A full stack flask application that allows a user to track formula 1 results.
These are the main technologies we used to contruct the project.
After 4 weeks at CodeClan we undertook our first project. Working independently we were to create a flask application that allows a user to perform simple CRUD actions. I decided to work to design a sports scoring tracker for Formula 1, following this brief.
A user should be able to:
- view drivers, teams and some information about them
- view race results and see season results for a particular driver
- view the current season standings
Some of the features currently in progress:
- the user should be able to add race results
- all relevant information should update when a race result is submitted
I've decided not to continue devloping this application. Purely for nostalgia reasons. I think that in years to come I'm going to watn to spin this up and remember what life was like when I was only a little code baby. At current I'm immensely proud that I was able to build this application with only 4 weeks coding experience!
You'll need python3, postgreSQL and flask installed to run this.
To build the database strucutre and seed with starter data run the following in your CLI
createdb formula_1
psql -d formula_1 -f db/formula_1.sql
python3 seed.py
Then to run the app:
flask run
Then visit to view the app.
Race results for the first race of the season have been seeded, more can be added in the race results pages.