- Vagrant
- Virtualbox
- kubectl (optional)
macOS (with homebrew):
brew cask install virtualbox
brew cask install vagrant
brew install kubernetes-cli # optional
In this directory:
vagrant up
This will create a master (k8s-master,, 1GB RAM) and one node (k8s-node-1,, 1GB RAM).
To connect to the cluster VMs with SSH:
vagrant ssh k8s-master
vagrant ssh k8s-node-1
To copy off the kubectl config needed to remotely manage the cluster:
vagrant ssh-config > $HOME/.ssh/vagrant_ssh_config
scp -F $HOME/.ssh/vagrant_ssh_config k8s-master:.kube/config /tmp/admin.conf
KUBECONFIG=/tmp/admin.conf kubectl get all --all-namespaces
To install the dashboard, run on the master:
kubectl create -f /vagrant/dashboard.yaml
The dashboard will be available (unauthenticated) at
A private docker registry is available on master and all nodes as well as from the host machine on port 80.
From a node or master (user ubuntu is in group docker, so no sudo necessary):
docker pull alpine
docker tag $(docker images alpine:latest --format="{{.ID}}") localhost/alpine
docker push localhost/alpine
From host machine:
docker pull alpine
docker tag $(docker images alpine:latest --format="{{.ID}}")
docker push
will mount an additional host directory at /extra_mount
All scripts in /extra_mount
named provision_<hostname>*.sh
will be executed
at the end of the provisioning process (trailing node number will be removed.)
See Vagrantfile to tweak:
- Kubernetes version (1.7 and 1.6 supported)
- IP addresses
- Number of nodes
- RAM allocations