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Smart Outlet Example

Google IoT Core Setup

Follow this getting-started-guide to do the initial Google Cloud IoT Core setup.

Create Public/Private Key pair

As of now, only Elliptic curve algorithm is supported for device authentication. Navigate to Generating an ES256 key sub section in this guide to generate key pair.

Create Registry and Devices

Step-by-step guide for creating Cloud IoT Core registry and devices is given here. While creating a device, use the public key from the key pair generated in the previous step.

NOTE: location of the registry, registry ID and device ID will be used for ESP32 configuration later on

Getting started with ESP32

Setting up ESP-IDF

ESP-IDF is the official development framework for the ESP32 chip.

  • Please refer this for setting ESP-IDF

Connecting ESP32 to a local network

Code snippet to connect ESP32 to a WiFi station:

static esp_err_t wifi_event_handler(void *ctx, system_event_t *event)
    switch (event->event_id)
        xEventGroupSetBits(wifi_event_group, CONNECTED_BIT);
        xEventGroupClearBits(wifi_event_group, CONNECTED_BIT);
    return ESP_OK;

static void wifi_init(void)
    wifi_event_group = xEventGroupCreate();
    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_event_loop_init(wifi_event_handler, NULL));
    wifi_init_config_t cfg = WIFI_INIT_CONFIG_DEFAULT();
    wifi_config_t wifi_config = {
        .sta = {
            .ssid = CONFIG_ESP_WIFI_SSID,
            .password = CONFIG_ESP_WIFI_PASSWORD,
    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_wifi_set_config(ESP_IF_WIFI_STA, &wifi_config));
    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Waiting for wifi");
    xEventGroupWaitBits(wifi_event_group, CONNECTED_BIT, false, true, portMAX_DELAY);

Connecting ESP32 to Cloud IoT Core

After wifi connection is established, invoke iotc_connect() API in the application which initiates a connection to Cloud IoT Core.

Connect Callback

While making a connection request, your client application must provide a callback function, which is invoked when a connection to the Cloud IoT Core service has been established, as well as if the connection was unsuccessful.

// Connection callback function signature
void on_connection_state_changed( iotc_context_handle_t in_context_handle,
                                  void* data,
                                  iotc_state_t state )

Publishing data

Once a connection has been established, the client application can publish messages to the Cloud IoT Core service.

To publish a message to a topic, use either iotc_publish() or iotc_publish_data(). Each message must include the following:

  • The topic name
  • A message payload
  • A QoS level

Publish callback

While invoking publish API, the client application can also supply a callback function. This callback function is optional; it is intended to notify embedded devices after the message has been fully sent/acknowledged. This callback is invoked when the client application successfully publishes to Cloud IoT Core.

// Publish callback function signature

void on_publication( iotc_context_handle_t in_context_handle,
                     void* data,
                     iotc_state_t state )

Subscribing to MQTT topics

To subscribe to a topic, call iotc_subscribe(). Subscription must include:

  • The topic name
  • A subscription callback function
  • A QoS level.

Subscribe callback

The subscription callback is invoked when Cloud IoT Core sends a MQTT SUBACK response with the granted QoS level of the subscription request. This function is also invoked each time Cloud IoT Core delivers a message to the subscribed topic.

// Subscribe callback function signature

void on_message( iotc_context_handle_t in_context_handle,
                 iotc_sub_call_type_t call_type,
                 const iotc_sub_call_params_t* const params,
                 iotc_state_t state,
                 void* user_data )

Example Setup

Installing Private Key

Copy the private key created in the earlier step to main/certs/private_key.pem subdirectory.

NOTE: Don't accidentally commit private key to public source

ESP32 Configuration

Wifi Setting

In the smart-outlet example directory, run make menuconfig and navigate to Example Configuration to set WiFi SSID and WiFI Password

Google IoT Core Device Setting

Set Project ID, Location, Registry ID and Device ID under make menuconfig -> Component config -> Google IoT Core Configuration

project_id of your project can be fetched from resources page

Fetch location, registry_id and device_id from the Google IoT Core registry.

Flashing client application

    make -j8 flash monitor

Example Workflow

After flashing the example to your ESP32, it should connect to Google IoT Core and start subscribing/publishing MQTT data.

Telemetry Event

This example publishes temperature data every 10 seconds to the topic /devices/{device-id}/events

Sending Device Configuration from Google IoT Core

To know more about configuring devices from Google IoT Core visit here

A subscription to the topic /devices/{device-id}/config is established on start-up, thus you receive configuration details in the registered subscribe callback iotc_mqttlogic_subscribe_callback

Sending Device Command

A subscription to the wildcard topic /devices/{device-id}/commands/# is established in this example, you can send commands to the device by following instruction given here.

  • Set Output GPIO under make menuconfig -> Example Configuration -> Output GPIO
  • Send {"outlet": 0} or {"outlet": 1} from Google Cloud IoT Core Device Console to change GPIO output.