This folder contains tutorials that introduce the use of ESPResSo for different physical systems.
- Simulate a simple Lennard-Jones liquid
Modelling of a single-component and a two-component Lennard-Jones liquid.
Guide - Error analysis
Statistical analysis of simulation results
Guide Part 1 | Part 2 - Visualization
Using the online visualizers of ESPResSo.
- Charged systems
Modelling of ion condensation around a charged rod.
Guide - Langevin dynamics
Modelling of Brownian motion and measurement of diffusion coefficients.
Guide - Ferrofluid
Modelling of a monolayer ferrofluid system.
Guide Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 - Lattice-Boltzmann
Simulations including hydrodynamic interactions using the Lattice-Boltzmann method.
Guide Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 - Polymers
Modelling polymers with hydrodynamic interactions.
Guide - Raspberry electrophoresis
Extended objects in a Lattice-Boltzmann fluid, raspberry particles.
Guide - Machine-learned interatomic potential
Atomistic simulations using the MACE-MP-0 model.
- Active matter
Modelling of self-propelling particles.
Guide - Electrokinetics
Modelling electrokinetics together with hydrodynamic interactions.
Guide - Electrodes
Modelling electrodes and measuring differential capacitance with the ELC method.
Part 1 | Part 2 - Constant pH method
Modelling an acid dissociation curve using the constant pH method.
Guide - Widom particle insertion method
Measuring the excess chemical potential of a salt solution using the Widom particle insertion method.
Guide - Grand-Canonical Monte Carlo
Simulating a polyelectrolyte solution coupled to a reservoir of salt.
To run the tutorials, you need ESPResSo and a Jupyter environment. For installation instructions, please see the user guide sections Quick installation and Setting up a Jupyter environment.
Tutorials are available as Jupyter notebooks, i.e. they consist of a .ipynb
file which contains both the source code and the corresponding explanations.
They can be viewed, changed and run interactively. To generate the tutorials
in the build folder, do:
make tutorials
All tutorials can be viewed with their solutions online.
To view the tutorials in the build folder, run the following commands:
cd doc/tutorials
../../ipypresso lab
This will launch a web browser in which the notebooks for the tutorials can be viewed and run. For more details, please see the user guide section on running notebooks, which walks you through the Jupyter interface.
- Introduction to ESPResSo
- How to run ESPResSo inside Visual Studio Code
- Error Estimation in Time-Correlated Data
- Electrostatic Algorithms
- Introduction to Charged Soft Matter
- Managing Simulation Data
- Introduction to Ferrofluids
- Molecular Modelling of Polymers
- Simulating Chemical Reactions in ESPResSo
- Introduction to Lattice Boltzmann Method