-- import "."
Package be_http provides matchers for url.Request TODO: more detailed documentation here is required
var (
GET = func() types.BeMatcher { return HavingMethod(http.MethodGet) }
HEAD = func() types.BeMatcher { return HavingMethod(http.MethodHead) }
POST = func() types.BeMatcher { return HavingMethod(http.MethodPost) }
PUT = func() types.BeMatcher { return HavingMethod(http.MethodPut) }
PATCH = func() types.BeMatcher { return HavingMethod(http.MethodPatch) }
DELETE = func() types.BeMatcher { return HavingMethod(http.MethodDelete) }
OPTIONS = func() types.BeMatcher { return HavingMethod(http.MethodOptions) }
CONNECT = func() types.BeMatcher { return HavingMethod(http.MethodConnect) }
TRACE = func() types.BeMatcher { return HavingMethod(http.MethodTrace) }
HavingMethod: Syntactic sugar
func HavingBody(args ...any) types.BeMatcher
HavingBody succeeds if the actual value is a *http.Request and its body matches the provided arguments. Note: The body is not re-streamed, so it's not available after matching.
func HavingHeader(key string, args ...any) types.BeMatcher
HavingHeader matches requests that have header with a given key. Key is a string
key for a header, args can be nil or len(args)==1. Note: Golang's http.Header is
, and matching is done on the FIRST value of the header in
case if you have multiple-valued header that needs to be matched, use
HavingHeaders() instead
These are scenarios that can be handled here: (1) If no args are given, it
simply matches a request with existed header by key. (2) If len(args) == 1 &&
args[0] is a stringish, it matches a request with header Key: Args[0]
(3) if
len(args) == 1 && args[0] is not stringish, it is considered to be matcher for
header's value Examples: - HavingHeader("X-Header") matches request with
non-empty X-Header header - HavingHeader("X-Header", "X-Value") matches request
with X-Header: X-Value - HavingHeader("X-Header", HavePrefix("Bearer "))
matchers request with header(X-Header)'s value matching given HavePrefix matcher
func HavingHeaders(key string, args ...any) types.BeMatcher
HavingHeaders matches requests that have header with a given key. Key is a string key for a header, args can be nil or len(args)==1. Note: Matching is done on the list of header values. In case if you have single-valued header that needs to be matched, use HavingHeader() instead
These are scenarios that can be handled here: (1) If no args are given, it
simply matches a request with existed header by key. (2) If len(args) == 1 &&
args[0] is a stringish, it matches a request with header Key: Args[0]
(3) if
len(args) == 1 && args[0] is not stringish, it is considered to be matcher for
header's value Examples: - HavingHeader("X-Header") matches request with
non-empty X-Header header - HavingHeader("X-Header", "X-Value") matches request
with X-Header: X-Value - HavingHeader("X-Header", Dive(HavePrefix("Foo ")))
matchers request with multiple X-Header values, each of them having Foo prefix
func HavingHost(args ...any) types.BeMatcher
HavingHost succeeds if the actual value is a *http.Request and its Host matches the provided arguments.
func HavingMethod(args ...any) types.BeMatcher
HavingMethod succeeds if the actual value is a *http.Request and its HTTP method matches the provided arguments.
func HavingProto(args ...any) types.BeMatcher
HavingProto succeeds if the actual value is a *http.Request and its Proto matches the provided arguments.
func HavingURL(args ...any) types.BeMatcher
HavingURL succeeds if the actual value is a *http.Request and its URL matches the provided arguments.
func Request(args ...any) types.BeMatcher
Request matches an actual value to be a valid *http.Request corresponding to given inputs. Possible inputs: 1. Nil args -> so actual value MUST be any valid *http.Request. 2. Single arg . Actual value MUST be a *http.Request, whose .URL.String() is compared against args[0]. 3. List of Omega/Gomock/Psi matchers, that are applied to *http.Request object.
- Supports matching http.Request properties like method, URL, body, host, proto, and headers.
- Additional arguments can be used for matching specific headers, e.g., WithHeader("Content-Type", "application/json").