The code under review can be found in here
ID | Description | Severity |
L-01 | Missing event emission in AUT_EXT_VotingRoles_v1.sol::castVote . |
Low |
L-02 | Incorrect time check in src/modules/paymentProcessor/PP_Streaming_v1.sol::validTimes |
Low |
L-03 | indexed keyword in Events Causes Data Loss for Dynamic Array Variables |
Low |
L-04 | Rounding issue in rewards calculation in LM_PC_KPIRewarder_v1.sol::assertionResolvedCallback |
Low |
The function AUT_EXT_VotingRoles_v1.sol::castVote
is missing event emission. Emitting events when these actions occur is essential for transparency and informing users about important changes. Adding events for these functions will provide users with a clear record of when the votes has been casted.
The absence of events for these critical functions may result in a lack of transparency, making it difficult for users to track important changes in the contract. Emitting events can ensures that users are informed.
Consider adding event emission in AUT_EXT_VotingRoles_v1.sol::castVote
The time validation check is incorrectly implemented in src/modules/paymentProcessor/PP_Streaming_v1.sol::validTimes
In src/modules/paymentProcessor/PP_Streaming_v1.sol::validTimes
/// @notice validate uint start input.
/// @param _start uint to validate.
/// @param _cliff uint to validate.
/// @param _end uint to validate.
/// @return True if uint is valid.
function validTimes(uint _start, uint _cliff, uint _end)
returns (bool)
return !(_start >= type(uint).max && _start + _cliff > _end);
In this function, ||
should be used instead of &&
operator. As a result, invalid times will be treated as valid.
Invalid times being treated as valid, this will put protocol in an unexpected state.
Let's take a look at the equation of src/modules/paymentProcessor/PP_Streaming_v1.sol::validTimes
, in the current implementation:
return !(_start >= type(uint).max && _start + _cliff > _end);
As long as the value of _start
< type(uint).max
, the times will be treated as valid (Because of the &&
operator), which is incorrect.
Consider making the following changes in src/modules/paymentProcessor/PP_Streaming_v1.sol::validTimes
/// @notice validate uint start input.
/// @param _start uint to validate.
/// @param _cliff uint to validate.
/// @param _end uint to validate.
/// @return True if uint is valid.
function validTimes(uint _start, uint _cliff, uint _end)
returns (bool)
-- return !(_start >= type(uint).max && _start + _cliff > _end);
++ return !(_start >= type(uint).max || _start + _cliff > _end);
when the indexed
keyword is used for reference type variables such as dynamic arrays or strings, it will return the hash of the mentioned variables.
Thus, the event which is supposed to inform all of the applications subscribed to its emitting transaction (e.g. front-end of the DApp, or the backend listeners to that event), would get a meaningless and obscure 32 bytes that correspond to keccak256 of an encoded string. This may cause some problems on the DApp side and even lead to data loss. For more information about the indexed events, check here:
The problem exists inside the LM_PC_Bounties_v1
contract. The eventClaimAdded
is defined in such a way that the dynamical array of Contributor[]
is indexed. With doing so, the expected parameters wouldn't be emitted properly and front-end would get meaningless one-way hashes.
Meaningless and obscure 32 bytes that correspond to keccak256 of an encoded string events will be emitted.
Paste the following test in test/modules/logicModule/paymentClient/LM_PC_Bounties_v1.t.sol
event ClaimAdded1(
uint indexed claimId,
uint indexed bountyId,
ILM_PC_Bounties_v1.Contributor[] contributors,
bytes details
function test_emitter() public {
ILM_PC_Bounties_v1.Contributor[] memory contributors = new ILM_PC_Bounties_v1.Contributor[](3);
contributors[0].addr = address(123);
contributors[0].claimAmount = 100;
contributors[1].addr = address(321);
contributors[1].claimAmount = 200;
contributors[2].addr = address(111);
contributors[2].claimAmount = 300;
emit ClaimAdded(1, 1, contributors,new bytes(0));
emit ClaimAdded1(1, 1, contributors,new bytes(0));
[9453] LM_PC_BountiesV1Test::test_emitter()
├─ emit ClaimAdded(claimId: 1, bountyId: 1, contributors: 0xa300377439e337de50ee8f0f7713c580a4e168467afdeeece93c0ddb83553143, details: 0x)
├─ emit ClaimAdded1(claimId: 1, bountyId: 1, contributors: [Contributor({ addr: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000007B, claimAmount: 100 }), Contributor({ addr: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000141, claimAmount: 200 }), Contributor({ addr: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000006F, claimAmount: 300 })], details: 0x)
└─ ← ()
From the result, the contributors in ClaimAdded is a meaningless and obscure 32 bytes that correspond to keccak256 of contributors value.
Consider make the following changes in events ClaimAdded
& ClaimContributorsUpdated
event ClaimAdded(
uint indexed claimId,
uint indexed bountyId,
-- Contributor[] indexed contributors,
++ Contributor[] contributors,
bytes details
event ClaimContributorsUpdated(
-- uint indexed claimId, Contributor[] indexed contributors
++ uint indexed claimId, Contributor[] contributors
[L-04] Rounding issue in rewards calculation in LM_PC_KPIRewarder_v1.sol::assertionResolvedCallback
In LM_PC_KPIRewarder_v1.sol::assertionResolvedCallback
function assertionResolvedCallback(
bytes32 assertionId,
bool assertedTruthfully
) public override {
// First, we perform checks and state management on the parent function.
super.assertionResolvedCallback(assertionId, assertedTruthfully);
// If the assertion was true, we calculate the rewards and distribute them.
if (assertedTruthfully) {
// SECURITY NOTE: this will add the value, but provides no guarantee that the fundingmanager actually holds those funds.
// Calculate rewardamount from assertionId value
KPI memory resolvedKPI =
uint rewardAmount;
for (uint i; i < resolvedKPI.numOfTranches; i++) {
if (
<= assertionConfig[assertionId].assertedValue
) {
// the asserted value is above tranche end
rewardAmount += resolvedKPI.trancheRewards[i];
} else {
// tranche was not completed
if (resolvedKPI.continuous) {
// continuous distribution
uint trancheRewardValue = resolvedKPI.trancheRewards[i];
uint trancheStart =
i == 0 ? 0 : resolvedKPI.trancheValues[i - 1];
uint achievedReward = assertionConfig[assertionId]
.assertedValue - trancheStart;
uint trancheEnd =
resolvedKPI.trancheValues[i] - trancheStart;
rewardAmount +=
achievedReward * (trancheRewardValue / trancheEnd); // since the trancheRewardValue will be a very big number.
// else -> no reward
// exit the loop
_setRewards(rewardAmount, 1);
assertionConfig[assertionId].distributed = true;
} else {
// To keep in line with the upstream contract. If the assertion was false, we delete the corresponding assertionConfig from storage.
delete assertionConfig[assertionId];
// Independently of the fact that the assertion resolved true or not, new assertions can now be posted.
assertionPending = false;
Notice the line rewardAmount += achievedReward * (trancheRewardValue / trancheEnd);
contains curly braces, that means if trancheRewardValue < trancheEnd
, the value will be rounded down to zero. As a result, the rewards will be lost.
If trancheRewardValue < trancheEnd
, rewards will be rounded down to zero. As a result, rewards will be lost. Additionally, the function will revert due to the validAmount modifier in _setRewards
function as the rewardAmount is 0.
Not only that, it will also prevent new assertions from being posted (as assertionPending still remains true), putting the protocol in the state of denial of service.
Add test_RewardsRoundedDownZero
test to LM_PC_KPIRewarder_v1.t.sol
with the following content:
function test_RewardsRoundedDownZero() public {
uint totalUserFunds;
address[] memory stakers = new address[](3);
uint[] memory amounts = new uint[](3);
for(uint i; i < stakers.length; i++) {
stakers[i] = address(uint160(uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(i)))));
amounts[i] = 1 + i;
for (uint i = 0; i < stakers.length; i++) {[i], amounts[i]);
stakingToken.approve(address(kpiManager), amounts[i]);
totalUserFunds += amounts[i];
//create KPI
uint[] memory trancheValues = new uint[](2);
uint[] memory trancheRewards = new uint[](2);
trancheValues[0] = 15;
trancheValues[1] = 20;
//trancheValues[2] = 300;
trancheRewards[0] = 5;
trancheRewards[1] = 10;
//trancheRewards[2] = 3;
kpiManager.createKPI(true, trancheValues, trancheRewards);
// prepare bond and asserter authorization
); //
address(kpiManager), ooV3.getMinimumBond(address(feeToken))
bytes32 assertionId = kpiManager.postAssertion(
// state after
assertEq(kpiManager.getStakingQueue().length, 0);
assertEq(kpiManager.totalQueuedFunds(), 0);
for (uint i = 0; i < stakers.length; i++) {
assertEq(stakingToken.balanceOf(stakers[i]), 0);
assertEq(feeToken.balanceOf(MOCK_ASSERTER_ADDRESS), 0);
vm.warp(block.timestamp + DEFAULT_LIVENESS); //fast forward to settle assertion
Run the test with forge test --mt test_RewardsRoundedDownZero -vvvv
Result 1:
Running 1 test for test/modules/logicModule/LM_PC_KPIRewarder_v1.t.sol:LM_PC_KPIRewarder_v1_postAssertionTest
[FAIL. Reason: Module__ERC20PaymentClientBase__InvalidAmount()] test_RewardsRoundedDownZero() (gas: 1439480)
[15679213] LM_PC_KPIRewarder_v1_postAssertionTest::setUp()
├─ [30505] OptimisticOracleV3Mock::settleAssertion(0xebb7ec143087972b093c50b75d1a3d2e307d389ad7f9b7b9c36a29f6c95c0751)
│ ├─ [20535] ERC20Mock::transfer(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001, 1000000000000000000 [1e18])
│ │ ├─ emit Transfer(from: OptimisticOracleV3Mock: [0xA4AD4f68d0b91CFD19687c881e50f3A00242828c], to: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001, value: 1000000000000000000 [1e18])
│ │ └─ ← true
│ ├─ [8769] 0xD6BbDE9174b1CdAa358d2Cf4D57D1a9F7178FBfF::assertionResolvedCallback(0xebb7ec143087972b093c50b75d1a3d2e307d389ad7f9b7b9c36a29f6c95c0751, true)
│ │ ├─ [8592] LM_PC_KPIRewarder_v1::assertionResolvedCallback(0xebb7ec143087972b093c50b75d1a3d2e307d389ad7f9b7b9c36a29f6c95c0751, true) [delegatecall]
│ │ │ ├─ [776] 0x2a07706473244BC757E10F2a9E86fB532828afe3::isTrustedForwarder(OptimisticOracleV3Mock: [0xA4AD4f68d0b91CFD19687c881e50f3A00242828c]) [staticcall]
│ │ │ │ ├─ [604] OrchestratorV1Mock::isTrustedForwarder(OptimisticOracleV3Mock: [0xA4AD4f68d0b91CFD19687c881e50f3A00242828c]) [delegatecall]
│ │ │ │ │ └─ ← false
│ │ │ │ └─ ← false
│ │ │ ├─ emit DataAssertionResolved(assertedTruthfully: true, dataId: 0x3078313233340000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, data: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a, asserter: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001, assertionId: 0xebb7ec143087972b093c50b75d1a3d2e307d389ad7f9b7b9c36a29f6c95c0751)
│ │ │ └─ ← Module__ERC20PaymentClientBase__InvalidAmount()
│ │ └─ ← Module__ERC20PaymentClientBase__InvalidAmount()
│ └─ ← Module__ERC20PaymentClientBase__InvalidAmount()
└─ ← Module__ERC20PaymentClientBase__InvalidAmount()
Test result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 10.35ms
Ran 1 test suites: 0 tests passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)
Failing tests:
Encountered 1 failing test in test/modules/logicModule/LM_PC_KPIRewarder_v1.t.sol:LM_PC_KPIRewarder_v1_postAssertionTest
[FAIL. Reason: Module__ERC20PaymentClientBase__InvalidAmount()] test_RewardsRoundedDownZero() (gas: 1439480)
Remove the curly braces in the LM_PC_KPIRewarder_v1.sol::assertionResolvedCallback#L386
and run the same test again, this time you will notice the test pass with rewardAmount = 3:
Result 2:
Running 1 test for test/modules/logicModule/LM_PC_KPIRewarder_v1.t.sol:LM_PC_KPIRewarder_v1_postAssertionTest
[PASS] test_RewardsRoundedDownZero() (gas: 1217083)
[1221296] LM_PC_KPIRewarder_v1_postAssertionTest::test_RewardsRoundedDownZero()
├─ [46856] ERC20Mock::mint(0x88386Fc84bA6bC95484008F6362F93160eF3e563, 1)
│ ├─ emit Transfer(from: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000, to: 0x88386Fc84bA6bC95484008F6362F93160eF3e563, value: 1)
│ └─ ← ()
├─ [0] VM::startPrank(0x88386Fc84bA6bC95484008F6362F93160eF3e563)
│ └─ ← ()
├─ [24784] ERC20Mock::approve(0xD6BbDE9174b1CdAa358d2Cf4D57D1a9F7178FBfF, 1)
│ ├─ emit Approval(owner: 0x88386Fc84bA6bC95484008F6362F93160eF3e563, spender: 0xD6BbDE9174b1CdAa358d2Cf4D57D1a9F7178FBfF, value: 1)
│ └─ ← true
├─ [130117] 0xD6BbDE9174b1CdAa358d2Cf4D57D1a9F7178FBfF::stake(1)
│ ├─ [127982] LM_PC_KPIRewarder_v1::stake(1) [delegatecall]
├─ [100208] OptimisticOracleV3Mock::settleAssertion(0xebb7ec143087972b093c50b75d1a3d2e307d389ad7f9b7b9c36a29f6c95c0751)
│ ├─ [20535] ERC20Mock::transfer(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001, 1000000000000000000 [1e18])
│ │ ├─ emit Transfer(from: OptimisticOracleV3Mock: [0xA4AD4f68d0b91CFD19687c881e50f3A00242828c], to: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001, value: 1000000000000000000 [1e18])
│ │ └─ ← true
│ ├─ [74709] 0xD6BbDE9174b1CdAa358d2Cf4D57D1a9F7178FBfF::assertionResolvedCallback(0xebb7ec143087972b093c50b75d1a3d2e307d389ad7f9b7b9c36a29f6c95c0751, true)
│ │ ├─ [74569] LM_PC_KPIRewarder_v1::assertionResolvedCallback(0xebb7ec143087972b093c50b75d1a3d2e307d389ad7f9b7b9c36a29f6c95c0751, true) [delegatecall]
│ │ │ ├─ [776] 0x2a07706473244BC757E10F2a9E86fB532828afe3::isTrustedForwarder(OptimisticOracleV3Mock: [0xA4AD4f68d0b91CFD19687c881e50f3A00242828c]) [staticcall]
│ │ │ │ ├─ [604] OrchestratorV1Mock::isTrustedForwarder(OptimisticOracleV3Mock: [0xA4AD4f68d0b91CFD19687c881e50f3A00242828c]) [delegatecall]
│ │ │ │ │ └─ ← false
│ │ │ │ └─ ← false
│ │ │ ├─ emit DataAssertionResolved(assertedTruthfully: true, dataId: 0x3078313233340000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, data: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a, asserter: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001, assertionId: 0xebb7ec143087972b093c50b75d1a3d2e307d389ad7f9b7b9c36a29f6c95c0751)
│ │ │ ├─ emit RewardSet(rewardAmount: 3, duration: 1, newRewardRate: 3, newRewardsEnd: 25002 [2.5e4])
│ │ │ └─ ← ()
│ │ └─ ← ()
│ ├─ emit AssertionSettled(assertionId: 0xebb7ec143087972b093c50b75d1a3d2e307d389ad7f9b7b9c36a29f6c95c0751, bondRecipient: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001, disputed: false, settlementResolution: true, settleCaller: LM_PC_KPIRewarder_v1_postAssertionTest: [0x7FA9385bE102ac3EAc297483Dd6233D62b3e1496])
│ └─ ← ()
└─ ← ()
Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 10.12ms
Ran 1 test suites: 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)
In mathematics, multiplication and division can be done interchangeably, therefore the curly braces is not needed to prevent value getting rounded down to zero. Consider make the following changes in LM_PC_KPIRewarder_v1.sol::assertionResolvedCallback Line 386
rewardAmount +=
-- achievedReward * (trancheRewardValue / trancheEnd);
++ achievedReward * trancheRewardValue / trancheEnd;