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Genshin Impact API wrapper for JavaScript and Typescript

This is an SDK node-js wrapper to aid connecting with Teyvat-API, which is an API to fetch info about the game Genshin Impact, by Mihoyo

Official links: [Npm] [Github] [Website] [Support] [API support]


Using Npm

npm i @teyvatdev/node-sdk

Why Teyvat-API?

This is an actual API wrapper, unlike most npm packages that stores json databases containing character data, this fetches and caches it locally from the API real time, so if the values change, you would normally require the author of the package to manually update their database, which forces users to need to update their package. This leads to apps needed to be shutdown for upgrades and updates. Unlike those, we fetch this data dynamically and check periodically for changes in the API itself, so the only updates you'll need to do on this package are major API changes, not related to the data, which is handled internally.


In Node-js (JavaScript)

const Tey = require('@teyvatdev/node-sdk');

const tey = new Tey.default('Token Here');

//method getCharacter(), gets a character by name
tey.getCharacter('Amber').then((data) => {
  //Expected, Amber stats

In Node-js (TypeScript)

import { Teyvat } from '@teyvatdev/node-sdk';

const tey = new Teyvat('Token Here');

//method getCharacter(), gets a character by name
tey.getCharacter('Amber').then((data) => {
  //Expected, Amber stats

Constructor parameters

Parameter Type Optional Description
token String No Teyvat API token, read HERE to generate one
options Object Yes Object to be passed to the constructor
options.aggressive Boolean Yes This will fetch and cache all endpoints into the client, RAM expensive, be careful. Default: false
options.cache Boolean Yes This will enable or disable caching internally. Default: true
options.silent Boolean Yes This will make it so the library does not throw any logs or errors, be carefull, this can swallow important errors. Default: false

Methods options

Method options have been deprecated in favor of a more "begginer friendly" lib. The library is set to cache and return all data by default, it'll search for cached first, and only fetch the missing entries. This was done to prevent accidental API abuse. If you plan on using custom requests, i made the method <Teyvat>.baseRequest() public for you to use, and as of that, i assume you are good to go on your own. Intellisense will help you.

[] means optional parameter

Method Params Returns Working Example(copy paste)
getCharacter() name Object, null let Amber = await tey.getCharacter('Amber');
getCharacters() Object[array], null let Characters = await tey.getCharacters();
getWeapon() ID Object, null let FavoniuSword = await tey.getWeapon('10');
getWeapons() Object[array], null let Weapons = await tey.getWeapons();
getRegion() CUID Object, null let Mondstad = await tey.getRegion('ckifg54kg0000vf0iclar2lp6');
getRegions() Object[array], null let Regions = await tey.getRegions();
getRegion() CUID Object, null let Anemo = await tey.getElement('ckifg2oxf0000n30i3k0e3s7m');
getRegions() Object[array], null let Elements = await tey.getElements();
getTalent() CUID Object, null let Divine_Marksmanship = await tey.getTalent('ckiqng1u300210ns6clktnh3c');
getTalents() Object[array], null let Talents = await tey.getTalents();;
getArtifacts() Object[array], null let Artifacts = await tey.getArtifacts();
getArtifactSets() Object[array], null let ArtifactSets = await tey.getArtifactSets();
getCharacterProfile() CUID Object, null let AmberProfile = await tey.getCharacterProfile('ckiffwvsx0000990i1z9retm4');
getCharacterProfiles() Object[array], null let CharacterProfiles = await tey.getCharacterProfiles();
flushCache() [options] tey.flushCache()
cacheAll() boolean tey.cacheAll() Returns true if everything has been cached, false if something failed

How to get your token

The lib now includes a method for creating an account and getting a token. Here are some snippets. You HAVE TO ACTIVATE IT in the email you provided

const Tey = require('@teyvatdev/node-sdk');

const email = '';
const password = 'myfancypassword';
const username = 'myusername';

Tey.createAccount(email, username, password).then(res => {
  if (res) console.log('Success, now activate it on ur mail');
  else console.log('Something wrong happened!');
Tey.login(email, password).then(res => {
  if (!res) console.log('Failed to login! Did u make sure to active ur account in your email?');
  else console.log(res.token);


Observations: the event ready will be emitted AFTER the lib has cached all entries if you provided the aggressive flag in the constructor options

Event Emits Working Example(copy paste)
ready true , undefined tey.on('ready', (ret) => { if(ret) console.log('Finished startup!'); })
restRequest Object[data] tey.on('restRequest', (req) => { console.log('request sent ', req) })
restError Object[error] tey.on('restError', (err) => { console.log('request returned an error ', err) })
errorHandler Object[data] tey.on('errorHandler', (err) => { console.log('the handler handled an error ', err) })


The lib is shielded with 200 http request status checks, the cache and the returns will only be used when the API sends an OK status. The lib has an internal error checker to pass the request and throw the appropriate errors. (Due to the nature of objects, it is recommended to use Visual Studio Code with a .vscode config without --outputCapture flag, otherwise objects might cause spam in console as they contain the error message and a trace for debugging )

Some other note worthy mentions is a ready state that waits the library to request data to the api on its construction, a rate limiter, a queue system to prevent spam, a cache flush and a retry method.