All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Added RSS export for News Articles.
- Added feature to specify current language using Apache's mod_rewrite (saving old session-based method for compatibility).
- Added sendmail_path config parameter to specify sendmail (fake sendmail on windows) location.
- CSV document response added.
- GD2 ImageProcessor added.
- Conditional comments for IE6 added ('minmax.js' script).
- Added Notify status message (with sample).
- Context naming scheme for components is now action-based.
- Popup handling changed: size is set from code, position automatically calculated for new opened windows (App::init_popup()). For popups with static content popup=1 URL parameter is required.
- Filters insertion moved to insert_filters() method of appropriate DbObject-derived classes.
- Using DbObject::$_template_var_prefix in DbObject::print_values().
- Page titles and menu item captions may have HTML tags (App::print_raw_values() is used by default, take care of HTML escaping in lang/global files).
- edit_form.html and view_info.html no more used.
- Added feature to fill select/radio group lists using DbObject's method.
- Added DbObject::has_nonset_filters().
- Added get_full_name() and get_full_name_reversed().
- Response: open_inline renamed to is_attachment.
- Menu: Added methods for removing/hiding menu items, added processing of optional parameter 'item_names_to_hide' for App::print_menu().
- Added automatic values setting for fields created/updated if they exist in DbObject.
- Added more validate conditions.
- Added feature to select what initial data to insert in SetupApp with truncating corresponding table.
- Dynamic loading classes and components added.
- Image processing is reimplemented in ImageProcessor component.
- Added initial application with users, news, categories, products as example of classes usage for application development.
- Added 'Remember me' feature to user login form.
- Added 'like_many' filter type.
- Reading typed CGI values code moved from DbObject to App.
- DbObject::read() log output is much more verbose now.
- DbObject::read() and DbObject::update() optimized, DbObject remembers its original/initial values.
- Added contexts to DbObject's read(), save(), store(), update().
- Logger debug_level is constant-based now, available values: DL_FATAL_ERROR, DL_ERROR, DL_WARNING, DL_INFO, DL_DEBUG, DL_EXTRA_DEBUG.
- SelectQuery log output is greatly enhanced.
- Added App::fetch_rows_list() for speed optimization.
- Action naming convention changed: pg_view_news_articles -> pg_news_articles, pg_edit_news_article -> pg_news_article_edit.
- Action functions naming convention changed: now using prefix 'action_'.
- Added inheritance support to DbObject.
- DbObject-derived classes have 'Table' suffix.
- Added OrderedDbObject for tables with strict ordering.
- Added ImageTable is derived from FileTable now.
- Converted language resources from txt to php.
- Added support for per-template language resources.
- Language resources have prefix 'lang:' in templates.
- Global template variables have prefix 'global:'.
- Changed delimiter in config, language resources and templates from '_' to '.'.
- Made possible to use custom prefixes in template variables.
- Now param() returns null if array was passed to CGI, param_array() should be used to get that array.
- Added 'Create/Update SQL script' preview before execution in SetupApp.
- Changed way of forms posting: single action processes different 'command' instead of different actions for each command (view, edit, update, delete, delete_image).
- POST parameters are accessed first before GET parameters now by param().
- Added App::create_self_action_redirect_response().
- Template parser speed improved.
- Templates directory structure reorganization.
- New templates layout (XHTML/CSS).
- Now runs on php5 with php4 compatibility mode turned on.
- Added initial web_install script configs (release, test).
- Library improvements/bugfixes/refactoring.
- Added n-level menu xml class.
- Enhancements.
- Bugfixes.
- Values printing moved from DbObject to App.
- Client-side validations added.
- MySQL tables dump download added to Setup area.
- Library improvements/bugfixes/refactoring.
- Library improvements/redesign.
- Default encoding for application and database is UTF-8 now.
- Library improvements/redesign.
- Improvements.
- Initial release of app_skeleton with imported library PHPLib-1.