- build_shellcode_pe.py : build a PE file from a shellcode
- checkpesize.py : Check that the size of a PE file is correct
- common_strings.py : identify strings in common between several files
- disitool.py : python program to extract PE signatures by Didier Stevens
- extract_sig.py : extract the digital signature from a PE file
- extract_sections_python.py : extract information on sections in pure python
- getnetguids.py : Script from Cylance, see this blog post, updated for python 3
- get_imphash.py : extract imp hash of PE files
- get_richheaderhash.py ; Extract RichPE hash of PE files
- pecheck.py : pecheck developed by Didier Stevens
- pe.py : display information about a PE file (python2)
- pescanner.py : display information about PE files, script by Michael Ligh and published in the Malware Analysts Cookbook (python 2)
- pesearch.py : search for a string in a PE file
- petimeline.py : Create a timeline of PE/DLL timestamp
- print_signature.py : check if PE files are signed
- py2exe_unpack.py : extract and decompyle py2exe payloads (mostly copied from unpy2exe)
- pyinstxtractor.py : extract the contents of a PyInstaller generated Windows executable file by Extreme Coders (source)
- unxor.py : Check if the file is a xored PE file and if yes unxor it (single byte key only)