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KeySet with 4 classes to represent concepts of All, None, Some, and AllExceptSome, the last 2 with an internal Set of keys, and all with intersection calculations.

It also has the concept of a ComposedKeySet which encapsulates a list of KeySets that can be act upon, and finally collapse using union or intersect

(Originally, a TypeScript port of

Library bootstrapped using typescript-starter.

Breaking changes in v5

Since v5, the KeySet elements are encoded in a frozen Set instead of an array. It is exposed as keySet.elements. The keySet.keys alias has been dropped.

For a list of elements as an array use keySet.elementsList, and for a sorted version of that use keySet.elementsSorted.

You can have more info in the elements section of the readme.


yarn add @eturino/key-set or npm install @eturino/key-set.


We have 4 classes:

  • KeySetAll: represents the entirety of possible keys (𝕌)
  • KeySetNone: represents an empty set ()
  • KeySetSome: represents a concrete set (A ⊂ 𝕌)
  • KeySetAllExceptSome: represents the complementary of a set, all the elements except the given ones (A' = {x ∈ 𝕌 | x ∉ A}) _(see Complement in Wikipedia)*

We can have a KeySet of:

  • strings
  • numbers
  • objects with key (string or number) and label (string)

All elements have to have be of the same type.

Creation: all(), none(), some([...]), allExceptSome([...]), allKeySet(), noneKeySet(), someKeySet([...]), allExceptSomeKeySet([...]), someForced([...]), allExceptSomeForced([...])

Build your KeySets using the build functions

import { all, allKeySet, none, noneKeySet, some, someKeySet, allExceptSome, allExceptSomeKeySet, someForced, allExceptSomeForced } from "@eturino/key-set";

all(); // => returns a new instance of KeySetAll
allKeySet(); // => returns a new instance of KeySetAll
none(); // => returns a new instance of KeySetNone
noneKeySet(); // => returns a new instance of KeySetNone

some([1, 3, 2, 3]); // returns a new instance of KeySetSome with keys Set<1, 3, 2>
someKeySet([1, 3, 2, 3]); // returns a new instance of KeySetSome with keys Set<1, 3, 2>
some([]); // returns a new instance of KeySetNone
someKeySet([]); // returns a new instance of KeySetNone

allExceptSome([1, 3, 2, 3]); // returns a new instance of KeySetAllExceptSome with keys Set<1, 3, 2>
allExceptSomeKeySet([1, 3, 2, 3]); // returns a new instance of KeySetAllExceptSome with keys Set<1, 3, 2>
allExceptSome([]); // returns a new instance of KeySetAll
allExceptSomeKeySet([]); // returns a new instance of KeySetAll

someForced([1, 3, 2, 3]); // returns a new instance of KeySetSome with keys Set<1, 3, 2>
someForced([]); // throws an InvalidEmptySetError

allExceptSomeForced([1, 3, 2, 3]); // returns a new instance of KeySetAllExceptSome with keys Set<1, 3, 2>
allExceptSomeForced([]); // throws an InvalidEmptySetError

.elements, .elementsList and elementsSorted

  • .elements returns the internal Set with the keys. It is frozen (Object.freeze())
  • .elementsList returns a new array with the elements of the internal set, as is.
  • .elementsSorted returns a new array with the elements of the internal set, sorted.
some([1, 3, 2, 3]).elements; // => Set<1, 3, 2>
some([1, 3, 2, 3]).elementsList; // => [1, 3, 2]
some([1, 3, 2, 3]).elementsSorted; // => [1, 2, 3]

allExceptSome([1, 3, 2, 3]).elements; // => Set<1, 3, 2>
allExceptSome([1, 3, 2, 3]).elementsList; // => [1, 3, 2]
allExceptSome([1, 3, 2, 3]).elementsSorted; // => [1, 2, 3]


All KeySet expose a type property that will return a member of the KeySetTypes enum.

  • KeySetAll returns ALL
  • KeySetAllExceptSome returns ALL_EXCEPT_SOME
  • KeySetNone returns NONE
  • KeySetSome returns SOME

The types are also exposed as a union of strings TypeScript type KeySetTypesEnumValues.

type in v1.x vs v2.x

v2.0 changed the values returned by type, make them SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE, which allows for easier integration with GraphQL enums.

In v1.x, the values were all, allExceptSome, none and some.


All KeySet expose 4 methods representXXX(). Each class return false for all except their own.

  • representsAll(): KeySetAll returns true
  • representsNone(): KeySetNone returns true
  • representsSome(): KeySetSome returns true
  • representsAllExceptSome(): KeySetAllExceptSome returns true


All KeySet has a clone() method, which will return a new instance of the same class that represents the same KeySet.

If the KeySet is KeySetSome or KeySetAllExceptSome, they will have an array with the same keys.

const newKeySet = keySet.clone();


All KeySet has an isEqual(other) method that returns true if the other keySet is of the same class and represents the same KeySet.

If the KeySet is KeySetSome or KeySetAllExceptSome, they will have to have an array with the same keys.


All KeySet has an invert() method that returns an instance of the opposite class, which represents the complementary KeySet. _(see Complement in Wikipedia)*

  • KeySetAllKeySetNone
  • KeySetSomeKeySetAllExceptSome
const complementaryKeySet = keySet.invert();


Returns a new KeySet with the difference between ThisSet - OtherSet (A - B)

const diffKeySet = keySet.remove(other);


Returns a new KeySet with the intersection of both Sets (A ∩ B), representing the elements present in both sets

const diffKeySet = keySet.intersect(other);


Returns a new KeySet with the union of both Sets (A U B), representing the elements present in either A or B

const diffKeySet = keySet.intersect(other);


alias contains(element).

Returns a boolean defining if the KeySet includes the given element. a new KeySet with the intersection of both Sets (A ∩ B), representing the elements present in both sets

const element = "A";

const ksAll: KeySetAll<string> = all<string>();
ksAll.includes(element); // => true
ksAll.contains(element); // => true

const ksNone: KeySetNone<string> = none<string>();
ksNone.includes(element); // => false
ksNone.contains(element); // => false

const ksSome: KeySetSome<string> = some(["A", "B", "C"]);
ksSome.includes(element); // => true
ksSome.contains(element); // => true

const ksSome2: KeySetSome<string> = some(["X", "Y", "Z"]);
ksSome2.includes(element); // => false
ksSome2.contains(element); // => false

const ksAllExceptSome: KeySetAllExceptSome<string> = allExceptSome(["A", "B", "C"]);
ksAllExceptSome.includes(element); // => false
ksAllExceptSome.contains(element); // => false

const ksAllExceptSome2: KeySetAllExceptSome<string> = allExceptSome(["X", "Y", "Z"]);
ksAllExceptSome2.includes(element); // => true
ksAllExceptSome2.contains(element); // => true


The Serialized representation of the KeySet (KeySetSerialized) is a plain object with type and optionally elements.

  • { type: "ALL" }
  • { type: "NONE" }
  • { type: "SOME", elements: [1, 2, 3] }
  • { type: "ALL_EXCEPT_SOME", elements: [1, 2, 3] }

There are 2 ways of getting the serialized representation of the keySet

  • keySet.serialized()
  • serializeKeySet(keySet)


We can create a KeySet from the serialized representation

  • parseKeySet(serialized)

we can also pass the actual KeySet to the parseKeySet, which will return the given KeySet without touching it.

Type Predicates

There are type predicates exposed, one for each KeySet type and the other for each KeySetSerialized.

  • isKeySet(x): x is KeySet
  • isKeySetAll(x): x is KeySetAll
  • isKeySetAllExceptSome(x): x is KeySetAllExceptSome
  • isKeySetNone(x): x is KeySetNone
  • isKeySetSome(x): x is KeySetSome
  • isKeySetSerialized(x): x is KeySetSerialized
  • isKeySetAllSerialized(x): x is KeySetAllSerialized
  • isKeySetAllExceptSomeSerialized(x): x is KeySetAllExceptSomeSerialized
  • isKeySetNoneSerialized(x): x is KeySetNoneSerialized
  • isKeySetSomeSerialized(x): x is KeySetSomeSerialized

We also have type predicates based on the type of the elements, for serialized and KeySet.

  • isKeySetOfNumbers
  • isKeySetOfStrings
  • isKeySetOfNumberKeyLabels
  • isKeySetOfStringKeyLabels
  • isKeySetSerializedOfNumbers
  • isKeySetSerializedOfStrings
  • isKeySetSerializedOfNumberKeyLabels
  • isKeySetSerializedOfStringKeyLabels

Util functions

The lib also exports the 2 util functions used in the code

  • setByKeys(listOrSet): Returns a new Set containing the unique elements of the source list. If the elements given are KeyLabel, they are compared by key.
  • sortKeys(iterableOfKeys): Sorts a list of keys. If the keys are actually KeyLabel objects, they are sorted by key. Otherwise, they are naturally sorted. Returns a new array with the sorted keys.

Util array types

The lib also exports 2 util array types EmptyArray<T> and NonEmptyArray<T>, with their corresponding type predicates isEmptyArray(), and isNonEmptyArray().

const lists: Array<NonEmptyArray<any>> = [
  [1], // ok
  [], // error

const lists2: Array<EmptyArray<any>> = [
  [], // ok
  [1], // error

const a: string[] = [];
isEmptyArray(a); // => true (also sets that a is EmptyArray<string>)
isNonEmptyArray(a); // => false

const b: string[] = ["something"];
isEmptyArray(b); // => false
isNonEmptyArray(b); // => true (also sets that a is NonEmptyArray<string>)


Composition of a list of KeySets.

On a normal use case, this is not needed and it can be solved with first.intersect(second) or first.union(second).

But there are other cases where we have to be explicit about the 2 sets that we are intersecting.

e.g. We have a list of items with labels, where an item can have multiple labels. We need to filter the items with labels A, B and C but that do not have labels D.

We cannot use some(A, B, C).intersect(allExceptSome(D)) since that would end up with just some(A, B, C). So we use composedKeySet([some(A, B, C), allExceptSome(D)]).

This way, if we have a search engine that translates key sets like this:

  • All => WHERE 1=1
  • None => WHERE 1=0
  • Some => WHERE list.contains(elements)
  • AllExceptSome => WHERE not list.contains(elements)

then the composed key set above will end up with WHERE items.labels.contains(A, B, or C) AND NOT items.labels.contains(D)

For this case, we have the ComposedKeySet

const comp = composedKeySet([some(A, B, C), allExceptSome(D)]);

It can be serialized and parsed as the internal list (array) of KeySets.

We have also a function to check type:

  • isComposedKeySet(x): x is ComposedKeySet