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Mock object

elblinkin edited this page Apr 23, 2011 · 10 revisions

This is a tutorial for using

UPDATE: PHPUnit 3.6 will have $this->returnValueMap(). Please check that out.


Sometimes it is ideal to stub a method such that the return corresponds to the parameter list.

Previous to this extension there were two work-arounds:

  • Bad Solution #1 Use $this->at()

Example: $mock ->expects($this->at(0)) ->method("myMethod") ->with('foo') ->will($this->returnValue(0));


but this solution requires enforcing a strict invocation order which will lead to a very brittle test.

  • Bad Solution #2 Use $this->returnCallback()

Example: ... $mock ->expects($this->any()) ->method('myMethod') ->with($this->anything()) ->will($this->returnCallback($this, 'myMethodReturn')); ... }

public function myMethodReturn($arg) {
    $returnVals = array(
        'foo' => 0,
        'bar => 1,
    return $retVals[$arg];

but this solution can lead to un-tested logic growing inside your test code.

This extensions provides a solution that is less brittle than using $this->at() and removes the risk of growing logic in an arbitrary callback as with $this->returnCallback().

Example: $returnMapBuilder = new PHPUnit_Extensions_MockObject_Stub_ReturnMapping_Builder(); $returnMapBuilder->addEntry() ->with(array('foo')) ->will($this->returnValue(0)); $returnMapBuilder->addEntry() ->with(array('bar')) ->will($this->returnValue(1));

    ->with($this->anything())    // ReturnMapping will take care of comparing

->with() takes an array of PHPUnit_Framework_Constraints

->will() takes a single PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Stub

More Examples:

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