Ensuring that different legal languages compile to the same Intermediate Language (IL) involves creating a common IL representation that can express the semantics of both languages and then writing compilers for each language that generate this common IL. This process typically involves the following steps:
Define a Common Intermediate Language (IL): Create a common IL that can represent the constructs of both legal languages.
Write Parsers for Each Language: Write parsers for each legal language that generate an abstract syntax tree (AST) for the respective language.
Translate AST to Common IL: Write translation functions that convert the AST of each language to the common IL.
Generate Output: Use the common IL to generate the final output (e.g., executable code, documentation, etc.).
Let's define a simple common IL that can represent the constructs of legal languages:
data IL = ILSection Number [ILClause] deriving Show
data ILClause = ILClause Number ILStatement deriving Show
data ILStatement = ILStatement ILSubject ILVerb ILObject (Maybe [ILCondition]) deriving Show
data ILCondition = ILCondition ILSubject ILVerb ILObject deriving Show
data ILSubject = ILIndividual | ILEntity | ILCourt | ILProperNoun String deriving Show
data ILVerb = ILShall | ILMust | ILMay | ILEntitledTo deriving Show
data ILObject = ILComplyWith ILRequirement | ILAction ILActionType deriving Show
data ILRequirement = ILTaxPayment | ILLegalObligations | ILRegulations deriving Show
data ILActionType = ILPayFine | ILSubmitReport | ILAttendHearing deriving Show
type Number = String
Let's assume we have two different legal languages with different syntax but similar semantics. We'll write parsers for each language.
Parser for Language 1 (using the previously defined parser structure):
-- Parser for Language 1
parseLaw1 :: Parser Law
parseLaw1 = lawParser
-- Translation functions from Language 1 AST to Common IL
translateLaw1ToIL :: Law -> IL
translateLaw1ToIL (Law section sections) = ILSection (translateSectionToIL section) (map translateSectionToIL sections)
translateSectionToIL :: Section -> ILSection
translateSectionToIL (Section num clauseList) = ILSection num (translateClauseListToIL clauseList)
translateClauseListToIL :: ClauseList -> [ILClause]
translateClauseListToIL (ClauseList clauses) = map translateClauseToIL clauses
translateClauseToIL :: Clause -> ILClause
translateClauseToIL (Clause num statement) = ILClause num (translateStatementToIL statement)
translateStatementToIL :: Statement -> ILStatement
translateStatementToIL (Statement subj verb obj conds) = ILStatement (translateSubjectToIL subj) (translateVerbToIL verb) (translateObjectToIL obj) (fmap translateConditionsToIL conds)
translateSubjectToIL :: Subject -> ILSubject
translateSubjectToIL Individual = ILIndividual
translateSubjectToIL Entity = ILEntity
translateSubjectToIL Court = ILCourt
translateSubjectToIL (ProperNoun name) = ILProperNoun name
translateVerbToIL :: Verb -> ILVerb
translateVerbToIL Shall = ILShall
translateVerbToIL Must = ILMust
translateVerbToIL May = ILMay
translateVerbToIL IsEntitledTo = ILEntitledTo
translateObjectToIL :: Object -> ILObject
translateObjectToIL (ComplyWith req) = ILComplyWith (translateRequirementToIL req)
translateObjectToIL (Action act) = ILAction (translateActionToIL act)
translateRequirementToIL :: Requirement -> ILRequirement
translateRequirementToIL TaxPayment = ILTaxPayment
translateRequirementToIL LegalObligations = ILLegalObligations
translateRequirementToIL Regulations = ILRegulations
translateActionToIL :: Action -> ILActionType
translateActionToIL PayFine = ILPayFine
translateActionToIL SubmitReport = ILSubmitReport
translateActionToIL AttendHearing = ILAttendHearing
translateConditionsToIL :: Conditions -> [ILCondition]
translateConditionsToIL (Conditions conds) = map translateConditionToIL conds
translateConditionToIL :: Condition -> ILCondition
translateConditionToIL (Condition subj verb obj) = ILCondition (translateSubjectToIL subj) (translateVerbToIL verb) (translateObjectToIL obj)
Parser for Language 2:
Assuming Language 2 has a different syntax but similar semantics. We would write a separate parser for Language 2 that generates a similar AST and then translate it to the common IL.
-- Define the parser for Language 2 (assuming different syntax)
-- This is just a placeholder, actual implementation would depend on the specific syntax of Language 2
parseLaw2 :: Parser Law
parseLaw2 = undefined -- Placeholder for actual parser implementation
-- Translation functions from Language 2 AST to Common IL
translateLaw2ToIL :: Law -> IL
translateLaw2ToIL = translateLaw1ToIL -- Assuming similar AST structure, reuse the same translation functions
Finally, use the common IL to generate the desired output. Here, we'll just print the IL for demonstration purposes.
-- Main function for testing the parsers and IL generation
main :: IO ()
main = do
let input1 = "Section 1: Clause 1: individual shall comply with tax payment if individual must comply with legal obligations and entity may comply with regulations Section 2: Clause 2: entity may submit report"
let input2 = "Section 1: Clause 1: person must comply with tax payment if person must follow legal obligations and organization can comply with regulations Section 2: Clause 2: organization can submit report"
case parse parseLaw1 "" input1 of
Left err -> print err
Right result -> putStrLn (show (translateLaw1ToIL result))
case parse parseLaw2 "" input2 of
Left err -> print err
Right result -> putStrLn (show (translateLaw2ToIL result))
- Define a common intermediate language (IL) that can represent the constructs of both legal languages.
- Write parsers for each legal language to generate an abstract syntax tree (AST).
- Translate each AST to the common IL using translation functions.
- Generate the desired output (e.g., print the IL, compile to executable code, generate documentation, etc.) from the common IL.
By following these steps, you ensure that different legal languages can be compiled to the same IL, making it easier to handle multiple legal languages in a unified way.