diff --git a/test/unittests/libethereum/BlockChainSyncTest.cpp b/test/unittests/libethereum/BlockChainSyncTest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6c68e61814f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unittests/libethereum/BlockChainSyncTest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+ This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
+ cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see .
+namespace dev
+namespace test
+struct BlockChainSyncFixture: public TestOutputHelperFixture
+ BlockChainSyncFixture()
+ {
+ // TODO this will not work wth parallel tests
+ p2p::NetworkPreferences nprefs1("", p2p::c_defaultListenPort);
+ nprefs1.discovery = false;
+ eth::ChainParams chainParams;
+ chainParams.sealEngineName = eth::NoProof::name();
+ chainParams.allowFutureBlocks = true;
+ chainParams.daoHardforkBlock = 0;
+ chainParams.difficulty = chainParams.minimumDifficulty;
+ chainParams.gasLimit = chainParams.maxGasLimit;
+ // add random extra data to randomize genesis hash and get random DB path,
+ // so that tests can be run in parallel
+ // TODO: better make it use ethemeral in-memory databases
+ chainParams.extraData = h256::random().asBytes();
+ web3Node1.reset(new WebThreeDirect(
+ "testclient1", dbDir1.path(), "", chainParams, WithExisting::Kill, {"eth"}, nprefs1));
+ //web3->setIdealPeerCount(5);
+ web3Node1->ethereum()->setAuthor(coinbase.address());
+ web3Node1->startNetwork();
+ p2p::NetworkPreferences nprefs2("", p2p::c_defaultListenPort + 1);
+ nprefs2.discovery = false;
+ web3Node2.reset(new WebThreeDirect(
+ "testclient2", dbDir2.path(), "", chainParams, WithExisting::Kill, {"eth"}, nprefs2));
+ web3Node2->startNetwork();
+ }
+ TransientDirectory dbDir1;
+ std::unique_ptr web3Node1;
+ TransientDirectory dbDir2;
+ std::unique_ptr web3Node2;
+ KeyPair coinbase{KeyPair::create()};
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(BlockChainSyncSuite, BlockChainSyncFixture)
+ dev::eth::mine(*(web3Node1->ethereum()), 10);
+ int blocksImported = 0;
+ std::promise allBlocksImported;
+ auto importHandler =
+ web3Node2->ethereum()->setOnBlockImport([&blocksImported, &allBlocksImported](eth::BlockHeader const&) {
+ if (++blocksImported == 10)
+ allBlocksImported.set_value();
+ });
+ // p2p::NodeSpec node2spec{"", p2p::c_defaultListenPort + 1};
+// web3Node1->addPeer(/*web3Node2->enode()*/node2spec, p2p::PeerType::Required);
+ web3Node1->requirePeer(web3Node2->id(), "");
+ allBlocksImported.get_future().wait_for(std::chrono::minutes(1));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(blocksImported, 10);