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Target Executable Settings

kit edited this page Dec 21, 2017 · 7 revisions


Data Protection

If you do not wish constant data, such as reflection info, Java string literals, or packed resource files, to be visible in the resulting executable, enable data protection by specifying the following configuration:


For more details on data protection, refer to the "Data Protection" section of the "Intellectual Property Protection" chapter of the Excelsior JET User's Guide.

Multi-app Executables

The plugin may compile more than one application into a single executable and let you select a particular application at launch time via command-line arguments.

The command line syntax of multi-app executables is an extension of the java launcher command line syntax that allows specifying the main class, VM options, Java system properties, and the arguments of the application:

    Exe-name [Properties-and-options] Main-classname [App-arguments]

To enable the multi-app mode add the following configuration parameter:


See Excelsior JET User's Guide, Chapter "Application Consideration", section "Multi-app Executables" for details.

Trial Versions

You can create a trial version of your Java application that will expire in a specified number of days after the build date of the executable, or on a fixed date. Once the trial period is over, the application will refuse to start up, displaying a custom message.

To enable trial version generation, copy and paste into your pom.xml file the following plugin configuration:


and specify the number of calendar days after the build date when you want the application to expire, and the error message that the expired binary should display to the user on a launch attempt.

You can also set a particular, fixed expiration date by using the <expireDate> parameter instead of <expireInDays>. The format of the <expireDate> parameter value is ddMMMyyyy, for example 15Sep2020.

Note: If you choose the <packaging> type excelsior-installer, the generated setup package will also expire, displaying the same message to the user.

One common usage scenario of this functionality is setting the hard expiration date further into the future, while using some other mechanism to enforce a (shorter) trial period. Typically, you would set the hard expiration date somewhat beyond the planned release date of the next version of your application. This way, you would ensure that nobody uses an outdated trial copy for evaluation.

Stack Trace Support

The Excelsior JET Runtime supports three modes of stack trace printing: minimal, full, and none.

In the minimal mode (default), line numbers and names of some methods are omitted in call stack entries, but class names are exact.

In the full mode, the stack trace info includes all line numbers and method names. However, enabling the full stack trace has a side effect — substantial growth of the resulting executable in size, approximately by 30%.

In the none mode, Throwable.printStackTrace() methods print a few fake elements. It may result in a performance improvement, if the application throws and catches exceptions repeatedly. Note, however, that certain third-party APIs rely on stack trace printing. One example is the Log4J API that provides logging services.

To set the stack trace support mode, use the <stackTraceSupport> configuration parameter:


Windows Version-Information Resource Configurations

On Windows, the plugin can automatically add a version-information resource to the resulting executable. To enable this functionality, specify the following configuration:


Backward incompatibile change alert: Windows version-information resource generation used to be enabled by default in plugin versions prior to 1.0.0.

By default, the values of version-information resource strings are derived from project settings. The values of <product> and <vendor> configurations are used verbatim as ProductName and CompanyName respectively; other defaults can be changed using the <windowsVersionInfo> configuration section that has the following parameters:

  • <version>version-string</version>

    Version number (both FileVersion and ProductVersion strings are set to this same value)

    Notice: unlike Maven ${project.version}, this string must have format v1.v2.v3.v4, where vi is a number. The plugin would use heuristics to derive a correct version string from the specified value if the latter does not meet this requirement, or from ${project.version} if this configuration is not present.

  • <copyright>legal-copyright</copyright>

    LegalCopyright string, with default value derived from other parameters

  • <description>executable-description</description>

    FileDescription string, default is ${}