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Meeting Date/Time: March 26, 2024 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration: 35 mins

Moderator: Pooja Ranjan

Notes: Meenakshi Singh


S No Agenda Item Summary
128.1 ECH Update Focuses on contributions by different individuals supporting education and ecosystem growth in the Ethereum community.
128.2 Q1 Report and Q2 Roadmap: Upcoming publication with insights into Ethereum Cat Herders’ activities. Celebrated five years of participation in the Ethereum community. Mentions the Learn to Earn program. Live stream during the Dencun upgrade. Highlights initiatives and tasks.
128.3 Protocol and Application Research Discusses ongoing research in the Ethereum ecosystem.
128.4 Events, Fellowships, and Hackathons Opportunities for interested contributors.
128.5 Ethereum Network Upgrades Recent completion of the Dencun Upgrade.


ECH updates

ECH: Reviewing Q1, Roadmap Q2–2024 and beyond!

Pooja Ranjan 0:00: Welcome everyone to Ethereum Cat Herders meeting 128. This is issue number 398 on ETH Cat Herders PM Repo. For today's agenda we have Cat herders update. It will mostly cover the present area of contribution of ethereum cat herders. Different people working on different initiatives and tasks to support education and ecosystem growth around the Ethereum Community. Then we will take a look at the other protocol and application research that's going around. Maybe we can talk about some events, fellowship and hackathons which are available for interested contributors. We'll talk about ethereum Network upgrades and General Update. May I request all participants to be on mute if they are not speaking. The first item is updates and I'm working on a Q1 report that will also provide a Q2 road map for ethereum cat herders. Hopefully that will be published later today. That's a work in progress. It has been added to medium for review and we hopefully will be publishing it shortly and people can find the link here. But broadly speaking this blog post talk about the ethereum caters participation since January. We completed five years with the ethereum community published a block post about our contributions and what community think about how we are doing? Their feedback is always important to us. As many of us are aware we recently completed the Dencun Upgrade. So we were also a part of the Goerly testnet update. George here represented Ethereum Cat Herders and talked about Learn to Earn program. Then I was there on Dencun upgrade live stream with Eth stakers and Anthony Sassal. We also recorded 13 episodes dedicated to Dencun proposals testing and testnet preparations. We created a bunch of content and I think I have linked to all of the resources here. Hopefully people will be interested to learn more about ethereum cat herders following this blog post and if people have more ideas and suggestion around what we can take into consideration for Q2 and Beyond. We would welcome all suggestions and advice on Eth Cat Herders Discord General Channel or you can DM me as well. The next item listed here is the with respect to ECH operation and the first one is Meet the Herders. I see Haresh on the call. Haresh if you would like to maybe provide an update on your recent recording and the status update there.

Haresh 3:18: Yeah hey Pooja. So I've recorded one episode with George. And I've reviewed first of the edits which has come in. There are some minor changes to it. So I believe it's already been updated and sent again. So I will be taking a look at it this week. Along with that I will also be working on the medium article and I hope to have that ready to go by the end of the week as well.

Pooja Ranjan 3:46: That's awesome. Thank you for that and yeah please go ahead.

Haresh 3:52: No No that's it.

ECH Operations

Meet The Herders Medium blogpost ( ?)

Pooja Ranjan 3:56: Yeah so I'm assuming we do not have the podcast of it. Once we have final video version then I will share that with ZK to maybe create the podcast of it. And hopefully we'll be able to share all of these medium video and podcast.

Haresh 4:16: Yeah I'll look at the edit first.

Pooja Ranjan 4:20: Of course. I'm also wondering if we should be publishing it on as well. Does anyone here has any experience publishing or maybe would like to take this task.

Haresh 4:38: Pooja, I can check it out on how to publish on mirror and I'll coordinate with you in Discord.

Pooja Ranjan 4:46: Okay that sounds good. We should be having a Cat Herders Publication. So yeah once you are ready do let me know. Then I will be sharing credentials of that. So you be able to do it. Okay, perfect. Thank you and I don't know if we have anyone else for the next month. If we don't ping me again we'll try to have someone on board for the next meeting moving ahead the next one is ECH engineering and that the first item here is a new website domain. So I think yeah Nandan Pai I can see on the call here. We work together and I think the website page is live Nandan if you can provide more updates on that share your screen or whatever works.

ECH Engineering

New website domain -

Nandan Pai 5:44:Yeah. I'll do that. I hope everyone can see my screen. Yeah so the updates from the last time I showed the website was like it was on local. And it was just on some random versal domain. But finally now it's live on This is where the new website will rest. the previous domain. It will soon redirect to this website itself the new version. So that will be taken down. Once this is fully ready and you can expect it to be completely ready to be replaced with the previous one soon within a week or two max. Yeah the major updates in this is just like the main highlight here is the admin panels. Like I have made sure Pooja Ma’am or anyone any ECH admin can make changes to the content in the website without contacting any developer. You can change all the data over here. All the data you see here for example if I go to the Dencun page. Give me a second it's my internet that's why it's taking a little while but yeah it should be very fast on your end. Yeah this whole web page has been created just using this one dashboard. You can create any number of Network Upgrade Pages or you can add blogs, Events, YouTube links, Surveys, Resources, Meeting Updates and a lot more. Just without a single line of code you don't have to contact any developer. Any ECH admin can make changes to the whole website. And get it live as soon as possible so that we have like latest information on our website. That is the main goal of this upgrade to the website. Yeah almost everything is done. I would say only like a few new pages like Meet the Herders is the only page pending right now. As far as I remember yeah and there are some changes that is going to happen in the landing page of the website. It's going to be more focused on the educational content that ECH provides. Yeah that's it for the website right now.

Pooja Ranjan 8:55: Anyone has any question or comment on this?

Nandan Pai 9:02: Thank you George.

Santhosh 9:04: I think website looks great. Can give us a knowledge transfer once. I believe it's updation is just a couple of click away. But if you can just give a small video or we can just do it over a call if you can give a knowledge transfer. So we can make sure the website is updated.

Nandan Pai 9:24: Yeah sure. I I'll record like a demo video of how to exactly use the admin panel and what all features are available. And I'll share it with you guys on next meeting hopefully.

Santhosh 9:39: Yeah that would be great.

Pooja Ranjan 9:42: A couple of points. I'm just curious. In the last meeting with you Nandan I had mention of content migration of the present website. Did we make any progress in that.

Nandan Pai 9:58: I am woring on it. Yeah I am done with a few pages few more left. I'll get it done as soon as possible.

Pooja Ranjan 10:06: So are we doing it like creating pages with the help of admin or just statically copying.

Nandan Pai 10:12: No, all this are going to be done via the admin dashboard. We will avoid as much like we'll try to keep it Dynamic. We won't go for static this time static is a little hectic for the developers. Yeah I think this is better.

Pooja Ranjani 10:34: Okay no worries. Cool I was just wondering we should have all the content of the existing website here and then perhaps we'll keep on adding new pages. So talking about new pages we would love to see the Pectra page added there because that's not there in the existing website. And we do have list of proposals available and meta.

Nandan Pai 11:00: I'll be adding the data soon.

Pooja Ranjan 11:02: Okay perfect. That makes sense. Any other question comment? I know George, you had some thoughts around like how we can perhaps improve this website or anything in specific that we should be adding here.

George Herveyi 11:19: Yeah I'm trying to remember from yesterday. My comments I would need to get back to you on That.

Pooja Ranjani 11:30:Sure I think yesterday's meeting was too intense. We had too many topics covered. So I'm fine. No worries at all. Do let us know just for people here in the call and anyone listening to this call later on we have added an event on ethereum cat herders Discord as ethereum cat Herders website weekly meeting. We are looking for volunteers who can maybe support us the development of the page and keep the page up to date with this admin panel. And with this new V3. We are hoping that it would be very simple; people can even add a small PR to make changes. That is one way to do that. Or anyone who would like to volunteer to maybe update on a regular basis. We can perhaps do that. So check out the events at Cat Herders Discord and if you are available or interested in making a contribution, please join us.

Santhosh 12:29: So I would be interested. I'll reach out to you.

Pooja Ranjan 12:33: Okay perfect. Thank you. That's about new one. Okay from the existing website we already discussed about the changes on UI side for the new homepage. Yes we are looking to have it more education based and and provide a glimpse of what all what all contents are available on the cat headers website. I know it's too much information there but it's something that is not known to the community so we would like to make it easier for them to find out. And of course if something is not there people can always make a pull request or create an issue. So we can start looking into it and keep it added to the Cat Herders website. I think there was a one improvement with respect to ethereum testnet maybe George you can take a look at it later on about about updating Goerly and any other information with respect to Hoelsky.

George Hervey 13:36: Yeah if there was a PR for that then I'll check that out. That's one of the things that we do have to update since now that really has been deprecated.

Pooja Ranjan 13:49:So is the PR already up? I mean do I need to look and merge or something like that. Is there anything for me. I'm curious.

George Hervey 13:58: If someone else made a PR then I guess I have not made a PR yet so. Okay if waiting on me then I'll. I could do that soon .

Pooja Ranjan 14:09: Cool. We'll take a look. I see here it's Meet the Herders proposed design. Okay Nandan also mentioned that page is pending. So it could be taken care of Nandan could you confirm if ecosystem project demo page is already covered in V3 section or do we need template for that as well because it's tba on the main page.

Nandan Pai 14:32: Oh yeah. I didn't receive any designs or something but if you just could tell me what you want on that page. I could probably get it ready soon.

Pooja Ranjan 14:44: Okay I think it should be very similar to what we already have for podcast or meet the herders maybe take a look and it could be something similar.

Nandan Pai 14:54:Okay sure I get it ready.

Pooja Ranjan 14:58:Okay perfect.

Nandan Pai 15:02: Oh Yeah Santhosh, we have analytics added to the V3 site it should be available on the versal dashboard.

Pooja Ranjan 15:13: Okay thank you. Okay anything else on the website?

George Hervey 15:28: Oh sorry in terms of the V2 in terms of the the current website on with the V2 there'll be a couple like last updates where it's just kind of cleaning that up moving the Dencun over to the network upgrades page. And then moving on from there we'll be fully converting over to the V3. So that's pretty much the updates around the websites.

Pooja Ranjani 16:07: Very well I think I would love to have a list of admin Pages which are available with V3. Because it will help us understand say for example this Dencun page that needs to move to network upgrade page if we do not have admin page for that we can perhaps create that as well.

Nandan Pai 16:27: I didn't get it could you just repeat it again.

Pooja Ranjan 16:31: Okay. So on our current ethereumcatherderes website there is a page called Network upgrades in which we keep adding the past upgrades. And there's a particular format.

Nandan Pai 16:46:Yeah I got it. Yeah I'll just have one more an option or something to move it to Network upgrad page that can be done

Pooja Ranjan 16:56: Yeah right. So I was hoping to have a list of all admin pages. So we know which all pages can be automatically populated right here. I know George would be working on moving this page for the V2 version which is great but for future upgrades if you can have that kind of page created it will be easier for contributors.

Nandan Pai 17:19: Yeah sure I can do that.

Meetings, Podcast, EPD, Twitter spaces

Pooja Ranjan 17:25: Thank you both good work here. Let's move on to the next section meeting podcast and EPD Twitter spaces. I don't see ZK on the call and let me try to share whatever information I have with me. All wallet Dev meeting is already added on Cat Herders YouTube but I don't see that's being live or made it public I'll will check back with him and make sure that this meeting is available for the community. I see two EPD videos added here. Hopefully we'll be releasing one either today or on Thursday and one in the following week. And for ECH podcast I do not see anything new coming up maybe we will work on the podcast version of project demo and share that on the Cat Herders podcast we are hoping to have Twitter spaces. Yeah I would love to collect thought ideas and if we can get any volunteers around that who can help us run these Twitter spaces. It seems like Twitter and forecaster are something people are looking forward to and they would like like to maybe talk to some guest or have General chat or discussion there. Any thoughts? I don't know how many here uses it on a frequent basis but we are considering to begin this Twitter spaces we are hoping to have the first space with the Octant Community. Let me pull out my calendar because I'm not sure if we have already announced it. No we haven't announced it but it is scheduled for April 5th at 100 p.m. EST. We are hoping to have a conversation with Team Octant. It is specifically with respect to the epoch 3 Grand round that they are trying to run. So octant has been graciously including us the ethereum cat Herders in their public good funding Grant round. And in the past three epochs it started with Epoch zero so in the past three Epochs we received a decent support from the community. And we would love to respond back. Let them know more about Ethereum Cat Herders and this initiative about the Twitter spaces with Octant team is to kind of create awareness about what Cat Herders do. So anyone from the team if you are around please join us on the Twitter spaces. And we will have a good chat about what we do to help the Ethereum Community here. I will share more information on Discord shortly and perhaps add it to the events so people can follow and may be able to join. So that's about events podcast and Twitter spaces here.

Pooja Ranjan 20:46: EIPs Insight, wow, so the next one is EIPs insight. I am not 100% sure I am seeing Nandan on the call. So perhaps I can have you answer some of the questions because I see the RIP is still not showing any data in the March.

Nandan Pai 21:10: Yeah I am working on it. It should be up by tomorrow max. The scheduler is broken I'll just fix it. I have found out what the issue is I'll just push the changes.

Pooja Ranjan 21:27: Okay I hope that would be helpful because I see EIP and ERC data already available on the website. So it will be nice to have rip data as well.

Nandan Pai 21:40: Yeah it'll be up soon.

Pooja Ranjan 21:42: Okay perfect. Moving ahead for PEEPanEIP. We have a scheduled multiple PEEPanEIP for proposals which are getting into Practra starting with EIP 7002 which is execution triggerable exits with Danny Ryan on March 28th. This is scheduled out of the regular schedule for PEEPanEIP but Danny is going on vacation. So we just wanted to have this conversation recorded for the community before he goes out for the vacation. So if people are interested in learning about EIP 7002 which is one of the important proposal consider for Pectra upgrade. Join us on PEEPanEIP and with Danny Ryan on March 28th at 18:30 UTC for recording. And people who may not be able to join they can either leave their question comments on Cat Herders Discord general or follow the recording later on Cat Herders YouTube. Similarly we have EIP 7547 which is again one of the most popular proposal of inclusion list. We are going to have this recorded with Mike Neuder, Terence and Franseco from the team on April 3rd. And the first RIP discussion The first RIP that moved into final status RIP 7212 will be having a conversation with Ulas to talk about this pre-compile for curve support on April 9th at 18:30 UTC. Anyone if you have any question we do have a form to collect your questions you can check out for the form on Cat Herders Discord in general or else you can join the meeting and have your question shared with the guest directly over there either case. If you or anyone interested in these proposals to let them know about this upcoming talks and for future PEEPanEIP and people can also check out the schedule which is added here. We are also working in parallel on YouTube shorts to make sure that Community are getting full essence of what's going into Ethereum ecosystem. So check out Community playlist we received incredible comments from Danny Ryan about PEEPanEIP and that it is a very good resource which can help bridge the gap between the research and development work and the community. Thank you Denny for that and there are a couple of others where developers are talking about how we can make the first step into the Ethereum Ecosystem. If you are into research and development I think not only me developers also think that e research is a good place to start with and ethereum specs and research are pretty much open and accessible to everyone in the community. Still if you have any questions or you want to reach out to the right team you can always drop a note on Cat Herder's General Channel we will be able to support you with the with the response or maybe with the team, making an introduction to the right team. WIP is another initiative that we are working with ethereum Foundation it is women in ethereum protocol and the next meeting is planned on April 5th at 1400 UTC. Any women protocol developer if you would like to maybe share about your work your journey in the blockchain space and it would be nice to have if people are from ethereum space in specific. You may reach out to me and we will try to have time allocated for your experience sharing. We are also providing support to many different meetings, all ERC Dev meeting, eth multi call EF implementers meeting I will perhaps add link to all of these playlist so people will be able to find it easier. I have just recently created playlist for these meetings on ethereum protocol you and some new meetings are also started MaxEB which is like under discussion people are wondering if this can be included in the next upgrade. So yeah you can follow the agenda and next meeting updates here. On ECH funding side as I mentioned we are working with the team Octant and Epoch 3 is going to start in the first week of April as per my information. So if you are an Octant staker or you may know someone you can perhaps recommend contributing to Ethereum Cat Herders Grant over there or maybe supporting ECH in the list. Support is very important. That's how we value, we measure our contribution to the ethereum ecosystem. And if people have any other Grand suggestions please reach out to us. On funding request I think I have received a bunch of retroactive requests. It will take some time to process them all but please do not hold it back send it Month-to Month basis. So we do not have lot of pending work to review at the end of the day. On meeting notes I'm not sure if we have notes available for all the Meetings but let me try to pull out the calendar here and see if anyone is missing on any of these things. Okay I don't see Lawrence on the call. I'm not sure if he is able to finish it all or yeah maybe we can talk to him separately on Discord Channel. And ensure that he is done with the meeting notes. From the last meeting. For meeting 183. Yeah I suppose Santhosh you had some chat with him do you see any progress in there.

Santhosh 28:12: He needed help on Update README file changes haven't been able to connect with him I pinged him just

before this meeting I'll keep you updated.

Pooja Ranjan 28:22: Okay perfect and 183 is with Meenakshi. I think you are planning to make the PR today. I'm not sure. Meenakshi if you speaking you are on mute. Okay maybe we can follow up. Yes we can we can hear you now.

Meenakshi 28:55: Yeah, I have ACDC 130 with me. ACDE 183 I have submitted.

Pooja Ranjan 29:12: Okay you're talking about ACDC. Perfect. I can see that is with you as well. Okay yeah perfect so you can submit it by today right.

Meenakshi 29:24: Yeah by today I will submit the notes ACDC 130.

Pooja Ranjan 29:30: Perfect and what is 27th March which is Metago. 28th March is also Metago. I think I need to take a look at it and maybe able to rearrange them. So I know there are a couple of contributors who have moved out and some new contributors are willing to get in. I will try to update this calendar today and we'll drop a message in the notes section. So people can follow it and please make sure that you are submitting your notes on time. README attached to it many people do that. Already coming in with the PR but some of them keep missing please make a note of that. All right I have added a bunch of other meetings recording here. People can follow.

Events, Fellowship, Hackathon

There are Academic Grant and I don't know if people are aware of the EPS ethereum protocol study group. That's a 10 week study group program and I found it very interesting. It's giving a very good idea of the ethereum protocol's current status. I keep sharing video every now and then but it seems like they have a recurring meeting on Monday and Thursday at 1,600 UTC. So if you are not already a part of their Discord Channel. I would highly recommend joining the channel and take a look at their calendar their schedule for different speakers from ethereum space. I think yesterday only we had this presentation from Sam Wilson and Shy Way execution specs and consensus specs and that was like how people can make contribution if they are new and willing to make a contribution but they don't know from where to start. So I think these meetings will help them understand the current state and may be able to provide them an opportunity to make their first pull request in. If you need any more information we do have people from ethereum protocol Fellowship on Cat Herders Discord. You can ask your questions and we hope to provide you the appropriate answer to that.

Joy 31:52: Pooja that sounds a great start for a new starter like me could you repeat the name of the Discord Channel again sorry server.

Pooja Ranjan 32:05: So it can be easily found with eth R&D Discord server. There is a channel called Protocol Fellowship. So protocol Fellowship as per my understanding will be starting from May of this year but before the start of next cohort. We are conducting a class of 10 weeks of study group if you get into protocol Fellowship Channel. There you will find a link to another Discord called Protocol study group. If you have difficulty finding that please DM me. I will be happy to invite you to that server thank you and joy if you are also interested you can join the Discord servers of Women in Ethereum Protocol.

Joy 32:54: Yeah sounds good.

Next Upgrade

Pooja Ranjan 32:57: I think I have already discussed about Network upgrade after Dencun. We are looking towards Prague and Electra which is Pectra. I guess now you can check out the Meta Thread and also the Hardfork Meta playlist already added here we have recorded 4 Episodes already on Pectra. And we hope to get two more in next couple of weeks. We are wondering to start something new with respect to staking related content. Anyone here may be interested in creating content around that please reach out. I had a chart with a new contributor just yesterday who may be interested in writing blog post or maybe creating video content but that's still up in the air. We would love to have more content in so if anyone here listening to this call if you have thoughts ideas and you have knowledge to support the solo stakers Community. We would love to have you here talk about the process. And yeah the requirement by which we can encourage more individuals to become solo staker. There are a few stats with respect to our social media and yeah that's pretty much all about it. Any question comment thought anyone would like to discuss anything else. Just for people to know like we are hoping to continue contributing to the Ethereum ecosystem. If you see something that is looking for some help like individuals or any task and you think Cat Herders may be able to support that please share the idea. We'll try to take a look discuss it with many other groups and if anyone in the ecosystem would like to volunteer about it. We would love to share that details. So yes with that I think we are doing great. We should continue doing what we are doing and we hope to get more new contributors just like we are joined by Joy today. More contributors to the ethereum ecosystem. Thank you everyone for being with us. Have a great rest of the day everyone.

Next Meeting Date/Time: April 9, 2024 at 14:00 UTC


  • Pooja Ranjan
  • Santosh
  • George Hervey
  • Haresh
  • Nandan Pai
  • Joy
  • Meenakshi Singh