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Dependency of soft AP DHCP addresses on selected debug level, 'Generic ESP8266 Module' #2728

mrwgx3 opened this issue Dec 3, 2016 · 11 comments
waiting for feedback Waiting on additional info. If it's not received, the issue may be closed.


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mrwgx3 commented Dec 3, 2016

Basic Infos


Hardware:     ESP12, Adafruit Huzzah Breakout and Feather Boards  
Core Version: 2.3.0

OS, IDE, and SDK

OS:   Windows 10 Professional and Linux Ubuntu 16.04LTS   
IDE:  1.6.12  
SDK:  1.5.3_16_04_18


While in AP+STA mode, it was observed that DHCP addresses assigned by the AP side sometimes differed from those specified by the network parameters passed in Wifi.softAPConfig(). These variations were traced to the debug level chosen for the 'Generic ESP8266 Module' board setting, with erroneous addresses being generated for levels not containing a 'Wifi' entry. Incorrect addresses were also seen for the 'Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266' board setting, which doesn't expose any debug levels at all.

Further tests revealed that when a specific DEBUG_WIFI() call is NOT made within Wifi.softAPConfig(), the results of a puzzling (perhaps incomplete) DCHP address calculation are used. With the 'Wifi' flag set, however, the critical DEBUG_WIFI() call is made, and the correct DHCP addresses are somehow calculated and set; where and how is not readily apparent.

Also noted was that some address ranges caused Wifi.softAPConfig() to fail due to the calculated starting/ending DHCP address range being inverted (end > start); an example is included in the attached sketch.

Additional items:

  • Tried the same tests for just AP mode; the results were the same.
  • The title for library file ESP8266WiFiAP.cpp should be changed from "ESP8266WiFiSTA.cpp" to "ESP8266WiFiAP.cpp".

Settings in IDE

Module:          Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266  
Flash Size:      4MB (3M SPIFFS)  
CPU Frequency:   80Mhz  
Debug Settings:  None presented by IDE  
Module:          Generic ESP8266 Module  
Flash Size:      4MB (3M SPIFFS)  
CPU Frequency:   80Mhz  
Flash Mode:      qio  
Flash Frequency: 40Mhz  
Upload Using:    Disabled or SERIAL  
Reset Method:    nodemcu  
Debug Port:      None or Serial
Debug Level:     None, Core, or Core+Wifi

Sketch Outline

The sketch included at the end of this post is used to:
1. Place the ESP12 in AP + STA mode
2. Configure and start the AP side
3. Statically connect to the home network on the STA side
4. Start a minimal web server to check for connectivity


This issue was noticed while developing the attached sketch in 'Generic ESP8266 / Core+Wifi' mode. The debug messages from the soft-AP configuration and startup are:

del if0  
mode : softAP(5e:cf:7f:c6:9d:bc)  
bcn 0  
del if1  
add if1  
dhcp server start:(ip:,mask:,gw:  
bcn 100  
Configuring as AP+STA  
Setting soft-AP configuration ...  
[APConfig] DHCP IP start:    << NOTE THESE ADDRESSES  
[APConfig] DHCP IP end:  
Setting soft-AP ...   
bcn 0  
del if1  
add if1  
dhcp server start:(ip:,mask:,gw:  
bcn 100  
Soft-AP IP address =  

The expected DHCP starting and ending addresses expected from the sketch's WiFi.softAPConfig( ip:, gw:, mask: ) call would be and; quite different from reported addresses of and A check via an 'ipconfig /all' after connecting to the AP, however, shows all but the subnet mask to be in order:

Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi 3:  

   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :  
   Description . . . . . . . . . . . : 150Mbps Wireless 802.11bgn Nano USB Adapter  
   Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx  
   DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
   Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes  
   IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :  
   Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :       << INCORRECT, BUT A KNOWN ISSUE
   Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :  
   DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :  

Both the gateway ( and wireless adapter ( were also pingable, and the webserver root response was observed after entering '' into a browser. Given that everything seemingly works, it was concluded that the DHCP addresses were mis-reported.

After debugging, the 'Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266' configuration was selected and the sketch recompiled. Everything matches the prior debug output, except for the now absent [APConfig] starting and ending DHCP messages. An 'ipconfig /all' check, however, revealed the actual starting DHCP address now matched the "mis-reported" starting address seen earlier:

Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi 3:  

   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :  
   Description . . . . . . . . . . . : 150Mbps Wireless 802.11bgn Nano USB Adapter  
   IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :  
   Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :  
   Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :  
   DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :  

The wireless adapter ( was pingable, but the gateway address ( was not. The webserver root response was no longer observable as well.

Additional Troubleshooting

The DHCP address calculations are found in ESP8266WiFiAPClass::softAPConfig():

    struct dhcps_lease dhcp_lease;              // LINE 202
    IPAddress ip = local_ip;
    ip[3] += 99;
    dhcp_lease.start_ip.addr = static_cast<uint32_t>(ip);
    DEBUG_WIFI("[APConfig] DHCP IP start: %s\n", ip.toString().c_str());

    ip[3] += 100;
    dhcp_lease.end_ip.addr = static_cast<uint32_t>(ip);
    DEBUG_WIFI("[APConfig] DHCP IP end: %s\n", ip.toString().c_str());

    if(!wifi_softap_set_dhcps_lease(&dhcp_lease)) {
        DEBUG_WIFI("[APConfig] wifi_set_ip_info failed!\n");
        ret = false;

The errant '' address arises from the 'ip[3] += 99' addition, i.e., 99 + 9 = 108.

Given correct DHCP addresses were seen while 'Wifi+Core' debug messages were active, while erroneous ones occured for the 'Huzzah' configuration, all other 'Generic' debug message configurations were checked. Erroneous addresses were observed only when the 'Wifi' debug flag was OFF.

Systematic comment/uncommenting of active DEBUG_WIFI() lines isolated the 1st message line in 'softAPConfig()' as the critical one; commenting this line out while the 'Wifi' debug level was active caused erroneous DHCP addresses. More expermentation showed that the length of the variable arglist to be important:

 * Configure access point
 * @param local_ip      access point IP
 * @param gateway       gateway IP
 * @param subnet        subnet mask
bool ESP8266WiFiAPClass::softAPConfig(IPAddress local_ip, IPAddress gateway, IPAddress subnet) {        // LINE 179

//    1) LINE 180, Critical DEBUG_WIFI(), Correct DHCP address when left in
DEBUG_WIFI("[APConfig] local_ip: %s gateway: %s subnet: %s\n", local_ip.toString().c_str(), gateway.toString().c_str(), subnet.toString().c_str());

//    2) Erroneous DHCP address when commented out
//DEBUG_WIFI("[APConfig] local_ip: %s gateway: %s subnet: %s\n", local_ip.toString().c_str(), gateway.toString().c_str(), subnet.toString().c_str());

//    3) Replace line 180 variables with different ones, then change varlist size

//       a) Behaves like original line, OK when in, error when commented out
IPAddress ipa(10,0,0,1);
DEBUG_WIFI("[APConfig] dummy1: %s dummy2: %s dummy3: %s\n", ipa.toString().c_str(), ipa.toString().c_str(), //ipa.toString().c_str()  );

//       b) Remove (1) argument, OK when in, error when commented out
IPAddress ipa(10,0,0,1);
DEBUG_WIFI("[APConfig] dummy1: %s dummy2: %s\n", ipa.toString().c_str(), ipa.toString().c_str() );

//       c) Remove (2) arguments, erroneous address regardless whether present or not
IPAddress ipa(10,0,0,1);
DEBUG_WIFI("[APConfig] dummy1: %s\n", ipa.toString().c_str() );

//    4) Divide original line into (3) separate lines, then see if we get erroneous result as implied by (3c):
DEBUG_WIFI("[APConfig] local_ip: %s ", local_ip.toString().c_str() );
DEBUG_WIFI("gateway: %s ", gateway.toString().c_str() );
DEBUG_WIFI("subnet: %s\n", subnet.toString().c_str() );

// ** Yes: Erroneous DHCP addresses are now always present; may help to isolate the problem **

Lastly, inspection of 'wifi_softap_set_dhcps_lease()' of the LWIP libraries indicated that some IP addresses may cause a 'fail' to be returned by softAPConfig(). To demonstrate this, set the sketch compiler variable 'AP_CFGERR' to a non-zero value and re-compile:

del if0
mode : softAP(5e:cf:7f:c6:da:a4)
bcn 0
del if1
add if1
dhcp server start:(ip:,mask:,gw:
bcn 100
Configuring as AP+STA
Setting soft-AP configuration ... 
[APConfig] DHCP IP start:     << Addresses are inverted; (start - end) > 0x64, generates the 'fail'
[APConfig] DHCP IP end:
[APConfig] wifi_set_ip_info failed!
Setting soft-AP ... 
bcn 0
del if1
add if1
dhcp server start:(ip:,mask:,gw:
bcn 100
Soft-AP IP address =

An 'ipconfig /all' check showed correct DHCP addresses, a result comfirmed again with pings and a webserver root response:

Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi 3:

   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
   Description . . . . . . . . . . . : 150Mbps Wireless 802.11bgn Nano USB Adapter
   IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
   Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
   Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
   DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :

This result, however, is now obtained regardless of debug mode status or comment state of the 1st DEBUG_WIFI line.


/* NodeZm Test Module */

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>

// Globals

// Home network SSID and password
const char* home_ssid     = "HomeNetwork";
const char* home_password = "xxxxxxxx";

// Soft access point ssid and password
const char * apsf_ssid     = "NodeZm";
const char * apsf_password = "nodeaaaa";
const char * host          = "nodezm";

IPAddress ipnull( 0, 0, 0, 0 );

// Set AP_CFGERR to a non-zero value to see 'softAPConfig()' failure
#define  AP_CFGERR   0
#if (AP_CFGERR != 0)

// AP address which returns an APConfig error
   IPAddress local_IP(192,168,4,105);    // Hex:   C0.A8.04.69
   IPAddress gateway(192,168,4,105);     // ID/BC: /
   IPAddress subnet(255,255,255,248);    // Range: -


// AP address something other than the default of
   IPAddress local_IP(192,168,4,9);      // Hex: C0.A8.04.09
   IPAddress gateway(192,168,4,9);       // ID/BC: /
   IPAddress subnet(255,255,255,248);    // Range: -


// Static station address to connect to home network with
IPAddress ipsta( 192,168,1,50 );         // Hex: C0.A8.01.32
IPAddress gwsta( 192,168,1,1 );          // ID/BC: /
IPAddress substa( 255,255,255,0 );       // Range: -

// Huzzah LED assignments
const int  LedBlu = 2, LedRed = 0, LedOff = 1, LedOn = 0;

ESP8266WebServer server(80);

void handleRoot() {
	digitalWrite ( LedBlu, LedOn );
  String message = "Hello from Root\n\n";

	server.send ( 200, "text/html", message );
  digitalWrite ( LedBlu, LedOff );
} //handleRoot

void setup ( void ) {
  pinMode(LedRed, OUTPUT);         // Red  LED used to indicate network connection 
  pinMode(LedBlu, OUTPUT);         // Blue LED used to indicate server activity
  digitalWrite(LedRed, LedOff);    // Red  LED off for AP connection, on for AP + STA
  digitalWrite(LedBlu, LedOff);    // Blue LED off, no server activity

  while (!Serial) delay(250);      // Wait until Arduino Serial Monitor opens
  Serial.println( " " );
  Serial.println( " " );

  Serial.setDebugOutput(true);     // ? Cryptic WIFI info

// DEBUG: Disable auto-connect, then disconnect WIFI
  WiFi.setAutoConnect( false );
  WiFi.setAutoReconnect( false );
  WiFi.disconnect( true );           // Wifi OFF
  WiFi.softAPdisconnect( false );    // Wifi already OFF  

  Serial.println( "Configuring as AP+STA" );
  WiFi.mode( WIFI_AP_STA );

  Serial.println("Setting soft-AP configuration ... ");
  Serial.println( WiFi.softAPConfig(local_IP, gateway, subnet) ? "Ready" : "Failed!");

  Serial.println("Setting soft-AP ... ");
  bool ok = WiFi.softAP( apsf_ssid, apsf_password );
  Serial.println( ok ? "Ready" : "Failed!" );

  Serial.print("Soft-AP IP address = ");
  Serial.println( " " );
  Serial.print( "Waiting for STA connection... " );
  WiFi.config( ipsta, gwsta, substa );
  WiFi.begin( home_ssid, home_password );
  bool  conn;
  for ( int i = 0; i < 30; i++ )
     delay(500); Serial.print( "." );
     conn = (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED);
     if ( conn ) break;
     } //end-for
   Serial.println( "." );  // End 'dot' feedback

// Connection status
   IPAddress staIP;
   if ( conn )  {

//    Show connection success, get IP address
      digitalWrite(LedRed, LedOn ); 
      staIP = WiFi.localIP();
      Serial.print("STA IP address: ");
      Serial.println( staIP );  // Show IP we're to use 
   } else {

//    No network connect
      Serial.println ( "No STA connection " );

   } //end-else

// DEBUG: Set auto-connect flags
  WiFi.setAutoConnect( true );
  WiFi.setAutoReconnect( true );

// Connect handlers and start server
	server.on ( "/", handleRoot );
	Serial.println ( "HTTP server started" );
} //setup

void loop ( void ) {
} //loop

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mrwgx3 commented Dec 3, 2016

Errata: In Description, 'DHCP address range being inverted (end > start)' should read 'DHCP address range being inverted (start > end)'

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I have noticed that even when I set Wifi.softAPConfig() before softAP mode is started (I have it in STA mode before that), the debug information states that the dhcp server is started with ip even if I set a different IP in the config.
The error seems to be only in the debug message though. The dhcp server is in fact started at the adress specified in the softAPConfig.

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The sdk docs clearly state

This API can be called only if the ESP8266 SoftAP is enabled.

Not sure how the debug comes into play, but I had similar issues with softap_disconnect, until I read the same disclaimer on that also.

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devyte commented Oct 6, 2017

@mrwgx3 I can't reproduce this behavior with latest git, but then again I'm not sure I fully understand the entire description.
Is this issue still valid?

@devyte devyte added the waiting for feedback Waiting on additional info. If it's not received, the issue may be closed. label Oct 6, 2017
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mrwgx3 commented Oct 7, 2017

Hi devyte

@mrwgx3 I can't reproduce this behavior with latest git,
but then again I'm not sure I fully understand the entire description.
Is this issue still valid?

Yes, I believe so, but we both need to get on the same page to crosscheck results. Again here are the tools and part I tested with; please list yours:

Hardware:     ESP12, Adafruit Huzzah Breakout and Feather Boards  
Core Version: 2.3.0
OS:   Windows 10 Professional and Linux Ubuntu 16.04LTS   
IDE:  1.6.12  
SDK:  1.5.3_16_04_18

Next, could you verify the STAT+AP initialization within 'setup()' show in my SKETCH codeblock:

void setup ( void ) {
// LED and serial setup
// ......

  Serial.setDebugOutput(true);     // ? Cryptic WIFI info

// DEBUG: Disable auto-connect, then disconnect WIFI
  WiFi.setAutoConnect( false );
  WiFi.setAutoReconnect( false );
  WiFi.disconnect( true );           // Wifi OFF
  WiFi.softAPdisconnect( false );    // Wifi already OFF  

  Serial.println( "Configuring as AP+STA" );
  WiFi.mode( WIFI_AP_STA );

  Serial.println("Setting soft-AP configuration ... ");
  Serial.println( WiFi.softAPConfig(local_IP, gateway, subnet) ? "Ready" : "Failed!");

  Serial.println("Setting soft-AP ... ");
  bool ok = WiFi.softAP( apsf_ssid, apsf_password );
  Serial.println( ok ? "Ready" : "Failed!" );
} //setup

Aside from the concerns expressed by @eketjall and @tablatronix about the ordering of the 'WiFi.softAPdisconnect()' statement, I see no issues (copy @igrr as well)

I'll return later with further clarifications after I re-protoboard my hardware setup.

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mrwgx3 commented Oct 30, 2017

Note that in the original post, the 'debug level' link under the 'Description' header is broken; here is the corrected link.

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devyte commented Oct 31, 2017

@mrwgx3 I don't remember what I tested back when I said I couldn't reproduce it, and I also don't remember the details currently contained in the description.
Anyways, the SoftAP currently has dhcp parameters hardcoded, and it assumes that the served network is /24.
So yes, the start is the SoftAP IP +99, and the end is the SoftAP IP +199. If you specify an IP for the SoftAP >= 55, you have trouble, and same for the mask if it's not the default for a /24 network.
There was an attempt #3637 to improve this, but there were some obstacles encountered, and the merge was backed out.

About the debug message having an impact, I suspect you're facing some mem corruption, as it should have no impact whatsoever on the behavior.

You're welcome to give this a shot, I wouldn't mind seeing this improved.

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mrwgx3 commented Nov 1, 2017

Hi again, devyte

Got my hardware set back up, and finished working through my original notes. Surprisingly, I could reproduce my initial results using the Arduino IDE under Linux Ubuntu 16.04LTS, but not so running under Windows 10 Pro (baffling?!). To eliminate the possibility of an accidently modified SDK and/or ESD damaged hardware, I again re-tested using both the lastest Arduino IDE (version 1.8.5) and new ESP Huzzah hardware, again with the same results.

Now for some backstory...

My initial task was to connect and address some 30+ ESP's together for data collection purposes. Rather than jumping into the complexities of mesh-networking, I explored the possibility of chaining STA+AP configured ESP's into a statically addressed hierarchy. This required that I work in Linux in order to easily modify and recompile the required SDK libraries.

I turned on debugging using IDE's generic ESP settings and got things partially working, but everything broke when I turned debugging OFF. Testing via 'ifconfig' and 'ping' showed that the DCHP addressing being handed out by the ESP access point were nothing close to those requested, hence this issues post.

Now back to the present...

I agree with you that the status of the debug flags should make no difference on how the code performs. Apparently this is now the case for the IDE running under Windows 10; the code generates erroneous DCHP addresses regardless of debug flag state. This makes sense given what the code contains!

Running under Ubuntu Linux, however, the assigned DCHP address DO depend on debug flag status. Even more disturbing is that

  • Correct addresses are calculated when debug 'printf' statements are enabled; how and where is this happening?
  • One can cause the erroneous DCHP addresses to reappear by changing the number, hence argument depth of the debug printf statements being used.

This odd behavior does imply a memory corruption issue, but at how deep a level is it occuring at?

Given that...

  • The debug printf statements seem to ultimately call a 'vnsprint()' function in the closed SDK, and
  • The interrupt intensive nature of the Wifi stack,

I suspect that only detailed knowledge of the closed SDK plus a true hardware emulator will resolve the problem.
I think this issue should be forwarded onto Espressif, as it potentially impacts so many code modules.

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I am having the same issue, but I have tried the same code on multiple different ESP-12E chips, and it will work without fail on some of them, on others it seems to break very randomly, and it appears more likely to work the more logging I add to my sketch, which makes this very hard to figure out.

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IMAN4K commented Apr 8, 2018

The same failure for me.
I got managed to fix this by moving my AP config code section to main loop (was inside a task and callback)
Have no idea about the reason!

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If logging changes this "bug" then it is most likely a race condition. I didn't see any references used in debug messages, but maybe the serial interrupts change the lifetime of something..

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