The original submission can be found in here
ID | Description | Severity |
L-01 | Wrong implementation in Migrations::upgrade causes this function doesn't work as expected. | Low |
Wrong implementation in Migrations::upgrade causes this function doesn't work as expected.
In Migrations::upgrade
function upgrade(address new_address) public restricted {
Migrations upgraded = Migrations(new_address);
This function let owner to specify address new_address
and the contract will call setCompleted
in that address and set the value to last_completed_migration
. However, the value of last_completed_migration
in upgraded
address will not be able to set properly because of restricted
The issue arises as the old migration contract trying to call setCompleted
function on new migration contract however the old migration contract is not the deployer/owner
of the new migration contract. As a result, the last_completed_migration
value in new migration contract cannot be set properly by calling Migrations::upgrade
Proof of concept is given below for more details.
Install foundry.
Create an empty folder named
. -
Inside this folder, execute forge init.
Add the
contract to the/src
folder. -
Add the
contract inside/test
folder with the following content:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;
import {Test, console2 as console} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {Migrations} from "../src/Migrations.sol";
contract MigrationsTest is Test {
Migrations public migration;
function setUp() public {
migration = new Migrations();
function test_UpgradeNotWorking() external {
require(migration.last_completed_migration() == uint(1));
// Owner decides to migrate to new migration contract.
Migrations migration2 = new Migrations();
//Expect the last_completed_migration of migration2 to be 1 but in reality the value is 0.
console.log("Expected last_completed_migration of Migration2: 1");
console.log("Real last_completed_migration of Migration2: ", migration2.last_completed_migration());
- Launch the foundry test with command:
forge test --match-test test_UpgradeNotWorking -vv
Foundry Result:
Running 1 test for test/Migration.t.sol:MigrationsTest
[PASS] test_UpgradeNotWorking() (gas: 178266)
Expected last_completed_migration of Migration2: 1
Real last_completed_migration of Migration2: 0
Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 10.93ms
Ran 1 test suites: 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)