# 🎓 STA 404 - Advanced Data Visualization

Everything within this repo was all the projects I’ve completed in this class. This course was over a 15-week semester at Miami University’s [College of Engineering and Computing][1] on the main campus. [View more info about the course here][2].
Have any questions about anything? Feel free to reach out to me!

[1]: https://miamioh.edu/cec/index.html
[2]: https://bulletin.miamioh.edu/search/?P=STA%20404

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<h6 align="center">DISCLAIMER:<br>I do NOT allow copying or referencing of this repository for academic benefits at Miami University. <br><br> Any found violations of <a href="https://miamioh.edu/policy-library/students/undergraduate/academic-regulations/academic-integrity.html">Miami University's Academic Integrity policy</a> will be reported.</h6>