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Epilog PrintAPI C++ Library

This library calls the Epilog PrintAPI to generate a print file from an artwork svg file and a settings json file. That file can then be saved or sent to a laser system.

If you are new to the Epilog PrintAPI, consider starting off with the example svg and json files along with the example C++ program mentioned below.

What's Included


A CMake build file for the provided C++ program. See the "Building the Example" section below for details on how to build and run the cmake project.


This is the file that provides the declarations for the Epilog PrintAPI and is linked to the dll/so files.

Note: epilog-print-api.h must not be modified.


Contains the cpp and h files for the provided example C++ program to run the Epilog PrintAPI.


This folder contains the dll and lib files necessary to build for 64-bit Windows.


The folder contains the so file necessary to build for Ubuntu 20.04 and higher.

Building the Example

The included C++ example provides a good starting point for understanding how to use the Epilog PrintAPI Library.

To build the provided cmake project, run the commands below from the same directory as the CMakeLists.txt file.

cmake -S . -B ./build
cmake --build ./build/ --clean-first --config Release
cmake --install ./build/ --config Release --prefix "./build/install"


Any C++ project that wants to use the Epilog PrintAPI, will first need to include the provided header.

#include <epilog-print-api.h>

Once that has been included, you will have access to the functions listed below.


Provides a the current version of the Epilog PrintAPI.

  • [return: const char *] A C-string representation of the current version.


Provides a PrnGen Object. This object will be passed to all other prn_gen_* functions.

  • [param: const char * svg] The svg artwork file in string format.
  • [param: const char * settings] The settings json file in string format.
  • [param: EpilogMachine machine] The type of machine that the print file will be generated for.
  • [return: PrnGen*] A new PrnGen that can be passed to other functions to generate a print file.

Note: The object created by this function must be freed using the free_prn_gen function.

PrnGen* prnGen = prn_gen_new(svgFileStr, settingsJsonStr, machine);

// Do stuff here...


Note: It may be desirable to create a unique_ptr type that can automatically call free_prn_gen upon destruction.

struct PrnGenDeleterFunctor
    template<class T>
    void operator()(T* obj)
        // Free the print file generator pointer.

std::unique_ptr<PrnGen, PrnGenDeleterFunctor> prnGen =  std::unique_ptr<PrnGen, PrnGenDeleterFunctor>(

// Do stuff here...

// When prnGen goes out of scope, it will be freed automatically.


Runs a chunk of work on the PrnGen.

  • [param: PrnGen * gen] A PrnGen object created by the prn_gen_new function.
  • [return: bool] Whether or not there is more work to do.

Note: This function will return false if the PrnGen object was previously aborted or has already finished.

Note: If this function returns false, use the prn_gen_get_result function to get the generated print file (or error message).


Runs until all work is complete.

  • [param: PrnGen * gen] A PrnGen object created by the prn_gen_new function.
  • [return: CApiResult] The generated print file (or error message). This object must be free using the free_c_api_result function.

Note: This is equivalent to the following:

while (prn_gen_run_chunk(prnGen)) {}
return prn_gen_get_result(prnGen);


Requests that print file generation be aborted. All future calls to do work will fail.


Aborts the print file generation so that future calls to prn_gen_run_chunk will fail.

  • [param: PrnGen * gen] A PrnGen object created by the prn_gen_new function.
  • [return: bool] Whether or not the abort request was successful.


Gets the current progress of the print file generation.

  • [param: PrnGen * gen] A PrnGen object created by the prn_gen_new function.
  • [return: CProgressReport] Information about the current progress of the print file generation.


Gets the final result of the print file generation.

  • [param: PrnGen * gen] A PrnGen object created by the prn_gen_new function.
  • [return: CApiResult] The generated print file (or error message). This object must be free using the free_c_api_result function.

Note: If print file generation has not completed, was aborted, or an error occurred, an error message will be returned instead of a print file.


Tests whether the print file generation has finished yet.

  • [param: PrnGen * gen] A PrnGen object created by the prn_gen_new function.
  • [return: bool] Whether or not the print file generation is complete.


Tests whether the print file generation encountered an error.

  • [param: PrnGen * gen] A PrnGen object created by the prn_gen_new function.
  • [return: bool] Whether or not the print file generation failed due to an error.


Tests whether the print file generation was aborted.

  • [param: PrnGen * gen] A PrnGen object created by the prn_gen_new function.
  • [return: bool] Whether or not the print file generation was aborted by the prn_gen_request_abort function.


Returns the error message that has been provided by the print file generation. If no error has occurred, an empty string is returned.

  • [param: PrnGen * gen] A PrnGen object created by the prn_gen_new function.
  • [return: const char *] A C-string representation of the error that has occurred.


Sends a generated print file to the specified IP address.

  • [param: const char * data] A pointer to the generated print file.
  • [param: uintptr_t data_length] The number of bytes contained in the generated output.
  • [param: const char * data] A C-string representation of the IP address for the machine.
  • [return: bool] Whether or not the file was successfully sent to the machine.


Frees the memory of a PrnGen pointer.

  • [param: PrnGen * gen] A PrnGen object created by the prn_gen_new function.
  • [return: bool] Whether or not the memory was successfully freed.


Frees the specified string memory.

  • [param: char * text] A C-string pointer.
  • [return: bool] Whether or not the memory was successfully freed.

Note: This function must be called on any C-string objects generated by an API function call.


Frees the specified character array memory.

  • [param: char * data] A C-style array of characters pointer.
  • [param: uintptr_t data_length] The length of the array array.
  • [return: bool] Whether or not the memory was successfully freed.

Note: This function must be called on any C-style arrays generated by an API function call.


Frees the string memory of a CApiResult pointer.

  • [param: CApiResult * result] A CApiResult pointer.
  • [return: bool] Whether or not the memory was successfully freed.

Note: This is equivalent to the following:

free_carray(result->result, result->result_size);


Frees the string memory of a CProgressReport pointer.

  • [param: CProgressReport * result] A CProgressReport pointer.
  • [return: bool] Whether or not the memory was successfully freed.

Note: This is equivalent to the following:




The type of machine that the print file will be generated for.


  • [param: ProgressType progress_type] The type of progress report that this is and may indicate that an error has occurred or that print file generation is complete.
  • [param: const char * stage_name] The name of the stage that is currently being worked on.
  • [param: const char * stage_json] A json-formatted string that may contain additional information about the current stage.
  • [param: bool stage_has_progress] Some stages only have one step and therefore do not report progress intermittently. As such, stage_has_progress for these stages will return false.
  • [param: float stage_progress] A floating point value between 0.0 and 1.0 that indicates how far along the given stage is. For stages that do not report intermittent progress, this value will be 0.0.
  • [param: uintptr_t stage_index] The index of the current stage.
  • [param: uintptr_t stage_count] The total number of stages that will be processed.
  • [param: float total_progress] A floating point value between 0.0 and 1.0 that indicates how far along the print file generation is.


An enumeration with the following variants:

  • [variant: NotStarted] Print file generation has not yet started. Call the prn_gen_run_chunk or prn_gen_run_until_complete functions to start print file generation.
  • [variant: InProgress] Print file generation has started, but is not complete.
  • [variant: Finished] Print file generation has finished successfully. Call the prn_gen_get_result function to get the final result.
  • [variant: Error] En error occurred during print file generation. Call the prn_gen_get_result function to read the error message.