.13.1


03 Aug 05:02
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  • Fix infinite loop condition using mergeParams: true
  • Fix inner numeric indices incorrectly altering parent req.params


31 Jul 21:09
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  • deps: accepts@~1.2.12
    • deps: mime-types@~2.1.4
  • deps: array-flatten@1.1.1
    • perf: enable strict mode
  • deps: path-to-regexp@0.1.7
    • Fix regression with escaped round brackets and matching groups
  • deps: type-is@~1.6.6
    • deps: mime-types@~2.1.4


31 Jul 20:15
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  • deps: connect@2.30.2
    • deps: body-parser@~1.13.3
    • deps: compression@~1.5.2
    • deps: errorhandler@~1.4.2
    • deps: method-override@~2.3.5
    • deps: serve-index@~1.7.2
    • deps: type-is@~1.6.6
    • deps: vhost@~3.0.1
  • deps: vary@~1.0.1
    • Fix setting empty header from empty field
    • perf: enable strict mode
    • perf: remove argument reassignments