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Amxx Channel

Serves as the package_control_channel but hosts a complete channel generated by the channelmanager for the AmxxSimpleIde.

These files are automatically generated by the Channel Manager. So any modification to these files will be overridden when the Channel Manager generates a new version of these files based on the AmxxSimpleIde .gitmodules file. Any new information required to be used here need to be parsed from the .gitmodules by the Sublime Channel Manager.

After installing this, you need to run its installer if you want to install the channel packages, or the uninstaller, if you want to uninstall everything, after or before installing the channel packages.

You can find they on the menu Preferences -> Packages Settings -> Amxx Channel -> Run Stable Installation or the Run Uninstallation if want to uninstall it.


By Package Control

  1. Download & Install Sublime Text 3 (
  2. Go to the menu Tools -> Install Package Control, then, wait few seconds until the installation finishes up
  3. Now, Go to the menu Preferences -> Package Control
  4. Type Add Channel on the opened quick panel and press Enter
  5. Then, input the following address and press Enter
  6. Go to the menu Tools -> Command Palette... (Ctrl+Shift+P)
  7. Type Preferences: Package Control Settings – User on the opened quick panel and press Enter
  8. Then, find the following setting on your Package Control.sublime-settings file:
  9. And, change it to the following, i.e., put the https://raw.githubusercontent... line as first:
    • The https://raw.githubusercontent... line must to be added before the one, otherwise, you will not install this forked version of the package, but the original available on the Package Control default channel
  10. Now, go to the menu Preferences -> Package Control
  11. Type Install Package on the opened quick panel and press Enter
  12. Then, search for AmxxChannel and press Enter

See also:

  1. ITE - Integrated Toolset Environment
  2. Package control docs for details.

Channel Manager

This package responsible to install the channel packages, by installing the PackagesManager and uninstalling Package Control, then installing the Channel Manager and calling it to install the Channel packages.

Also, will be responsible by the removal of AmxxSimpleIde, by calling the Channel Manager uninstaller, then installing back Package Control and removing PackagesManager.

Related threads:

  1. DOCS - End Users
  2. Forum$29121 How to create the channel_v3.json from the repository package_control_channel?