From 93d4e00a515622a5bffb90fabccdab0017ceff34 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Keyvan Kambakhsh Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2023 21:47:55 +0330 Subject: [PATCH] Add EIP: Zero-Knowledge Wormholes - Privacy extension for Ethereum --- EIPS/ | 92 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 92 insertions(+) create mode 100644 EIPS/ diff --git a/EIPS/ b/EIPS/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000000000..d31f549ec6ab1b --- /dev/null +++ b/EIPS/ @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +--- +title: Zero-Knowledge Wormholes - Privacy Extension for Ethereum +description: Enable minting of secretly burnt Ethers as a native privacy solution for Ethereum +author: Keyvan Kambakhsh (@keyvank), Hamid Bateni (@irnb), Nobitex Labs +discussions-to: +status: Draft +type: Standards Track +category: Core +created: 2023-08-14 +--- + +## Abstract + +While researching on privacy solutions and applications of ZKP, we discovered a technique, +by which people can burn their digital asset (E.g ETH) by sending it to an unspendable address, +and later build a ZK proof showing that some amount of tokens has been burnt in a transaction +in an older block, without revealing the transaction. The EIP proposes to add a minting +functionality to Ethereum, so that people can re-mint Ethers that they have purposefully burnt. +This will make an anonymity pool of the size of the entire Ethereum blockchain without much hassle. + +## Specification + +In Elliptic-Curve based digital signatures, normally there is a secret scalar $s$, from which +a public-key is deriven (By multiplying the generator point with the scalar: $s \times G$) + +A public-key is spendable if and only if its corresponding private-key $s$ exists. We can +generate unspendable public-keys by generating random points on the curve. But how can other +people be sure that a point is indeed random and not the result of calculating $s \times G$? +We can generate points that are very unlikely to be spendable by using fancy-looking patterns +in their $x$ coordinate. E.g: In case of Secp256k1 we can pick $x=123456789$ and calculate +$y$ by putting it in the curve equation: + +$y^2=x^3+7$ + +Because of the discrete logarithm problem, it's practically impossible to calculate $s$ where +$s \times G$ is equal with our point. + +Let's say $R$ is an unspendable public-key (Let's call it the reference unspendable public-key). +People can publicly burn their tokens by sending them to $R$, after doing so, others can indeed +conclude that they have burnt their tokens, because they can all see the transactions and they +know that $R$ is unspendable. + +***We can derive infinitely many provably-unspendable public-keys from a reference unspendable public-key*** + +Let's pick a random secret value $t$ and calculate a new point $D=R + t \times G$. We can prove +that $D$ is also unspendable, because $log_G(D)=log_G(R + t \times G)=log_G(R) + t$, and since +we can't calculate $log_G(R)$, the public-key $D$ is also unspendable. + +Obviously, $D$ is a completely new point that does not seem unspendable. We can convince others +that $D$ is unspendable by revealing $t$, because then people can verify that $D$ is the result +of adding some other point to $R$. + +***Using the help of Zero-Knowledge proofs, we can hide the value of $t$*** + +We just need to prove that we know a secret value $t$ where $R + t \times G == D$. We can go even +further. We can prove that some EOA-to-EOA transaction has happened in the history of +blockchain, which has burnt some amount of ETH. By revealing this to the Ethereum blockchain and +providing something like a nullifier (E.g. hash of the secret value $t$ so that double minting of +same burnt tokens are not possible), we can add a new ***minting*** functionality for ETH so that +people can migrate they secretly burnt tokens to a completely new address, without any trace on +the blockchain. This will make an anonymity pool of the size of the entire Ethereum blockchain +without much hassle. + +## Rationale + + + +## Backwards Compatibility + +The Ethers generated using the mint function should not have any difference with original Ethers. +People should be able to use those minted Ethers for paying the gas fees. + +## Reference Implementation + +A reference implementation is not ready yet, but during our + +The R1CS Zero-Knowledge-proof circuit of such system includes: + +1- A 5-block (5*136 bytes) Keccak256 (~750k constraints) for block-hash calculation. +2- 3x 4-block (4*136 bytes) Keccak256 (~600k constraints) for Merkle-Patricia-Trie proofs. +3- Another Keccak256 instance for hashing the EOA-to-EOA transfer +4- Checking if EOA-to-EOA transaction is valid + +Our approximation is that all these will need at most 3m constraints. + +## Security Considerations + +In case of faulty implementation of this EIP, people may mint infinite amount of ETH, collapsing the price of Ethereum. + +## Copyright + +Copyright and related rights waived via [CC0](../